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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. You do realise its 10x easier to see through any wall in 1pp ;)
  2. Your base can be destroyed by anyone regardless if they have a heli. And that's sorta what I mean, there is the option to build a camp that they just cant see. If you want you can risk it building tents for greater storage but knowing helis can see them better. If speed vs stealth is applicable to infantry units then it must also be applicable to vehicles. But its beyond just stealth in movement its stealth in concealment. You would have more success stashing a bike than a heli. The fuel aspect balances it aswell. Its many factors beyond just that one thing. What about the fact you are directing people to your camp by flying there? Have you never followed a heli then zeroed in on there base by listening to it come and go.....that 2000m odd audio range really hurts them there. Not to mention the huge dust cloud they kick up that then drifts through the forest. Cars/trucks... Yes they are loud and not particularly stealthy, but compared to a chopper, a small hatchback is Sam Fisher lol. On that note is the ural overpowered because you can carve your way through the forest mowing down trees letting nothing stop you while lugging over 200 items and 50 weapons? That also adds to it...heli cant carry that much compared to 4 wheeled vehicles.....another layer of balancing. The guys at BI balanced these vehicles for the Arma. They all have there drawbacks and advantages and those don't disappear just because we are playing dayz. We still want realistic vehicles and these were, by design, realistic. Helis can reverse strafe ect..... That doesn't make them overpowered....that makes them helicopters :P Yes they provide better access...but what for? Why do you want to land on a petrol station roof? to snipe someone? the big huey parked next to you may give away your position a bit.....stealth again ;) I don't think they should be adding excess fog in or spending ages on the renderer just for helis. There are much simpler options, like just making the texture with that issue in mind. The stashes show they have thought about it for long time, im sure they will have a solution in mind for spotting camps. Or maybe they wont, maybe that's all part and parcel of having a heli, and we will just have to "camp smart". Even in the mod it was not at all hard to hide a camp from a heli. I hope they make it in :)
  3. If you want to see in game features and stuff all in, wait till beta at least. There is a lot of "under the hood" work going on atm. To name a couple of things... Guaranteed Network Messaging 64 bit servers Pulling renderer to upgrade to DX10 or DX11 At this stage it seems they really are trying to make a very good base to build on. Still adding things as they go, which is good. When all that's done I expect we will see more gameplay features go in, atm its all core work :)
  4. Easy to spot camps > Stashes Whats the problem with the seeing if we have small stashes that cant be seen from the air? Speed > Balanced by a complete loss of stealth + time investment for maintenance They go fast, they also loud as hell and involve spending hours keeping them fuelled. In comparison a pushbike is slow, quiet , and has no running maintenance. Seems pretty balanced to me, whats the problem here again? If they have to change X for the good of the zombies its no different form changing Y for the good of heli if they intended both to be in the game from the start. Zombies are broken.....Lets fix them Helis are broken.......Because they need fixing means they are bad for the game Doesn't add up at all im afraid :)
  5. No... Im saying campsite item textures(one set of ingame items) be designed to play well with what is an integral part of the dayz experience. That's far from saying design the whole game around them. Games have to be designed around the features they will include, of course some development will have to be done with helis in mind. By your logic zombies are bad for the gameplay because elements will have to be designed around them..... so is loot....hell everything is bad for the gameplay by that rationale lol
  6. How about instead of redesigning all that they simply design the ground items to be harder to spot in the first place. Stashes completely nullify the easy to spot argument. There is an option avalible that's extremely hard to spot from the air, but that sacrifices storage capacity. Simply put there was a way to camp that made it almost impossible for a heli to see your stuff. Just as the heli trades stealth for speed, a stash trades capacity for stealth.....it was balanced well. One could say endgame wasn't just going after the helicopters, but anti heli camping. Tents in buildings....stashes.....cars in buildings. Removing the helis, removes all of this gameplay and strategy.
  7. Karmaterror

    DayZ Mod is getting an update soon..

