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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Maybe for alpha....I kinda feel like its a waste of manpower having them unstick us when a respawn key would work. In the finished product it should be super easy to respawn. Theres should be enough zeds that respawn = run through town....stand still for 10ish seconds lol
  2. Karmaterror

    DayZ Enviroment

    This is interesting, they have added the physics system for throwing ect. So maybe they could make some of the static models into proper physics enabled ones. Id like if the old barricades from the mod were actually made of the right materials. Then hitting it would disturb it a bit, eventually it could be broken through (or slowly pushed through with a heavy vehicle). Maybe even let us get out of the car and disassemble it by hand. Bins, heystacks, trees (moving with wind), some furniture, theres so much they could do. Guess they would want some more performance first though. Maybe after they finish the engine overhaul :)
  3. Karmaterror

    Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

    Blame triple A studios for not thinking up something more creative than "deathmatch" variations for the past god knows how many years. Something new and a bit different comes along and 99% seem to just slip into a default PvP play style. Private shards will save dayz imo. Communities will grow...yes there will be bandits, always...but that's a good thing and dayz would be crap without them. But there will be communities that are much more balanced, enough friendly groups to have some good trade and interaction. But enough bandit groups to keep you on your toes :)
  4. Damit yeah....forgot about that thing....get rid of that aswell lol. Or just move it north somewhere. I do really miss the old "flow" that the mod had with everyone making a break for NWA via Stary :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    Isnt that a graphics setting? used to happen ages ago and I think it was either shadows or object quality that caused it.....may be wrong though :)
  6. Karmaterror

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    Maybe....just maybe as they carry on adding, they may subtract. Would be nice to loose a few older towns in beta to give back some of the wilderness. Also would make the map less and less like the A2 version. Im hoping for massive forests popping up when they finish all there new stuff :)
  7. If they moved it to Devils Castle, then bumped the Zelen barracks to the town north of it, full costal respawn could be back on the cards, with the NW corner being the mill heaven.
  8. Karmaterror

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

    Agree with all of what you said, I thought maybe they could balance it out by having it dry up and become ineffective it the sun. Maybe not as quick as from rain but still degrade. That way unless conditions are perfect its always a temporary thing. @OP Technically in this game the "Zombies" are just people that are infected with something. They haven't died and risen from the dead or anything. The Z on Dayz is ment to stand for Zero.....as back in the mod when you started it said Chernarus *Your Location* Day 0 All that aside though I always liked this idea, smell has gotta be the main way they identify prey, so theres no reason this couldn't work. PS Another way to balance it could be extremely high chance of catching an infection while you do it.
  9. Karmaterror

    explosive sniper rounds

    Yeah Hollywood is riddled with BS for the sake of explosions and cool effects. In real life bullets don't set petrol on fire, if a car does go up in smoke then it was probably damaged electrical component inside the car igniting the fuel or, 90% of the time, its overheating. As per most arma games I guess best way to stop a car will be take out a wheel, or the driver. The as50 type weapons open up one shotting the engine block....but that's a bit lame if they are as hard to fix and maintain as I hope. Lets make it a challenge....sorta...to drop one. One thing this made me think of that might be cool is to have the radiator as a hitbox. If you damaged it the car wouldn't instantly stop but overheat a few mins later. We could shoot it out then follow that road and look for the column of smoke on the horizon :)
  10. Karmaterror

    After barricading, add trade windows

    Id go for a "Trade Window" barricading option, with a low shelf to place items on. Only for immersion reasons, there should always be a risk. If you were trading through a window a guy could always slip a gun under and demand stuff or just shoot ya. The actuall opening for items could be tiny so the trader has the time to react if bandit tries something. Unbreakable walls is cool (though it would be nice to be able to go through one with the right tools at some point). Picking locks would play into having the trade window aswell because ok so the A-hole shot you through the window, but he now has to pick the lock to get at your body. I want them to give us the tools to create these situations, but as always....the chance for it to go horribly wrong :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Player Degridation While Logged Out

    Pretty much as it says, whenever you are logged out your huger and thirst would slowly deteriate (much slower than the ingame rates). This could help put the emphasis more on survival as food and drink stores would get eaten through more quickly. It could have limits.... Regular - Max HP loss 50% Max nutrition/thirst loss 50% Hardcore - Max HP loss 80% Max nutrition/thirst loss 80% Thinking a week away from the game would be needed to reach the max levels, and it would be a quicker effect for the 1st day, slowing with each extra day. That way you would see an impact from just going to work and playing again the next night, but it wouldn't stack to max within a day or 2. Maybe even an "extreme" mode where you can starve to death even while offline :)
  12. Karmaterror

    Player Degridation While Logged Out

    My response to the whole id be a fresh spawn on login thing is.... You would still have all your gear because it would be limited to a max HP and nutrition drop. All you have to do is save some inv slots for food, thus giving us a reason to actually carry some, not just eat it all the time instantly. Then it would give us a reason to forage for more again before we log out. Would logging in with 50%hp and 50% nutrition really be that bad for the regulars, and hardcore guys you want more of a challenge right :) I also work 9-12 hour days 5-6 days a week so I get only having a couple of hours to game, but even from that standpoint id love to log in and have an immediate goal of topping up my guys hp before doing something else. Maybe would cut into too many peoples PvP :P
  13. Karmaterror

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    Bit of a let down that with the whole "special" build thing. I thought they might have a basic showcase of something big....like a vehicle or early basebuilding :(
  14. Karmaterror

