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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    The Fun of Clans?

    I think other guy means the set range should vary. It could vary on a number of factors, player proximity to another player (that could stack to enable large groups to be seen more easily by zeds) also player proximity to concealment ect ect.
  2. Not tested it in SA yet, maybe a bit of a mute point till the AI gets reworked....but....in the mod they had drasticaly reduced vision at night, and reduced hearing in rain :)
  3. I voted zeds, but loot respawn would be my 2nd choice. More players isnt that much of an issue but i think they will up that first to make sure they can handle it. Personally i think 75 players would be enough, 150 just sounds like it would make basebuilding impossible. Besides i like around 20 player servers, feels like an apocolypse then, player encounters are something special. With huge numbers it would feel more like arma2 zombie mode :)
  4. Ok so i thought id get a sneaky half hour or so of Dayz in while everyone is out for lunch. But i can only see experimental servers....and only a handfull of those (less than 1 page worth). Im not opted into the experimental branch either. Mighty confused....any help much apreciated :)
  5. More zombies has been confirmed since the alpha came out....check this thread out.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/ From rocket himself :)
  6. Karmaterror

    The Fun of Clans?

    We had a large group on the mod, but we played in private servers, so it was full of groups varying in size. Had a few 6v6 or around 6ish per side fights. Usually when we would see another group in there car and us in ours. It was fun to get back to camp as a team and have a laugh over the nights events. It does make you feel a lot safer, and with every team member that you have the chance that bandit can drop you all is reduced loads. I agree that in a group you just arent stealthy at all. We once got spotted by a guy at NEA. He saw one of us who didnt have a ghillie and that led to him spotting the rest of us. He took out me with first shot and a couple of my buds before they found and dropped him. Both styles have there advantages and drawbacks. And (for me) both can be fun. But i think the main reason is safety. I also think that large groups forming is quite realistic. Hate to use it but look at "The Walking Dead", that ended up as 2 groups going to war down to differences in leadership. If the situation was as it is in-game, most people would try to talk to another person before just shooting them, they would then help eachother survive. Its only when 2 groups come together and have different ways of doing things that fighting occurs. Actually thats not far off how civilisation in general goes :)
  7. Karmaterror

    Connection Speed Required for Play

    I got an hour of uninterupted play out of my virgin mobile phone with wi-fi hotspot enabled. 75-150 ping, spikes occasionally but great for the most part. If you have any type of broadband you will be fine :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Can only see experimental servers in browser

    Aha cheers, Only usually look in there when theres a patch....maybe a banner across top of site would be good when stuff like this happens :)
  9. Karmaterror

    Mod - More Tents?

    Been back on the mod a lot and i just can't find a tent, must have hit over 20 markets now, done 4 laps of the map. I just haven't hit the Stary one yet. My campsite is all set with mill offroad and camo net...... surely a few more tents wouldn't hurt :D
  10. Karmaterror

    I have a night problem

    I actually quite like the pitch nights, makes the torch a real must have. I live in UK and often go climbing hills with friends, and it gets sooooo dark at night, just like dayz. Just for that i leave night vanilla, glad it helped though :)
  11. Karmaterror

    I have a night problem

    Clouds off will make it look like a full moon mod night. But thats about the correct lighting to simulate a rural area ;)
  12. Karmaterror

    Constant PVP ruins the fun of this game

    Being sniped from distance, and not seeing it coming is frustrating i know. But its that constant threat of PvP that makes the game so tense. Its the reason so many say they have never had a game elicit such an emotional response. If PvP is not what ya after than its not too hard to try and avoid it, but with no base building and stuff there isnt much else to keep you entertained atm. Later on people will be all over the map aswell, looking for cars or parts, better guns when there is enough for a clear civ/mill divide on spawns.
  13. Gear is waaaaaay to easy to come by atm, with lack of junk items and not many items total. As the alpha progresses im sure finding things like guns and ammo will become much much harder. Or at least i hope so lol. Anyone remember finding nothing but tin cans for hours on the mod? :D
  14. Karmaterror

    rain incl thunder and lightening

    Maybe i should throw a raincoat in my bag before next weeks patch :)
  15. Karmaterror

