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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    POLL: What if DayZ was made by a different company?

    I think dayz is being made by the right guys for the job. If I was gonna pick another company though id probably go for Bethesda. Thinking of some of the survival mods for skyrim, there experience creating melee enemies, and the char customisation. They could have a good go at a Dayz style game :)
  2. Karmaterror

    People's thoughts on hip firing?

    Saw a post years ago where some guy who played on a crosshair off server used a tiny triangle of pot-it-note as a crosshair lol....."Life....finds a way" :)
  3. Karmaterror

    How the end game should look.

    For me there should be no defined end game. Rockest said ages ago it was about creating a world and letting the players decide what happens. Each new feature makes the world more complex and opens up new end game options. For one person end game may be PvP, for another Farming. There defo needs to be more zeds, shooting in town should draw enough horde to be a challenge, either stealting them as you dart in and out of all the new buildings, or mow them down if you have the ammo. There should be enough for other players to see them drawn to the shots, track them and kill you. Firing into a town from outside in a treeline should be more preferable. The changes in tactics would be for the good IMO. No more camping buildings, because the first guy yu kill = 40-50 zeds coming in the door downstairs. Bandits might try to track through citys/towns more so they can kill where theres no zeds (don't forget if the streets swarmed looting the corpse could be....problematic lol) and so they didn't have to waste ammo. If they went for the axe kill, then it gives the prey much more time to spot and react, same with the tracking. But the devs said ages ago they plan to have waaay more zeds so im just waiting it out atm. You could get huge amounts in the mod by adding the right types of civ buildings in towns. Small town (like Kamyshovo) should have 60ish zeds....City (Electro, Cherno, Berzino) should all have 200+, all on 30s respawn......now that would be some interesting survival AND PvP IMO ;)
  4. Karmaterror

    People's thoughts on hip firing?

    I have a feeling it maybe an illusion... This dexterity system...as I understand the crosshair moves to point and the gun lags behind a little. So, when you control the recoil from the "hip" the crosshair looks like you have it under control but the gun is still catching up. Where when you ADS you watch the gun move at its true speed, not the crosshair. Or not :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Im torn on this.. In a fairytale land where I can drink a never ending beer while watching a unicorn stroll pat my window, R would stay till the end. He still be "yelling at the CEO" for features to be done right. But I would concede without that the project may move faster. Do we want that though? Do we want beta next week....full release 6 months later with a few features and bugs everywhere. Or would it be best to wait for how long we were told it would take (that being beta in 4 and a bit months....12 months later full release) and have a much much better game. I hope that when he does leave they stick with the current timeframe, do tings right and keep to R's vision as best they know it. Another thing is that everyone has to start somewhere, everything has to be learnt. OK so maybe there have been mistakes on this project (not many IMO...its going pretty damn well) imagine what hes leant from the experience. So I say please stay Rocket....stay and make sure its done right! But if you do go, BI, take your time. :)
  6. Karmaterror

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    Not complaining at all, read my post b4 that one...bandits make dayz great ;)
  7. Karmaterror

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    Quote isn't working for me :( @Scriptfactory Its the fact that there is no handholding for things like trading and such, no lowering the risk by design that makes them so interesting for me. The rewards can be great, been looking for an LRS for ages...next guy may have one to trade for something you wouldn't mind parting with. But the trade itself is completely under realistic conditions, no "trade screen" where neither can shoot. My heart pounds just as much talking to a random as it does in a firefight. One eye constantly on the barrel of there gun. In a way its more of a rush, being that close, knowing it could be a backstab at any moment. Walking away after a successful meet feels like an accomplishment. Icing a guy down the scope of yet another rifle in yet another game is an overplayed pop song. The reason I believe, is that players are somewhat brainwashd into a mentality of killing=winning. Even in a game where its entirely up to the player, people default to shooting first asking questions later. If I can meet a player, say hi, exchange some gear, then have us both go off our own ways, I call that a win. You guys think bandit life is hard....ha....try being a trader....just for one life...welcome to hell. Id argue that the existence of a PvE element means the game is not purely pvp by design, but is intentionally designed to cater to either type of player. The PvE elements are designed to push people together, but it doesn't have to be for a kill :)
  8. Karmaterror