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    The thing, that's been said a lot already, is that you cannot have everyone working on the same thing. The art passes, new cloths ect, they are done by different people that the coders making the vehicle mechanics. If they threw everyone from the art dept into the vehicle coding room it wouldn't get done any faster. Should they all just sit on there hands....."Stop it.....were not in beta yet! Roll another j and fire up the x-box" Or should they make some nice extra stuff for us during alpha aswell, then polish more in beta? The QA thing has me baffled...First its not an alpha because there is QA....Then you moan that a bug got through....While you argue that you cant test properly. Its like you said, normal procedure would be to QA the changed items. What if no changes were made to the waterbottle...but say to the nutrition system, then that creates the bug. The QA guys would probs just console command everything, but as the waterbottle isn't on the list of changes no reason to specifically test that. That's where we come in, whining on the forums while the devs have a little facepalm moment, and voila you are involved in the development.
  15. Karmaterror

    In A Game With Tents And Camp Fires

    Make that your signature :D
  16. Karmaterror

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    I do agree with the OP a little bit, when I see minor tweaks to already functioning systems. Adding more weapons is just as others have said, cant have everyone working on one thing at once. Also wiki alpha definition does say adding weps is an alpha thing. Don't forget the map work that's ongoing aswell, the world should be pretty much done by beta and (as much as I hate it) they are infesting the north wilderness with new towns. Gotta disagree with that though.....I couldn't make a fire or cook or even see an animal when dropped. Now theres a lot more, the mod may have some of the same features and more....but even an old mod feature introduced to the SA is technically a new feature written from the ground up. First they have to build dayz...then make it a "standalone" :)
  17. Karmaterror

    Friendly? oh please..

    I think that's key, if they know you could have shot them....but chose not to builds a lot of trust quickly. That's not to say I haven't been backstabbed....A LOT lol. The worst bit is most of my steam buddys play l4d, and the rest are still on the mod. So I have to meet people that way in game for now :)
  18. Karmaterror

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    That's right, think it was Grimy Rick. OP Have you tried PMing the BE dev on the forums, posts a lot in the hacking section I think.
  19. Karmaterror

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Some of us came to dayz for more though. I came because I could PvP with others, I could fight zombies, but also because I knew I would be able to do things like hunt and cook, make camp, ect ect. I wanted somewhere I could explore ways to survive the appocolypse. If it were real, you wouldn't be running round to be entertained, you would be looking for safe refuge, food, supplies. Not saying "hey boys lets roll down to town and try to kill some random innocent guy....itl be fun!" That's the feeling I want from dayz....something a bit more authentic, realistic, whatever word ya wanna use. Basically you like PvP...that's great....your the reason I feel my heart rate rise a lil every time I log in. But you already have the basic tools of your trade to be fleshed out in beta. Let them add basic versions of our survival tools aswell!.....they did look after you pvp'ers first didn't they.....guns from day1 huh.....we had to wait months for tents :)
  20. Karmaterror

    I think it's time.

    Agree with everything except player count. 40 would be fine once vehicles and basebuilding is in. The map shrinks loads when you get a car and encounters are much more likely to happen. Not just due to mobility, but down to the sound and concealment disadvantages vehicles bring. Say you have a server with 3-4, 4-8 man groups, then a few lone wolfs in there. Those 3 or 4 groups going about there business in cars, motorbikes, and even maybe a heli really lights up the map for clan wars and camp hunting ect. Also for me its an immersion thing, I want the desolate feel, like only a few of us survived. 100 players in a chunk of land that size means that globally there would be millions of people left....hardly an apocalypse :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Uhm, what happened?

    Dayz Rule Number 8. Only loot buildings with more than one exit until you have a melee/pistol ;) I like it, kinda puts some buildings "off limits" till you have a decent, quiet(ish) weapon
  22. Karmaterror

    Base building and secureing your stuff

    Base building by barricading should be as realistic as poss IMO. It should be easy as hell to get into player structures. Theres nothing you can do to a building (authenticly) that will keep people out. Pick axe + sledge hammer will get you into any building in 5-10 mins. That 5-10 should be the only advantage over a tent, that can be looted instantly with no effort. Basically wether you go the camp route, or the fortifying route it should still all be losable in a very short time. Fortifying would trade off concealment for that 5-10 mins security, where tents would do the oppsite. No security but well concealed. The simple fact is a 3 deep brick wall would take a grown man with a sledge next to no time to get through. Say you made it 10 deep.....he would just go through the wooden house wall next to it...proper "u mad bro?" moment. But would be authentic, as long as player built structures/ fortifications are reasonably easy to loot (provided you have the right tool/s, I think they will work well :)
  23. Karmaterror

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    These type of servers existed in the mod. I had a buddy who I played with a lot, then didn't see him for a while. Then I found out he was playing on a no zombies 75player server. He was one of those guys that bought arma just for dayz and had never tried it out. I showed him wasteland and the TAW domination servers.....he was hooked. Some people I think would really love the vanilla arma games for "good old PvP" its just a lot never tried them. While im sure there will be servers like that eventually im one f those guys saying "its a zombie survival game" take away my zombies and im just playing a shiny new version of arma :)
  24. The proportions do seem a little out, shrinking us is defo better than redoing all the buildings. I have to admit they look worse on some of your shots, and it may have something to do with your vid settings. Looks like you got some serious "fisheye" vision going on, adjusted your FOV? Also a lower res can make things distorted, ie x,y pixel count is off so ends up stretching the image exaggerating the effect. Maybe if you could get your res up and change that FOV to normal it wouldn't look quite as bad. I do agree though it is a thing.
  25. Karmaterror

    I think there should be more zombies

    Hi welcome to the forums. Wouldn't worry devs have said they plan on having loads more zombies. Theres a lot of topics that go into depth about it, and how they will handle respawning and stuff. Have a search round the forums and check em out :)