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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. All I can say is at least we try to give you coherent arguments, not just the same "this is bad gameplay" or " this view is easymode".,..the whole time ignoring our posts, not responding to valid arguments or direct questions......sort of like sticking your fingers in your ears an going lalalala. That's all you ever do....no decent argument "playing against 3rd users is easier because...." or "it bothers me on my hardcore server because...." No you just spout your propoganda then try to belittle others with some wise crack. Which btw, only shows the lack of a decent argument....and others that can think freely will see that bright as day. I mean its so transparent, you got killed by a peeker....no gg m8, or man I need to think about that next time and be more carefull. What we get instead..... Wahhhhhhh mummy they cheated waahhhhhhhh Then the devs come along with that look only a parent knows....puts there arms around you and says... "its ok....there there...wel make a special place for you ok....a nice place where they cant do that...and you can be all safe and cosy and never have to worry about it again...ok?" *wiping away tears* "ok.....yeah.....thanks" *sniff sniff*" few weeks later.... "our servers are empty.....they all in the cheating bs servers....ITS NOT FAIR! *stomps feet* I bet the devs have that look again right now.......you know the one....the one that says...."why did we have kids again??"
  2. That vid shows exactly why you are much more likely to get shot on a 3pp on server.....thanks for posting it. It also illustrates how much more of a challenge it is to play vs someone using the 3pp perspective. Just to be clear, 1st is by far the more immersive and realistic view. Also its harder on the each individual player. But as a whole it reduces the threat level on the server 10 fold, due to every hostile having the same restriction in view. Thus the environment looses hostility, becoming an easier place to survive. Anyway, all I can do is hope one day someone finds the words to explain to these 1st elitists that they are actually taking the "path of least resistance" by removing an ability from the servers playerbase.
  3. 1. You never even responded to the 1st question....because we all know the answer.....it does not bother you....so why are you here moaning about it? 2. You AGAIN only considering what YOU can do. You really saying a server full of people that can do what you just described is easier to fight that a server full of players who cannot....please.... The simple fact is you run to the place where you are nice and cosy from what you just described then have the audacity to come on here and try to say you are on a harder mode of play. Any free thinking human who understands logic can see that the threat level is through the roof on a 3pp:on server compared to a 1pp server.
  4. Lets see if we can get a real answer... This bothers you on your bubble wrap, ego boost, no peek, hardcore server how?? Or maybe an answer to my last question you skirted.... Playing against 3pp users is harder because they can see round walls....argue against... PS you SHOULD be able to do that if you CHOOSE to play on a 3pp:on server.....they go hand in hand.
  5. Your enemy can do the exact same thing to you though.....it always seems to come down to what YOU can do.....not what the OTHER 99 players on the server can do. And btw if everyone has it the playing field is level. They can also do that....sit behind an object and wait for you to reveal yourself. My point is that having an enemy that can do that is much more of a challenge to overcome. Lets take what you said with the zombies, hell yes they would be harder if they used 3pp and that renforces what im saying.....its harder to do battle with someone using 3pp that someone without. I wont argue its harder for YOU personally in 1st.....but its also harder for the other players. Its not like you are going up against 3pp in 1pp.....that would be a challenge increase.....but not when the rest of the server gets restricted aswell. Again going on about how its more difficult (only thinking about effect on YOU) not the other player entities on the server. You basically restrict the view of every other player reducing the chances dramaticly of being spotted by another. Try tailing someone on hardcore....they hardly ever see you. Now try on 3pp on....bet you don't get half as close. Im against the 4th wall mod as its basically breaking the way 3pp was intended to be used. Its by design that you see over things/ around them. Its up to you to adapt to the new situations that arise from these new abilities. People love to call it broken to re-enfoce there argument when its untrue....that's how a 3pp camera should act. Basically people just need to stop and think for a sec....is it actually harder to play a 1pp server or a 3pp....I say 3pp due to the inherent abilities of your enemies. Sure you get those abilities aswell but that dosent change the fact you could be being watched anytime by an unseen enemy. That one thing alone makes playing a 3pp server more difficult :)
  6. Well...you had the time to point out how others use there time.....see where im going with this lol :)
  7. This is NOT exclusively a shooting game.....many of us play with the mind set to avoid combat at all costs. Once again saying its easier.....give me a good argument that counters this.... Playing against users of 3pp is harder because they can see over walls.
  8. Now that makes 0 sense......how can they possibly have a problem with a view that is DISABLED on the harcore servers....IE impossible to exploit? This is the thing I can never get my head around.....why does it matter if it dosent effect you? Its like a neighbour telling you what colour to paint your bedroom.....what does it matter to them....they never going to be there! If I was that bothered and just had to only play 1st because I feel so much is an exploit, and that im incapable of adapting to others using it.....id be on the forums thanking the devs for giving me a place where I don't have to worry about it. And all you "lamecore" "3pp scrubs" "easymode"....you all need a reality check.... If 3pp is like wallhacking.... if 3pp is an EXPLOIT.... if 3pp is cheating.... Then logic dictates its harder to play against those players....its not hard to grasp....a player that can see over a wall is much more of a threat than one who cannot. Basically you are dubbing something a cheat.....when its your own failure to adapt to a situation with more possabilities....MAN UP!
  9. Karmaterror