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    OP you dirty bandit swine!!.....so glad your playing dayz :) I like PvE, not in SA yet but the mod is pretty good now. A few whacks from zeds followed by a run to a tree bleeding can have you all blurry, not able to see an animal let alone shoot it lol. IMO alls SA needs is a "v2.0" on the navmesh and mooooaaarrrr zeds. I will admit, theres a reason I like this pve more than say fallout.....its the threat of PvP. Its that uncertainty, you may want a quiet night...few loot runs back and forth to stock up camp....but game has other plans for you. Without that threat the looting, the base building has no thrill. Many times iv wanted to just leave the combat situation before. Like in the mod, just found 8th piece of glass for the huey, come under LMG fire leaving factory. My mind was like "NO.....SAVE THE GLASS...RUN YOU FOOL!!" and let me tell you....being the prey can be just as adrenaline filled as being the hunter. When its not just your gun and ammo, but something that could give your entire clan a helping hand is even more intense. Not knowing if you will make the next ridge before the fire snaps at your heels. I guess im the other side of the coin, for me dayz is about getting robbed....or at least trying to avoid it :)
  9. Karmaterror

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    That couldn't happen with a private shard. These shards wont be connected to the public hive, so you will have a different toon on each private shard server (or group of servers). Hopefuly the ability to password pub hive servers is removed :)
  10. Karmaterror

    That's how it should be! Or where it should go to.

    I really think its time they started thinking about making doors destructible. Closing a door on zombies is such a cop out IMO. They should be able to break through just like in L4D maybe when they get the new type of barricading in then the doors can be replaced with a model that can be broken. Still needs a lot more of em aswell for my taste. Also the stealth elements from the mod need to come back....anyone remember crouch walking sideways because it was slightly quieter than going forwards :D
  11. Karmaterror

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yes they are 3rd party software However they have everything to do with BI's dev cycle as you cannot code an antihack before you have the feature coded....ergo best to have features complete then code the antihacks for them. If they write them now a new feature may create an exploit that could have been handled by a blanket script....but they then have to write a new one for the new exploit. That's time consuming, and will result in missed checks as scripts back up and a plethora of other issues, many to do with performance. The hacks can only exist with the current code....same for the antihacks. What you want is every time the code changes the antihacks to be rewritten/written. That takes time, that costs money (as you point out they are 3rd party so will want paying). Also as you point out they made millions....so what....lets waste all those funds writing a new antihack package every update and have no engine upgrades, no new navmesh, no new items ect ect. Because the need the cash to keep antihack up to date. Or can we be patient, realise that its something best left till the end, and enjoy watching features drop in. Knowing that towards the end we wil get a great antihack package covering every base so to speak. I don't want quick fixes leading to sloppy scripts and missed checks. Im more than happy to wait and have a great smooth antihack package delivered when it matters, not when its going to cause more hold ups and loss of funds.
  12. Karmaterror

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    LMAO....so the antihacks for horticulture are in...that's impressive considering they haven't completed the coding for it. What that be message means is that the BE client can identify an unauthorised action on the server and take action....nothing more. It could mean there is only one un authorised action so far.....but because BE can detect and act on it that means it gets a tick for alpha....that's all they need....a YES BE can identify and communicate properly with the server. That DOES NOT mean every antihack check is in, it is very much still a work in progress. Maybe this is the problem....you think just because that message pops up its a complete set of scripts....its not....otherwise a teleport or ESP hack would be detected instantly. Like everything else in alpha its a prototype. "maybe in a year and a half from now when the game is ready to go gold".....you really haven't paid attention to anything have you....be honest. So by that math it will "go gold" 2 months after it comes out? Remember 16months left in development! December 2015 is when it will be finished. Its when we near that date that we need a robust antihack package to cover every feature and exploit that the next 10-14 months will bring. I may not have given evidence that you should have faith....but that's the definition of faith....belief without evidence. What EVIDENCE do you have that they aren't just following a proper development cycle and adding the antihacks at the end, when all the things that can be hacked are in game??
  13. Karmaterror

    Has dayZ succeeded in being a different type of game?

    I agree with caboose, this would be a great topic closer to release, right now we are around 40% into the build time estimate....too early to judge it really.
  14. Karmaterror

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    As I understand it the private shards are the replacement for private hives. They will work the same way but the database will be managed by BiS not the server admins (as it was in the mod). That allows for private hives (shards) to exist without all the bastardisation that happened in the mod. Im sure these servers will have a separate economy, it makes no sense for a server disconnected from the central hive to conform to its loot economy. Seems much more likely they will have there own based on how many servers make up that shard. You could achieve singleplayer by buying your own server then whitelisting only yourself....but sp dayz is even duller than PvE only dayz. I cant see them adding an sp mode because of that :)
  15. Karmaterror

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    Like everyone else id really like to see this, fighting the elements would be great for the survival aspects of the game. But I remember reading somewhere they said it wasn't going to happen. Its a shame because someone posted a vid with a modded RV engine that had dynamic snow, vehicles even carved tracks in it! Its something I really hope they decide to add.
  16. Karmaterror

