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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Loot grinding

    Your missing the beauty of the Dayz "grind" as you put it. Personally I don't think it counts as a grind for this same reason. With the Dayz grind you have every chance of finding one of the top level items at any time. Even just 10-20 mins after you spawn. Ok so you are having problems finding this scope....that's the way it goes. This life or the next that scope could be in the very next building. A grind in the typical sense would be quantifiable. So you would know that 20 runs of that mission (or 20 visits to that barracks, to put it in dayz tems) would guarantee that item. Dayz gives no such guarantee, but gives you the chance every single time ;)
  2. Karmaterror

    200 hours: done everything. can't play solo anymore.

    So has no one claimed your gear yet? I aint seen an acog scope yet....thought everyone would jump all over it lol Always the zombie death option now that they respawn aswell ;)
  3. Well iv moved my guy to Svet....so if ya get bored waiting for ya friend im willing and able :)
  4. Ouch other side of map pretty much. Il run that way now and post when im close......any other guys on forums closer to try an help him?
  5. If ya send me a PM I can attempt to do this push out option.....im near zelengorsk atm, is that anywhere near ya....ps HC or REG?
  6. Karmaterror


    Solves some problems, and id be for it but doesnt fit with the lore. We are meant to be immune to this virus or whatever it is. That's why all the player turning threads get shot down :) PS suggestions sub forum ;)
  7. That's the one that got me out of a rock! Knew someone would remember it....good man :)
  8. Tried the usuall? Vaulting Sprinting Server Change Prone Crawlling Theres a few more I cant remember right now....if all else fails you could ask a buddy to shoot you and save the important stuff :)
  9. Karmaterror

    200 hours: done everything. can't play solo anymore.

    Don't give it for free....make em work for it....best story....best joke....anything lol ;) Might do another joke comp myself and give my stuff away....gearing up after the last one was most fun I had since it came out lol
  10. Karmaterror

    features what are needed in standalone

    Ha ha yeah....had a confusing moment on the mod with this once. A friend and I attempted to lock down the school in electro. Someone came in downstairs and we both landed a round on eachother....his being an enfield I went unconscious strait away. I became aware that I was being dragged and assumed it was my friend pulling me into the room for meds. I woke up and typed something like "tnx man, can you give me blood while I cover the door"......BANG.....you are dead. Turns out my friend was still on the roof, the guy I hit hadn't gone down but dragged my body into the top room. I don't know why he did it, maybe thought I was dead :) Id like to be able to drag a survivor who has broken legs...the drag being a little faster than a prone crawl to make it preferable. While dragging either party can use a pistol, but neither a primary :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Character wipes still happening?

    Of all the scenarios I could have ever thought of to loose your guy in SA.....a new rock formation being dumped on his head never crossed my mind.....Its beyond unlucky lol Can you not get a friend to shoot ya by making something show through like backpack or a foot?
  12. Karmaterror

    features what are needed in standalone

    Yep but only unconscious guys.....not dead ones ;)
  13. Ruining the experience.....elaborate please?? If your still talking about stuff that is OBVIOUSLY going to be fixed AKA collision and spawning, then that's just short sighted to me. Its like saying you shouldn't have potatoes with your steak this time, because last time they were raw. A well cooked potato could add to the meal loads......but judgment has been made based on a raw undercooked one. The zombies add so much to the experience, a kill for example. Its not just like a common shooter game. You have to consider how many zeds will be pulled by the shots.....how you are going to handle the looting of the body.....how you are going to deal with zeds while you do.....will the zeds alert other players.....ect ect. Theres about 70% of map that's just trees and grass, that's where you go for some interaction with the survivor you just met.....maybe even talk about how you managed to both not shoot eachother....loose your zombie train and manage to even have this conversation, away from zombies in a safer place. What would looting be in dayz without zombies? would just be a scavenger hunt with no challenge to overcome to get to the tasty loot. They are the guardians and were needed in the first place to make it entertaining. Dean said very early he only wanted to make a survival mod.....but added zeds to make it more mainstream. There addition catapulted it to success, because there was always a threat. It wasn't just a gear grab PvP experience. Seriously Dayz without zombies.....what ya smokin lol :)
  14. That exists....its called arma 3 with a survival mod ;) Hell all the dayz items from the mod are in game already there. Alls they need is some scripts for functionality lol
  15. Karmaterror