    Ambient Events Sooner

    Honestly I don't think you will ever see AI (well apart from the zombies) in chernarus. R said very early on that anything that happens in the world should be the result of player interaction. If you find a dead body...its a player that got killed, find a blown up car....a player did it, ect ect. They did mention dynamic heli crashes, guess that's a sort of AI, but I don't think helis in formation will ever happen. Its just a matter of playing the waiting game now. We know the engine handles cars....we know they are working on the as we speak. If you just look at the complexity upgrade in the food/drink system, I think it gives a taste of how much more in depth mechanics for vehicles will be. With them adding so much more (that initially they may not have planned on) its understandable that they aren't in yet. One thing to remember is the effort it will involve just to get a car running. Many times on the mod I would fix one, take it to camp, blow the wheels and use it as storage. Or just leave it there to take out when the server was quiet, taking a car out on a high pop was a death sentence, so saving it to use at the right time was essential. Guess what I mean is even when there are 75 assorted vehicles on the server, you wont be seeing one every 2 mins. Some will use as storage, others will horde them :)
  10. Karmaterror

    Bases, persistence and mechanics

    I like that we will be able to board up houses ect, but I don't see it being an option for a long lasting base. Concealment is key when making a camp and exisiting structures have none whatsoever. Not to mention that nothing we build couldn't be knocked down in mins....even seconds by a fully grown man with a fireaxe or sledgehammer. I hope we get both options as I really want to use the barricades to "fortify" a building then try and hold it. They could keep zombies out for a bit and stop players flanking through another entrance without making enough noise to alert you. But I only see them as temporary.....no....very temporary things that are used more "on the fly". I wouldn't trust my gear in any house that's been boarded up....but I would trust it in a tent buried in a pine tree out in the wilderness or a stash dug into the ground. Isnt that only logical aswell....who wants to set up shop in a zombie infested town....wouldnt we all be fleeing populated areas in search of sanctuary.....not barrelling in there with some 2x4 and nails trying to rebuild :)
  11. Karmaterror

    The Future of Hardcore vs. Regular?

    Iv essentialy said the same thing, make 3pp a server setting, then make hardcore mode based on gameplay enhancements/changes that either party can enjoy. The only problem is it further splits players, is it a choice is good, or a further splintering the community situation? its a tough situation, but I think the 4 options would probably be the best route. Everyone is catered for and can choose where they play. Id probs find a nice 3pp:on hardcore gamemode server to build a base and settle in :) I will feel a bit restricted/left out when the gameplay changes do arrive but im forced to use 1st to enjoy them :(
  12. Karmaterror

    Zombie damage to items too high

    I agree with that... Maybe if they took a pristine>badly damaged Then you repair to worn... Then it takes worn>ruined. Then we at least get to plan for it a little :)
  13. Karmaterror