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Im in favour of a system where we can watch the timer and interrupt it. But if we DC or alt F4 then our guy serves the remaining time sat in game. Now i know people saying that loggers could just react to someone coming to kill them. But whats wrong with that? its achieving its goal, keeping them on the server to finish the battle. And if they have to sit while counting then they are at a huge disadvantage when line of sight is achieved as they gotta stand up....unsling wep....then take aim. This system is way more harsh on loggers, but in turn way more harsh against legit players, whats wrong with us being able to react to some zombie that managed to see us as we hit logout. Id even say up it to 1min, but a watchable interuptable 1min. IMO at no point in dayz should your toon be ingame but not under your control. For the login pos, try eating/drinking something when you stop, then wait a few sec, then log. Iv been doing that and never been moved more than a couple of feet on login :)
  16. Karmaterror

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    Last night found like 3 sks, 2 m4 and a mosin. 2sks in an industial, 1 in school, one m4 in each of 2 schools, and the mosin on another school roof after the server restarted. But i hate finding these type of guns in civy areas. For me the only gun we have ingame that should spawn at civy so far is the shotty. The rest should all make us take the risk of a trip to the airfields/mill bases to get one. Now i agree with OP about the server restart rush.....this was a problem in the mod aswell with crash sites. They solved it there by making them spawn in randomly over time. But with the SA i aint worried because they plan on loot respawning, its been a confirmed feature for months.....a lil patience :)
  17. Karmaterror

    NO i dont want your help go away

    This has me in stitches, first they try to help, then without trying to communicate you attack them. Then they defend themselfs, and now what....its there fault for trying to help in the first place? I agree with what another said, just tell them you are off to meet a friend of something. Iv brushed off a few people because i just dont trust them. My best way is to ask "so where you heading?".....then just say your heading the other way, even if it means going that way a bit then doubling back :)
  18. Karmaterror

    I have never had so much fun

    You can run the entire length of the map in under 30mins......next town is usually less than 5 mins away.....there was really never any need to hop :)
  19. Relax.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/ Confirmed :)
  20. Karmaterror

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    I thought about this a bit more and maybe there are 2 types of skills, personal skills like accuracy, and skills that let you interact with the world, like the toolbox. I think things that advance as you survive should be the ones that let you interact with the world on a higher level. But personal skills like how well you can shoot or how fast you can run should all be kept the same. Those type of skills should be unlocked through gear, a better gun, a more accurate scope. Most online games that have you unlock skills don't let players of different level (or group of levels) interact together, not the way dayz does. I think that's because it would lead to the strong (the guys surviving for weeks) becoming stronger and the weak (freshspawns) not being able to fight back. Maybe value can be added through interaction, that could be the reward for survival and an incentive not to die. But let gear manage the personal abilities of the player.
  21. Karmaterror

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    It would work like in the MOD, move within that 30 seconds and it cancels the logout attempt. You then have to find somewhere else and start it again by hitting abort. But they would just alt F4! i hear people cry.... Well use this feature with the old system (wouldn't surpise me if its what they got planned) so if you did alt F4 anywhere, even while waiting for the 30 secs, then you would stay ingame. 30 seconds if its a DC (because you didn't start the timer) and if you were 15 secs into the timer your toon would serve the remaining 15 ingame then dissapear :) EDIT - for "snapping" out of the log out timer...apply sit animation to begin the timer :)
  22. Karmaterror

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    You have my beans for that one sentence....if i could i would give you more!
  23. Karmaterror

    Stahp Rocket! You're ruining teh Alpha!

    Getting off the coast to avoid bandits has been the way since the mod. When i spawn wether its mod or SA....i bolt for the treeline lol
  24. Karmaterror

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    One thing i will point out is that we do have controle over what skill(s) we go after, by where we choose to loot. So you are right that its random chance, but you have the ability to tip those chances in your favour. Yep you could store them, thats sort of a loot balancing issue. But by adding a vast ammount and making many many things require a book, then you could have it at the point where noone could carry every book for every skill. Even if they didnt take a single other piece of loot in there inventory. Now its a choice as to what vocation you will try for while saving enough space for essentials. The other thing is dispite being able to store them you would need to keep the book for say 1 week to learn the skill. What if you have already given that book to a team member and they are studying it. Now you carnt use it for a week, unless you find another. And with hundreds of books to find the chances would be slim. I guess im not apposed to skills when i really think about it. As long as they are done in a very organic way. Its just the term "skills" that brings images into my head of gamey skills trees with perks and leveling up and all that. I suppose its all in the implementation :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Well maybe not magazines, although iv got a lot of engenieering mags that teach you stuff way past car mechanics lol.....maybe get some Haynes manuals in there, one for each car....then repairing one is a real challenge :D