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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. In the MOD electro to devils castle is a 28 min none stop run. You can get there with nothing atall but you wont be in great shape when ya do. 2 soda and 2 food gets ya there with 100% health.... Used to camp there in mod for a while...done that run a few times lol :)
  2. Karmaterror

    Degrading Skills and Books

    I like that. Sort of maintain retention through performing the task you learned from the book. Have some beans :)
  3. Hoppers most certainly still exist. I lay at Balota sniper hill and watched the player list earlier. At least 5 guys within the hour, jumped in, checked every building then logged out strait after. At least I got my zeroing about right for the last couple and took em down. Its one flaw with the hive concept, and one reason I can't wait for these private shards to come in. Untill then lets just shoot them all, they all seem to log in really close to the buildings, just pick a hill a good 3-500m away and they never see you :) Some people might have a go at you for saying anything about it but its important to raise issues with new systems like this early, then there's more time to think about other options, or ways to correct it. Beans for you :)
  4. I think 99% of the problem is the bigger view distance. In the MOD you couldnt see Cherno from Balota because of the 1k view range on most servers. In SA its 3k, so instead of your mind filling in the blank scenery with an imagined long distance, you now see it for what it always was....not that far at all. A good way to show this is load up the A2 editor, set view distance to 10k, then just go for a fly in a heli.....the map feels tiny when you can see the coast from 200m above NWA ;)
  5. Karmaterror

    Degrading Skills and Books

    Thats why im suggesting these skills only effect how much you can intereract with the world. They wouldn't change your accuracy or run speed, that would all be done by your personal skill and your gear. This would be like learning better recepies, or learning to fix a car. Then you slowly forget it over time. :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Degrading Skills and Books

    Agree completely, this knowledge stuff would go strait away if you die and you start with a fresh dumb survivor :) You got a point there. Maybe some of the skills could degrade much slower than others. Or have a small set that once you learn you never forget. We could have a "Rockets survival basics" book that once studied gives you a really simple set of knowledge you carnt loose. But more complex things like studying a helicopter repair manual would degrade quicker because its much more complex :) Some great ideas there. I like restricting how much you can learn per week. Maybe just pin it at you can study one subject every day. Then play with the degridation values to make it harder to retain that knowledge. Keeping us behind the degridation and having to brush up all the time would be brilliant aswell :)
  7. Karmaterror

    This game. And the people who play it

    I think when guns and/or ammo gets rare, and it turns into a survival not a deathmatch game, a lot of the casuals will quit. The world isnt half as harsh as the MOD yet, we all got it easy surviving ATM. The mod in its current state, using headshot hits a zombie can kill you in 3 (or is it 4?) hits, and there's loooooads of em. That new military base south of zelen is gonna be hell to even loot when its crawling with zeds lol I wouldn't worry, soon as there's loads of respawning zombies, those guys wont be able to just sit in a house and aim at the door. Because if they do then shoot, the endless stream of zombies coming in through both doors will start putting an end to that playstyle :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Adding Land to Standalone

    They might be able to. But it would probs be some sort of server swap for the map change. With handling so many items being an issue now, I dont see them getting that much in one server :)
  9. Karmaterror

    How do you dress?

    Im getting bored of camo aswell, tried civy gear for a while but now im trying for an all black clothes loadout....night ninja :D
  10. Karmaterror