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I just want some realistic backpack colours...I mean I never see backpacks like the ones we have in most camping stores. Its blacks, greys, olives, tans. These are like those damn budget packs from the supermarket or something. PS The craftable packs still rock but need a black pack!
  17. Karmaterror

    Tent Placement

    I haven't tried them yet but if we cant place them well im not interested either. Just need a smoother version of the mods current tent placement system. As long as you move slow yu can move it around a bit then Q and E rotate it. Hopefully some version of the mods tent gets added aswell, just for nostalgia. Id love to recreate some of my old campsites Maybe that's in for some mod nostalgia aswell lol
  18. I want there to be hundreds of guns in the game, but also reasonably hard to find a good one. Nothing wrong with diversity in the loot tables so add as many things as poss. More civ gear, more mill gear, more everything! Then when we have 500,000 different items in game we wont all be running round seeing the same red shirt, or the same pistol. Would make each run far more unique. You could get one of the, say 75, rare rifles.... die.....then never see one again for weeks. Personally I think it will all be in how they balance loot, as long as civ gear is abundant, loads of pistol versions pretty easy to find, rifles harder and involve going near a possible PvP zone, il be happy :)
  19. Mine would be... Cautious Friendly Medic Concealed Survivalist One of my steam buddys had a brilliant answer....... Do Not F**k With Me LOL So whats yours?
  20. Karmaterror

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Great answers, keep em coming guys (and gals) My two faves so far :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    I agree with a lot of what you say, especially that people should deal with there spawn and play the game properly. I will never kill myself for a "better" spawn. Il try and expand a lil... The map flow thing is....how can I put it....do you remember that 1st time you ever made it to NWA in the mod? It was a trek, and personally it felt like an accomplishment the first few times (ok that subsides with repetition) but it was a goal, something to aim for. If you can, by chance, get a spawn a few mins from it then it destroys that whole banding together on the coast and pushing inland. Once players get gear they mainly want to use it, so they go off looking for some PvP....not all of us, but most I think. Now making them trek the entire map to get to a spot where they can grab some tast gear gives an objective, a mission. Random spawns have the chance to drasticly reduce the time that mission will take, thus making people arrive at the "im geared and bored" state much faster. You are right, some clever system that keeps you within a certain range of the first spawn so as not to let you "hop" around the map could be good. But whats the end goal....to disperse players? That can e achieved by tweaking loot spawns forcing them to travel to survive. Is it to disorientate players? For that id ay yes, at first. But (lets be generous) 200hrs in you will know the lay of the land, and identify where you are very quickly. So whats it for, why do we need it when it could ruin the feeling of making it across the map for the first time....or the 100th if it was a eventfull hard fought journey, and maaaayyyybe be exploitable?
  22. Karmaterror

    is this possible?

    Not yet but it will be soon when persistence comes in. Each item placed will have a "lifespan"....or was it "lifecycle" meh....basically if you drop a gun on the ground it will stick round for a few days then disappear. Stuff in tents is excluded from the lifespan and will last forever. However if another player sees your tent, they can help themselves to your stuff ;) EDIT - the maintenance they just did may have included the hotfix for persistence....anyone can confirm if it did or not??
  23. Karmaterror

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    Sorry but random spawning only does 2 things... Destroys map flow/progression for the player. Opens up spawn exploiting (which is already used with just costal spawns).
  24. Karmaterror

    Guitar Melee weapons.

    YES! We need more makeshift weapons. If you were fighting for your life you would grab whatever was to hand to defend yourself. An electric guitar could do a hell of a lot of damage. Ok so it dosent have a nice sharp edge to focus all the swing force, but it has much more weight. Imagine the inertia it would build on a swing, and the blunt force trauma on impact. Made me think of all the stuff you can do to zeds in dead rising 2 ....while some of it wouldn't fit, I think they could use that sort of mentality for dayz....anything can be a weapon...just some break quicker than others. An acoustic guitar could break after 5 or less swings. Maybe im dreaming but the old slamming it onto a zeds head and watching him wrun round disorientated like dead rising would be awesome :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Removing the Bolt/Bolt Group for weapons

    I love this idea, But there needs to be no indication in inventory as to wether its attached or not. Im no gun nut but would there be a subtle difference in the model for the gun as a tell tale, or would it just look normal? The first thing that pops to mind is screening survivors.... "here man have a mosin and some ammo" *attempts backstab* "aaaahahahahahah" *knock him out and reclaim your mosin for an actuall friendly lol*