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    The engine has been undergoing core changes since day one... First they rammed ToH (take on helicopters) engine together with some of the RV engine, Then incorporated a first for any bohimia game, the "network bubble". When the SA became such a big seller they realised they would have the funds to hire more staff and do much more. That's when all the pulling out of the renderer started for dx10/11. In the meantime they still implemented a physiscs system (cant remember the name). Now they have plans to implement the 64bit servers. With so many changes happening they needed a name for this new engine....infusion was born. So the roadmap changed, due to them having the funds to do more. That's naturally pushed back some game features like the ones mentioned in the OP :)
  14. Karmaterror

    Dayz SA Is Boring. :-(

    OP....you are right! Yes its boring as hell atm, no camps to build, no cars to fix, limited selection of loot and terrible spawn chances. But what you have to remember is that they told us 6 months ago it would be 2 years until it was finished. So basically we are only a quarter of the way through it being made. Give them some more time and you will see features come in that make it actually resemble dayz mod a bit more. In the meantime, you could always try the mod. Its a great indicator of where standalone will heard and is much MUCH more feature complete. Wanna build a camp, no probs....wanna fix a car....go for it....want some zombies that don't run through walls and exist in decent numbers....get on the mod for now. Don't expect SA to be feature complete for some time :)
  15. Ohh another eliteist thread......bunch of pussies cant hack a bit of 3pp danger. Soriously if ya too scared of getting peeked on, go play hardcore. dont come on here and spit your dummys out because *snif snif* all the HC servers are empty. NEWSFLASH It was the 1pp elitists that didn't even want to be in the same servers as 3pp users.....they bitched....they moaned.....they got hardcore mode (nice ego stroke in the title there). But no....still not happy....well I say tough. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to play a 3pp server and nothing wrong with wanting to play HC. Just dont try and fuck things up for the other half that dont play like you. I sense a filter fail on your part OP, as others have said filter for Hardcore not 3ppoff....I never have a prob finding a fullish server to play with my friends. What about the advantage it hands your opponents as you approach a city....they can all see you without exposure.....that makes for a much more threatening environment. If we dubbed it " the magic periscope" then think about this.....would you rather go up against a server of 99 people with this periscope.....or 99 without.....which one sounds harder?? Its not always about what advantage it can give you....but what advantage it gives your enemy.....id wager a lot of " 1pp pros" are just buthurt that they got peek'd on and ran to the bubblewrap land of Hardcore where it can never ever happen ;)
  16. Karmaterror

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    Well cheers for the info. I had always thought they had a different intended use, same with the "school". Just people branded them this and that buildings, because that's what they most resembled. Any ideas what the "school" is actually meat to be??
  17. Karmaterror

    Mod is still better than the SA

    lol Its ok I get it now, you didn't understand the system so couldn't play with it. The values weren't arbitrary or unpredictable, it does feel that way at first, but not after a while when your used to how it behaves. Anyone can realise that ....move to fast = bad aim....move slower = good aim....find balance....simples. 1:1.....just move ur mouse...no thought to weather you can make that distance quickly enough.....no punishment if you do go to fast....nothing....just easy bog standard gaming. That's why its harder...seriously... a system with no punishment is just as easy as a system with....nope lol ;) That's like saying a driving sim is no harder than an arcade game, even though breaking hard in the sim will cause a lockup, where it wont on the arcade game. The game is simulating a facet of real life driving, some will find that clunky....those who drive competitvley will realise its actually quite accurate. Clunky = realism to a big extent. Look at driving sims, they all feel "clunky" in comparison to something like NFS. But when you understand why and adapt to it its so much more immersive. I thought we were getting the sim side of gaming not the accessible side.
  18. Karmaterror

    Mod is still better than the SA

    So you advocate a gamey 1:1 system over one that tries to reproduce the limitations of human movement......Il take the harder to learn but ultimately more accurate system any day of the week. But as I said in other post, that's just me. I like sim and sim elements more than gamey accesability.
  19. Karmaterror