    This update looks outa this world, theres stuff on that that brings the mods base features like hunger/thirst system right up to the SA level of intricacy.....I CANT WAIT :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Leaving traps for people :)

    Well the mod has grenade trip wires, so im pretty sure you will get your wish of tripable explosive :) They went even further there though, trippable flares and smoke, got some guy goodo at Cherno market with a flare one....he tripped it then when it went off he bolted like nothing iv ever seen before lol, I just watched through bins up on the hillside. But we still need bear traps, they are your way of slapping whoever loots your camp in the face, surround a tent in them leaving one face clear. If they approach any other side....broken legs :) Imagine returning to camp and finding some guy crawling away back towards town....."howd u break ur legs buddy??" lol
  9. Karmaterror

    can i log in one toon and then another

    I don't think you can run 2 instances of the game, never really tried though. But the idea is you have one toon for HC and one for reg, trying to circumvent that may not be well received by people because it is very open to exploitation. Maybe try it and post results, then devs can move to do something about it if it is :)
  10. Havent tried this yet, I usually ADS out of habit. Might give it a try sometime and see :) I too hope its taken out completely, its not hard to guess where centre screen is, and for the nabs theres always a triangle of post it note (not my idea saw it on the forums lol) :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Questions about a new server

    That's cool, thanks for the help. Will keep pestering them to get if fixed, then I can get to recruiting some more players :)
  12. Karmaterror

    You are Dead at the N W A F Fire station tower

    They could be sniping from 1000m+ on that tower, the west end of the airstrip has a hill, and im sure from that treeline you can get LOS. That's gotta be a good 800m maybe more so would the gunshot sound even reach the player atall? I have to say im sure a lot of these "I am dead" glitches are just peeps being shot from distance. Theres a guy in my squad who I know has just lay ant nwa for like 4-6 hour stints just sniping from a nest. He may have caused a few of these reports lol Never go into the tower, the 2 barracks are your best bet. South one has no real distant LOS nests, but the middle barracks has direct LOS from the small hill other side of the airstrip. You can just sit outside the wall and snipe in with a clear view of tower, hangers, mid barracks....pretty much everything on the other side. Always check that mound (and probs the hill at west end before going in aswell ;)
  13. Karmaterror

    Questions about a new server

    Thanks guys, think we gonna leave extra cloths. We want it to be accessable to everyone not just our mates with the right files, the cloths would have been a nice none game changing little addition to vanilla z but meh. Any ideas on why our vehicles wouldn't spawn? or is that all down to the GSP to sort out?
  14. Karmaterror

    Questions about a new server

    Doh, though so, but had to ask :) Its through a GSP GTX Gaming
  15. Do you mean the steam discussion board mods? I don't think they are linked with this site....may very well be wrong though lol Im sure if you give it a go here a mod will bump it to where they feel appropriate ;)
  16. Karmaterror

    Dayz in five words or less

    From a tiny seed growth a mighty tree (that's only one word over if you dont count the a's lol) Couldn't agree more at this time in development, hopefully it will find its feet in that regard as it grows feature wise. I can already see the tears on the forums from the guys who think 2 zeds per town is dayz :) So......In 5 exactly.... Will get a lot better
  17. Karmaterror

    After playing Take On Helicopters for 2 hours, I say YES to helos.

    Where does the Huey fit in that? Technically its just 2 lmgs on metal posts, those type were the only armed helis in vanilla dayz.....only mods like epoch gave full on attack helis :)
  18. Karmaterror