    Easter eggs you hope get added to DayZ

    Is the santa face still in? Id like seasonal stuff, christmas trees that we can cut and drag places, then decorate with junk loot. Or pumpkins that we can carve and put candles in on halloween :)
  11. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    I never asked you to explain anything to me. Im raising a fundimental flaw in the system. One you could probably see if you could remove the fanboy shades for a sec an just read. Give me a source saying its not going to change, that the devs are completely happy with this system and have no intention of looking into changing it. That's bullshit, hate to say it but..... ITS ALPHA! Really, cos it seems that's what your doing to me lol. Again I didn't ask for explination. I pointed out a flaw with this system that for some reason you think isn't there. Its creating immersion breaking moments ingame, and not keeping loggers in the server. Just answer 2 questions... Would a player being able to respond not be much more immersive and suspensefull than what we have now? How is it different form before when the player element is STILL gone instantly, when the point was to keep them there...make them FACE that situation? And don't say its a deterrent. We all know that. But its like saying that because the police exist there is no crime.....bullshit. People gamble. The reason I have to repeat myself is because people just say the same thing, so my response is the same. I could quote myself but id rather just type a reply. Noone has given any good reasons why the other system is bad....except for "they tried in testing...it failed....your IQ must be low" Now a statement like that only speaks to your IQ because... things fail in alpha builds all the time....that doesn't mean you give up ya know! Only one good point has been that it might encourage people to try and log out more. But with a longer timer and you having the ability to break another persons log out attempt it would still be a huge risk. But we would keep immersion, interaction and authenticity, as im pretty sure no person is going to stand there and let themselfs be beaten to death. Dean wants authentic....this system is not authentic at all. Its either they got away...or free kill. Nobody had there combat preserved. The point is all you guys wanna do is explain how this system works....I know how it works...and its flawed. There must be a reason they went for a live logout first then changed when they found out it was exploitable. If anything that suggests that they prefer the live option, but couldn't get it implemented yet due to this exploit :)
  12. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Your not getting it....I want him to shoot back. I want the combat, not an boring NPC, is that so hard to understand? Its no different to an old log in as much as the player is gone...instantly. 0% chance of interaction So because they couldn't achieve it first time they should abandon it? Why is it you think they tried to implement that first, then went for this when they found it to be exploitable. That's what the alpha is for, experimenting, improving things. Oh and in one of my earlier posts I said that I understand its had issues in closed testing. But that I think this should be a long term goal to fix the exploit, and provide the system that gives the best chance of players getting some form of interaction with eachother. NO.NEED.TO.BE.A.DICK.
  13. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Some people like the guy i met today, will gamble no matter what, its perfectly logical. A combat logger will now just make a quick assesment of wether 30 secs is enough for you to make it to him or not, then act accordingly. So everyone wont just stop trying....there doing it right now. Eventually i bet some will get good at it, i only made it to this guy with about 5-10 seconds to spare. Its honestly like everyone is just so ready to slaughter these unarmed loggers, maybe out of pent up rage, instead of making them face the situation they were trying to avoid. This system they still avoid the encounter......not good for them, you have an NPC bot to kill......not good for you. And lets not forget this is the first implementation of the combat log system....only 2 months into the alpha, im sure they are open to experimenting with it a bit more than just what we have now :)
  14. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    This is my point, the logger might have been able to beat you if only he had the chance to defend himself. Wether or not you have that firefight is what im questioning. This system leaves no chance of that happening, just you and an NPC. Everyone is so caught up in punishing them, they forgot that it was to try and ensure that fight happened as to why combat logging measures were first implemented. I for one dont want to just see that hes tried to log and thats it bye bye all those feelings that you get in a player encounter......i want to think he could still get up and try to shoot. Then its keeping tension, its keeping suspense, everything about the encounter is still intact. Anyway Iv tried, hopefully someone can see what i mean, and not just defend it because they think im a logger :)
  15. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    If he read it he wouldn't assume im crying because i carn't combat log lol, was just a generic response off the topic title You still missing point Current system>guy hits log>0%chance of interaction Best case you kill an NPC....boring as hell Cancelable system>guy hits log>100% chance for interaction Best case you handcuff the little shit and punish him for his attempt to log. Look at my sig....i hate loggers, but this system just isnt preserving the interaction at all.
  16. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Stupid people like this that dont read....just move along please, gets old fast.
  17. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Ugh condecending much....... You really question my IQ and dont believe people gamble with that 30 seconds? If so why threads saying up the time......oh thats right people still attempt a combat log all the time. I fully understand that its a deterant at the moment....but thats all it is. Say a guy shoots at you from a house.....he then tries to log, the second he hit log out any chance of any interaction dies with him hitting that button......now thats pretty much what we had before. With a cancelable logout....that can also be broken by other players, when they hit logout the chance of interaction s still there. Maybe you just enjoy killing a shell that stands there and carnt fight back, personally i find that a bit boring. I sir could question your IQ for not seeing im arguing the pricipal of the system dosent work, we still loose all interaction as soon as that button is hit.
  18. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Im saying it dosent preserve combat. Not from the point of view of the logger, but from that of the hunter. Anything that leads to slaughtering an NPC isnt doing anything to help events that should have happened. Its not for the loggers....its for the guys that dont ;)
  19. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Yes they are dying, and that's good. But there's no combat or interaction from the way they die. To me this system was to preserve whatever event should have happened, but it doesn't. As soon as they hit log out they are gone. Then there is no fun in killing that empty player-less NPC. Its not about wether they die, its about how they die. and maintaining tension during a log atempt for both sides. I want them to have to fight, not just exit and gamble. leaving the other player with an empty experiance :)
  20. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Srever logs any logout attempt and counts the timer. If DC or alt F4 server finishes the count then deletes the player. But whos gonna do that when they could sit there and watch for threats ;) EDIT - obviously not that easy, or they woulda done it. But we already know the server can count a set time then delete the player, so maybe the problem is recording a logout attempt and canceling it....im no dev so i dont know. but we need something to preserver whatever "interaction" should have happened. Wasnt that the problem with combat loggers. Im glad they get punished at the moment, but the system dosent seem to do "exactly" what it was supposed to to me :)
  21. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Yeah i know they had to do it this way for now, but i hope they try to overcome that at some point. The possabilities are endless with a cancelable one. Handcuffing someone in time could stop it....during the animation they could be vunerable to cuffs.Or damage could break it.... I want the logger to stay and pay for his attempt to flee! :)
  22. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Ahh no you misunderstand me, there should be a timer and everything. Dont want it to roll back to insta log. I mean we should serve it ingame and be able to break. Because atm it does nothing to preserve combat. All i get is an NPC puchbag as a reward for getting to the logger in time ;)
  23. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    How so? As i see it a canellable system means if i make it to the bandit he has an option to shoot back Now if he gambles and i make it its over anyway, no chance at all for combat
  24. Karmaterror

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    I dont want anything exploitable, just a fair cancelable system that will maintain combat. Unless people are enjoying mauling NPC's :) EDIT - this one punishes loggers, but dosent maintain combat or tension.