    Mod is still better than the SA

    I honestly have no idea what your on about with the x,y thing, always performed perfectly for me in the mod. My main gripe is that systems like BF CS L4D....we don't move like that. Humans are cumbersome clunky creatures. The thing I liked most was it pointing at the sky if you moved too fast. Sure your arms move quick but your torso does not....that requires footwork, so slowing you mid turn is correct. Then going too fast (the speed of an average twitch shooter) IRL would either cause you to fall over or pull something in your lower back. That what it simulated to me. On a paintballing field I have no chance of hitting a guy who gets behind me on a twitch reflex. No game made me feel like I was in control of a human being like A2 did. I do a lot of paintballing and trust me that mouse accel system was great for portraying actual human movement. I remember saying to friends in answer to why I got shot..."I paniced and moved too quick" never going to be able to say that again with this system.....just either I got lucky or didn't, no skill involved. It should come down to player control, awareness and skill. But that's just me, I like sims, and systems that don't care about user friendly, more about realism. Gamey stuff like 1:1 mouse movement is the type of decision that rly gets under my skin lol DAYZ....DECIDE....ARE YOU A SIM OR A GAME!
  20. Karmaterror

    Why do you push?

    We need more breech and clear tools before il start trying to rush entrenched players. Smoke would be a nice start for building snipers :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Mod is still better than the SA

    Why dayz mod zombies are better, without referring to numbers... 1, Pathfinding....they use house entrances and exits 2, They hit hard.... 3-4 hits for a kill in the right places 3, Stealth....it works lol, you say many don't use it I say its vital if you don't want that sniper following the zombie train through scope and finding you. 4, Respawn, they may pop up in front of you every now and then, but the endless wave ensures they are a constant threat. That's 4 without going into numbers, on that subject though... Why struggle to have so many on map at once. Why not use the mods system of despawning them when no one is around and just increase the range at which they spawn. Then no one can just scope a city and know there is a player there. Seems like that would help with server performance more that them all in all the time. See now I miss acceleration. The only time it effected people was in CqC making them put thought into aiming instead of just using twitch style reactions. Iv already seen vids of people who can now 1080 in under 1 sec on SA.....its stupid. When sniping accel had 0 effect because the degree of movement was so small, it was only if someone snuck up behind you, you coundnt turn on a dime and win, dispite them putting in the effort to gain that tactical advantage over you. Well they could win....if they remained calm and used a controlled thoughtfull mouse sweep, but if they twitched it would be all over....seems like such a step backwards to remove something like that and replace it with a system where you can 180 in a split and come out on top.....not authentic....not dayz....or so I thought. The mod atm holds my interest so much more. Sure its hard to find a server set up as a true vanilla. But put some effort into finding a good one and the mod wins over the SA hands down for me (even more so with the new patch) :)
  22. Karmaterror

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    So its not a new engine....just the a new name for the one they have been making? Topic title is misleading....I was like wtf...yeah jus throw all that work away and start over....that seems smart lol
  23. Karmaterror

    DayZ Confessions

    Id advocate some sort of system like this on the pub hive, needs to be off on private hives though. Cant just swap to a populated server if your server is low on players. Sometimes I intentionally join a mid pop server, I honestly think when there are cars and camps ect, 40 players on a server would be fine. Couldn't have meaningful camps and clan politics when there 75 players running round in the mod. I even found that servers averaging 20-30 players got really lively when everyone is mobile. For a realistic feel of survivors operating in an area the size of Chernarus more near that 20-30 mark. That being said I can see the allure of a wild west style 100 man server where I just wouldn't really bother trying to entrench, just enjoy gunplay :)
  24. Karmaterror

    DayZ SA Hosting rules (link is dead)

    Oh god...the PDF link is dead.....the game is doomed!!!!!
  25. Im pretty sure thay said not long ago they had discovered something that was gonna fix this....if anyone remembers the post link away. <snipped> glitch "how to"