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    2 simple questions..... If you don't like 3rd why are you playing on 3rd enabled servers? If you prefer first why are you not going to your designated area and enjoying it.....instead of coming on all the time saying its a crutch and needs fixing? Thers an easy fix....join a hardcore server if you are that scared of people wall peeking your ass, the rest of us man up and fight back! grrrrr :)
  19. Ahh I see now, tnx My point was that for all that "map control" they are so fragile and exposed. Its not all a one way street of "heli guy has all the advantage and no disadvantage" you sacrifice a lot to have that speed, especialy the security of your campsit ;) There is always a tradeoff, theres enough drawbacks to a heli to offset the advantages. So much so my group has gifted our fair share of them to new players. It becomes too much hastle keeping it fuelled, repairing it constantly when you get fired upon....hitting power lines and loosing your only ghillie suit LOL :D I could argue a pushbike is overpowered because it allows near silent movement at reasonable speed on most terrain....and never needs fuel. So while I don't get "god view" I get unlimited time in the woods to hunt. But to offset that its got no carry capacity, leaves you exposed, lacking speed on concrete. The heli has similar drawbacks.....that speed for "map control" is offset by noise, hard to hide, exposed, hellish maintenance and the risk of leading people strait to your camp (much more so that with any other vehicle from the dayz verse) :)
  20. Karmaterror

    What to expect in the next update

    Finally....thongs in DayZ!! :D This is a good list for the update, I hope we get it all :)
  21. I thought they solved that by making the CS spawn in over time while the server was up?
  22. The truth is they weren't overpowered. They were just right. Don't forget the disadvantages faced by the guys in the heis... 1 0 cover when in door gunner seat 2 firing from a platform that moves, that's a lot harder than firing from a stationary position and compensating for the targets movement. 3 noise....these things broadcast your location to anyone within about 2000m 4 you best be carful and plan flightpaths back to campsites otherwise people will just take a bearing as you fly over and find your camp 5.In the mod it took a looooong time to fuel one up....painfully so if doing it alone. The fact they made camps easy to find was only a good thing. It was natural map clean up, and made people look harder for a safe campsite. (and that's coming from someone who knows the bitter taste of loosing big campsites to the group with the heli) Honestly the only peeps I can see who think they are OP have never engaged one from the ground. Hell iv had one spot me......set itelf into auto hover then waist both door guns ammo trying to shoot me as I hid behind a tree.....the whole while cussing because im a fresh spawn with no gun and hes giving me a golden opportunity......auto hover. Lost count of the nab pilots that blast in there and hit auto....easy pickings. Plus the heli rush was awesome on the mod, wed have groups spreading word the heli went down and then loads showing up next restart to hunt it. Even groups converging on it....fighting over it and in the end no-one gets it till the next day, just an epic battle over it Some people want goals and missions in dayz, the heli not only creates a universal goal, but creates a plethora of user inspired scenarios :) One thing I will say tho is that if you find the right spot to stash it you can keep it for a long time.....and ofc if you are sensible about when and what you use it for :)
  23. Karmaterror

    'Vault' under

    Id like to see a slide....kinda like a football (soccer to you guys that call rugby football :P) tackle. We could use it to slide under the low fences or dart across a street under fire and slide the last couple of feet into cover......just like cover shooters but without the "snap to cover" bit at the end. Bit more on topic maybe just an increased degree of crouch that is achieved by holding a button......akin to holding shift to walk or alt to free look. Maybe toggle crouch with default key....but a hold of the defaut key from crouch stance makes us "duck" a bit more. Just a tap would have normal function and make you stand....maybe :)
  24. Karmaterror

    Squeezing soaked clothes into bottles

    Simple... Fitting.... Original.... BEANS! :D
  25. Karmaterror

    Bird/Animal Cages

    OK so the idea is we have a cage(akin to what you would buy for a cat) spawn in the loot tables. It would be too big to put in a pack therefor be a carry in hands only thing. Maybe make it collapsible so itr can go in a bag if its not got an animal in it. What can we do with this cage? Well if you have it constructed, you can chase down a chicken and actually trap it inside the cage :) The why.... Assuming zeds will chase animals I thought it would be cool if we could let our caged chicken or rat or whatever out an the fringe of a town. Then let it run round distracting the zombies (and in turn the snipers) while we loot. It also opens up the option to keep a caged chicken at camp as renewable food. As ong as you add some appropriate food and water to the cage, it could lay a few eggs per day, but have the drawback that the clucking may attract passers by to your camp. Anyways, what you guys think? :)