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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Zombie Behavior During Rainstorms

    This is great, what film do they distract them with fireworks...land of the dead? They should have reduced visability and hearing in rain, just like the mod. But maybe add animations so they look up at the sky when lightning strikes and stuff. Maybe some walk towards the light, while some get aggressive and maybe pick a fight with another zed like in l4d :)
  2. Karmaterror

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    Although that sounds fair it could be used to ghost a lot ;)
  3. Karmaterror

    This zombie game needs more....

    In the mod each building spawned a few, you could get an EPIC train behind you sometimes. Iv had easily 20 zeds following me on there, and turning to shoot isn't really an option because the damage values are so high now. I really hope it goes similar to that in the end :)
  4. Karmaterror

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    Then hoppers join, start the clock, and leave before 5 is up. Rinse and repeat :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    Well....yes lol. But it raised the question in my head, and as I said I managed to get everything I need into that combo, 80 mosin rounds,medkit, compass, 1 rice 2 soda, sewing kit, and some stuff I carnt remember lol. Everything I need with some spares. So while its nice to have it....is it needed? Im hoping later in the game a choice like this could have a big impact on stamina and stuff. So while I haven't got as much protection, or extra gear, I will have...."nimbleness"... on my side :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    At least 2 times?....so just enough for a ghost move....were onto you! :P
  7. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    In a way your right, it was a vein choice. But what you think about the notion of pushing myself into towns more often for loot? That was one of the other things that made me choose to ditch it. I was seeing a town, checking inv and not really see any reward for the risk. Now I can carry 1 bag of rice and 2 cans of soda at time....this could get interesting :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Zombies still exactly the same?

    If you want zombies in MOD numbers wait longer ;)
  9. Ok so iv been keeping my guy healthy, hydrated and energised. Iv been avoiding getting the stuffed message as i was under the impression it was a bad thing. But I read in a totally unrelated thread something like..."I drink at the well till I get the stuffed buff" So is it a buff...or debuff?
  10. Karmaterror

    This zombie game needs more....

    You are right more zombies will help, but rest assured they know and are working on it. Check this out... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/
  11. Karmaterror

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    Im for it, a console version would be good for the game. More sales = more success, and that pumps the chance for a sequal. Not strait away of course, say 5 or so years down the line. Now im not a console person anymore, I just have my tower plugged into my tv, because it does everything I need it to, music, films, tv, net, and games. But I don't think the consoles would have much issues. Ok that processor sounds weak, but isnt the architecture much different in console cpu's? I always thought that was how they were able to run the same games as high end rigs with seemingly much lower stats. As far as controls go, pads have an almost infinite combination of buttons. There's the standard few.....what they do if held not tapped....holding another button (like a shoulder one) can then change the function of every other button ect ect. I think its doable, and something they should really consider, but as something after the pc release. Not at a time that would hurt development of that. But to be fair they would need a locked stable version.....no way console gamers are going to be happy with an alpha lol
  12. Karmaterror

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Im ready for my close up....
  13. Karmaterror

    Paint balistic helmet?

    Thanks, guess il have to wait for some black protective headgear ;)
  14. Karmaterror

    Post Your Gear So Far

    True, although im quite a sneaky mofo on this game. Always spend at least 5 mins scoping a town and its entrances, exits, treelines before I go in. If im really unsure il lay there much longer. Suppose iv got space for a pistol...with some tetris. Wouldn't mind the ACU pack from the mod added in black, now id wear that :)
  15. Karmaterror


    Both, the range is the same wether you type or speak....and yeah, 50 was probs a very high guess lol...Lee's values seem more correct, use those when your deciding when to speak ;)
  16. Karmaterror


    Its limited, about 50m I think ;)
  17. Karmaterror

    Not a soul at NWAF on 3 servers...

    haha, gg. Lets re phrase it....since the military spawns at stary have gone...
  18. Karmaterror

    Not a soul at NWAF on 3 servers...

    Id second that, stary was a great middle of the map "halfway house" sort of thing. It split the journey up a bit :)
  19. Karmaterror

    Not a soul at NWAF on 3 servers...

    How long are you waiting in each server? Be prepared for a 30min-1hour wait at nwa for someone to show up ;) PS use the sniper hill on the south edge, great concealment and visability.....you can watch the firestation and atc tower roofs for people hopping in to camp ;)
  20. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    I think its better than camo at distance....not in open fields, but under the canopy its great. The floor textures are like a dark brown, so black acctually blends better than green. That ttsko whatever stuff is so easy to spot because its so light against the floor. Plus I mainly play at night, daytime feels exposed lol, so the black should work out good :) PS although tonight when the server should have been dark it was light :(
  21. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    Yeah im waiting on a black mountain pack or some sort of black acu pack.....even if its small, as long as its black lol :)
  22. Karmaterror

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    I can see why some would prefer the pad. I use mine more for games like skyrim or driving sims. One thing I will give arma is that they do well on heli controls considering m+k is a bit crap for vehicles. Having pitch and roll on the mouse is really nice for hugging the terrain. Cars are always a pain in the ass on keyboard though lol But I wouldnt blame the accel, that has virtually no effect once your used to it, easy enough to 360 in under a second in SA. And thats where pads get my blood boiling on shooters. When I hit that max turn speed I get so frustrated lol
  23. Karmaterror

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    LMFAO....how is that fair. 1st users ASKED for no 3rd. 3rd users arent asking for no 1st. Upset that the hardcore servers are a lil unpopulated? Then come play in first on a 3rd....oh wait....no cotton wool wrap stopping peeking there :P
  24. Karmaterror

    DayZ Needs A Theme Song I Can Run To

    I know its not a zombie type song but ths verse just sums up dayz for me lol.... Once in a while Things can get drastic Classic, cases of fools made from plastic Livin in the city Oppression is king Survival of the fittest Is a real thing One second you're breathing The next second you're not One minute you're standing The next minute you're dropped 357's or AK-47's All tools that create 187's A learning departure To hell in a heaven No matter if you're rich Or live like a peasant The nicest guy Or The finest girl Or the toughest gangster With an O.G. curl I live in peace But folks still be testing me Your best friend today Tomorrow, your worst enemy You never know who's planning to jack That's why I'm trying to warn you people Watch your back
  25. Karmaterror

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    I like that....but dang...I left my protector case in the pack forgot about the space it could of saved me :(....least i kept the first aid kit though :)