    Play less....it isn't finished....you paid for this....to watch it grow....not for a rich and exciting gameing experience.....that comes later ;)
  16. Karmaterror

    Ethnic Discriminations

    People are the same wherever you go. There will be racists, pacifists, nice guys and ass holes amoungst every race on the planet. Its nothing to do with nationality, its just to do with that particular person :)
  17. Karmaterror

    features what are needed in standalone

    There might be music in the end, sure there will be. But that's one of the first things I did on dayz...music volume...0 lol. Much better to hear your surroundings IMO. Flies in firestation tower? Do ya mean the sound around dead bodies? If so I think that should come back. Maybe not that realistic but a good indicator of a corpse, and sets the scene well. Dark dusty skybox? bit confused on that aswell. I always thought it was just the arma 2 skybox, didn't think anything was changed in that regard for the mod. Tents is a must have....im sure we will get them eventually. Wouldn't be Dayz without making a nice little camp in the woods somewhere. The loot dispersal id expect to be a later stage thing. Deciding what spawns where and setting tables and stuff up. Also theres this global economy thing they are talking about. Vehicles are planned, always have been. Its just a waiting game until they arrive. When they do all those moments of hearing cars and helis approach will return :)
  18. Karmaterror

    Portable gas stove

    So that's 13 markets now and you haven't found that one thing you want.....this is beginning to sound more and more like dayz all the time :) Keep searching, you will hit it eventually, its times like this that make the actual find all that more sweet ;)
  19. Karmaterror

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    I agree with this^^ So many more variables to factor in when playing vs 3rd person users. Makes it a lot harder IMO :)
  20. Karmaterror

    Feedback: Great game, will come back when...

    How about if we had a parkour type tuck and roll bound to a key. For larger falls if you hit it in time you land well. Hit it to late or not at all and your legs will be broken. Still wouldn't say it should work from 2 stories up, but say 5-10m fall will break legs without a tuck and roll, +10m would be dead (or very very mangled) survivor :) EDIT - Maybe those values a bit big, but ya get the idea lol
  21. Karmaterror

    What is wrong with Dayz?

    That zombies spawning thing is because your doing something to drew them....like remaining in line of sight or firing rounds within earshot. Iv killed loads the other night with my axe at Zelen and didn't see one respawn in front of me. Stealth wil be a very important aspect to dayz, especially when moving through towns to loot. They cant just build a new engine, that would take so much time. This engine is brilliant, and a lot of the problems I think come from the changes they have made to it. Balancing and optimisation are things that happen towards the end of development. We paid to watch the game grow....for better or worse...not for a ritch gaming experience. We are all getting exactly what we wanted here :)
  22. To be honest id find it more immersion breaking to have the map nearly cleared of zombies....then have the whole place magically populated again during a restart, than a nice polished spawn mechanic to keep a constant threat. If we could clear areas were just turning that place into a cod map till the restart. Now im not saying this mechanic is right, it needs work. But I always expected SA to be a much more polished "from the ground up" version of the mod. Not something that would do things completely differently :)
  23. Karmaterror

    Why no killer tag

    Your basically using the "its a game" argument. It will always be a game, and therefore many aspects will be "fake". That doesn't mean the devs shouldn't try to narrow the gap wherever they can, after all they are striving for authenticity. Kill messages would be a deliberate step in the wrong direction. A kill on dayz isn't something that's happening every few seconds, generally they involve a lot more time and patience than most shooting games. The whole time there is a hunter prey tension, not knowing weather your target is dead is the very peak of that tension/adrenaline rush, really plays on the paranoia of the player. Its akin to a director in a film playing with your emotions, he wont reveal key information to maintain suspense :)
  24. Honestly didn't people expect them to respawn in a similar fashion to the mod? The mod was great, I expect SA to have everything it had and more. This is them testing the water for zed spawns, we all knew there would be times when it would be a mess. The collision thing is a bit of a none issue, everyone knows about it, its just a waiting game for the fix. Try to see it as a glass half full situation, at least now they respawn, its the first step. Now its time to build on that mechanic, maybe try and make them spawn out of LoS, edit the timers for balance, its all part of the process. But in itself respawning zombies (even in this simple form) is great for moving forward the development from my point of view :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Pissed off Farmers Union :)