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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    Yeah i can see myself dying at some point because of this choice, and with my last breath going "why....why...you fool!" :) Nope your not the only one...surprised I haven't been shot playing inv tetris....its probs how iv spent the majority of my SA time lol
  2. Karmaterror

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Wohooo finally...all black loadout :)
  3. Karmaterror

    Firemode selector please!

    I got that from this vid... I got over 1000hrs in A2/dayz mod, and maybe 40 in SA....this still taught me some things I didn't know :)
  4. Karmaterror


    link to source?? I was hoping with all the debate about it right now they would at least consider it :((
  5. Karmaterror

    Flintlock musket

    For moddeling stuff a friend uses blender and this thing... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154289-Arma-Toolbox-for-Blender-Arma-2-3-exporter-script I aint got the patience for all that though lol :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Firemode selector please!

    Go back in-game and press T ;)
  7. Karmaterror

    Stuffed message, buff or debuff?

    Oh yeah i get the stuffed thing is a way to carry extra food and in a way "stockpile" it in your virtual stomach. But is there any negative effects (or positive) that go with the messages. Really id expect it to be a debuff, just because stuffed to me means feeling slugish, or heavy...hard to explain. Id rather just be not hungry, than stuffed if iv got to run somewhere lol Maybe theyl go full realism and if your stuffed, then sprint, you get a stitch lol :)
  8. Karmaterror

    How to fix all of the problems with UI and Messages

    Yep visual/audiable ques are the way forward. I find the text stuff more intrusive than the old UI lol
  9. Karmaterror

    USS Khe Sanh

    If they were gonna do that id say use the community Nimitz carrier. Its got loads of walkable deck and even rooms, a lower hanger, working lifts. Only problem with both is the AI has a hard time doing anything on the decks. Also i dont think either has a way to board them from sea level. But im all up for it, hope they have time to solve the issues and put one in :) EDIT - on another note there is a community Russian carrier that might suit a lot better ;)
  10. Karmaterror

    Flintlock musket

    Thats an awsome mental image....say ten survivors in 2 lines of 5, Maybe it could be recreated with mosins, just have everyone chamber one round at a time as they crouch and let the second line through :D
  11. Karmaterror

    Bring the Stats back?

    While i dont like the constant text messages popping up in the game (i find it really immersion breaking), i dont think going back to the icons is the way either. As CJ14 says its nice to have no clutter on the screen. How about visual ques, like the guy shivers when hes cold. I think the sight and sound stuff should just be done on feel though. After a while you will get the hang of the zeds observation ranges :)
  12. We need more fail death stories people!!....was some funny stuff here :)
  13. Karmaterror

    Character Keeps Resetting

    Same toon since about 2 weeks after alpha release..... Pick a server and STAY THERE! lol
  14. Karmaterror

    This logout system seriously needs to be deleted

    The server hopping stuff is fine, sure it doesn't stop them but it slows them down and maybe changes how they farm, like I think with this system it would make more sense to loot say the 2 mill spots around zelen then swap. But I stick to one server so I don't know. The combat log system is what needs improvement, in its current state it breaks immersion, and does sweet fa to preserve combat :)
  15. Karmaterror

    Theme based maps

    Honestly....i don't know lol...but thanks :) Given that its an unfinished project of his id love to see it come up as part of the SA at some point :)
  16. OK soo i was reading a thread in general about needing a way to identify bandits. That thread is a bit of a mess so i thought id post the idea here aswell. Its meant to be an immersive way to help identify potential bandits. If you shoot someone, then search the body your palms and maybe even the lowwer sleeves (or forearm if wearing a tshirt) gets some blood effects applied to it. You can wash them off at any lake or well. Or use an entire bottle/canteen of water to wash them on the go. Bandits could be caught red handed, and could lead to some innocent looters getting the blame for a murder they didn't commit. But it might make people think twice about looting a corpse in a busy area lest they be branded a murderer by the next person they see :) Well what you guys think?
  17. Karmaterror

    Flintlock musket

    Im no gun expert but wouldnt a musket be very short range? Isnt the whole "dont shoot till you see the whites of there eyes" a musket related thing? Like if they couldnt see the white the target was too far away. Also with no rifling or properly shaped projectile, wouldnt it be inaccurate as hell? Would be cool as a novelty gun, but not that practical (if im right about the range) :) PS sorry thats more questions that an actual reply lol
  18. Karmaterror

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    Ok so you deny that handling a dead body (via a bullet wound) would result in blood transfer to your hands? How can i explain this, the whole point is that it was authentic. And that it dosent effect only bandits, thats what you seemed to disagree with....the identifying bandits part. But think, it could also have drawbacks for friendlys. Like you said a friendly defends himself then looots the bandit. He then has to explain to the next guy he meets where the blood came from, or that guy could shoot. Its not like im saying lets give mandits a bright red arrow above them....just a realistic thing that could happen from handlng bodies. Also it wouldnt be like you could see it from miles away. And anyway.....you could wash it off....i still aint seen you post why its flawed beyond... "theres no immersion in blood soaked hands after you go through a body"....that you dont elaborate on...you just say that. and innocents being mistaken for bandits....which i said in OP is part of the fun....is it a bandit....or is his sob story true :) EDIT yeah basically the post above this...its not one sided towards bandits...its just immersive and could lead to interesting interaction :)
  19. Karmaterror

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    Hmmm so blood on hands from searching a guy whos been shot is flawed.....sorry carnt see it, give me more ways its flawed. In your last post you imply a headshot wouldnt create much blood. Exit wounds are massive, a 9mm round coming out the back of your skull has the explosive force to blow up to a 3 inch hole in the back of your head. Seems like your a bandit who dosent want his backstabbing ways to have a downside to me :P
  20. Karmaterror

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    This is as much an immersion idea as it is to mark bandits, gunshots cause blood, you would have to turn the corpse and move it around to get access to most of the pockets so you couldn't really avoid it :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Abounded airplane at the airfield.

    Id love it if the airfield was like a plane graveyard. I mean it would take some of the risk out of that big open space. But it would look awsome, and could be some interesting cqc fights inbetween the plane wrecks :)
  22. Karmaterror

    Render distance system

    Right go to documents>dayz>Player profile (thatl be your name). Then scroll down and find the view distance one....il update this in a sec with the exact line name :) OK its viewDistance=3000; about ten or so lines up from the bottom. Oh and i for got to mention, when you first double click, pick "select a program" and choose note pad :)
  23. Karmaterror

    What kind of zombie system are we talking about here?

    Well the devs say they are going after the 28 days later type. So its infected human beings, not people coming back to life after they die or anything. I don't know if I want to see...."mutated" stuff wandering round. I like that its just infected people, keeps it sort of believable :)
  24. Karmaterror

    Severe weather causing visibility issues

    All for this, only id have it in both first and third, whats the point of it if you can just bypass it with a different view. Itd be like the gamma thing again....omg your cheating because you swap to 1st when it rains...blah blah lol :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Theme based maps

    On this topic, if you check out the arma 2 maps at armaholic there is an alpine map....author....rocket. I dont know if its the same rocket but if it is that thing should be the next dayz map without a shadow of a doubt. There arent any buildings on it yet but you can see all the flat areas set aside for cities :) Just check out this bad boy... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13241