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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Zelengorsk Jail...looking north?
  2. Grrrrr... Im still getting used to the temp, and the zeds being pretty hard vs fists atm. In 3 (pretty short) lives last night, I found a grand total of 1 backpack.....then I died. That was pretty much enough for that night lol However on all 3 runs I saw both a sack and rope....and completely forgot about that pack..... :facepalm:
  3. That's true, I was thinking the original roadmap. That rezzed one maybe shoulda factored in the extra cash. The original plan was a year alpha, a year beta, now im reading "3 year dev cycle" a lot. Maybe they rearranged things to give more time on core features. Im hungry for new features, especially when I can have some of the features (like vehicles) in the mod already. But I don't want a quickly remade mod system. I want a from the ground up, vastly refined version. Like the temp system we have now, compare that to the mods system and its like a horse drawn cart vs a combustion engine :)
  4. Im confused about it aswell, Hicks, Acolyte.....someone explain this system pllllz :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Forum names = no kos

    I always use mine....prolly why I get kos'd all the time lol :D
  6. Something to remember is that when they started they had no idea on a budget, a rough idea yes, maybe they planned for 500,000 sales in a best case. When it took off the way it did they suddenly have the funds to do much more. That naturally pushes everything back as they are allocated, then the logistics of it need sorting out. We have had more than one feature this quarter I think though... Navmesh...that was this quarter right? Temperature system Was the wet system this quarter aswell? Basically when they changed everything at the beginning with the new (maybe unexpected) funds it put a certain delay on everything as a whole. imo that roadmap is a bit obsolete, and anything mentioned on it should be pushed a quarter back to whats written on the list :)
  7. Karmaterror

    i always die of starvation. i need help!

    You can drag them either way, as long as the box turns orange when you release the mouse there will be an option to open the can with the whatever you are using :)
  8. Temperature in the mod was one of those things that never really came into play. I always used to pass on heatpacks, saving my valuable inv space for other things. Now i wish heatpacks were as abundant as in the mod lol, This system makes me actually feel like temp is a concern. I spent 45 mins running round last night and my number one priority was warm cloths. This is exactly how I hoped the SA would go, making us consider our survival over anything else. I know its got its issues atm, for example I have a nice wool coat, summer hunter pants, beanie and gloves....and my temp is still dropping (could have something to do with still being damp) but its just great to be thinking about other things than gunzzzz :) 10/10 for improvement over the mods temp system!
  9. Karmaterror

    hdd to ssd

    As far as im aware it will only help you with load times. I grabbed a hybrid drive a while back and there want much of a framerate difference at all, maybe a little higher. But hell yes it loads everything up a lot faster, maybe 30-40% quicker for Arma2, L4D loads in about 4 or 5 seconds after the initial connecting part of the load bar :)
  10. Karmaterror

    Loving the new temp feature :)

    Far as I can tell being damp makes your temp drop a lot faster. When I was dry I had the alternating "slowly warming"/"slowly cooling" messages, then I got caught in the rain and got the cold status a few mins later. After taking shelter and drying off it went away after about another 5-10 mins. Don't know weather overcast or sunny weather effects it yet but I hope it does eventually :) Yeas, shocker, the first implementation of a feature in an alpha game is buggy. I think we all expected as much. But lookingat how the system is going to function in comparison to the mods puts it leaps and bounds ahead. Wasn't that the point of SA to expand and improve on the mods features by writing them from the ground up :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Suggestion: Sleeping When Logged Out

    I did a suggestion thread a while back with just having us degrade when logged out (all be it limited so you couldn't die from it). It didn't go down well at all, most I think misunderstood thinking if they were away for a few days they would be dead. Sleeping and degrading while logged out, I like it. I just fear it would never happen because too many people would complain. Some things I wonder though... What would happen to the player slot when someone was logged out. Could some popular servers start backing up with sleeping players that cant log in because its full atm. Is the map really big enough for it. If they get up near the 100 player mark your chances of staying alive while logged out for 18-20 hours to sleep and work are slim at best. I would support this being tried in alpha or beta to see how it plays out :)
  12. Karmaterror

    Well, I combat logged.

    LIVE.... INTERUPTABLE ....LOG OUT TIMER Isnt it time they just gave us the ability to stop a combat log attempt. Iv had quite enough of the lazy half assed "blind" log out. IMO we need the system the mod tried to get perfect but never could because of the alt f4 issue. I say kill alt f4 ers, and give back the timer where if a shot lands close the timer restarts. Private hives will help a lot with combat logging. OK so you logged out...well done...you still gonna drop back in in the exact same spot and with no sea of servers to disappear into your goose is cooked anyway. Bring on a better log out system/private hives asap :)
  13. That's Stary Sobar me thinks
  14. Oh I see, sry robertfisher, all yours if you wanna play :)
  15. That's the one, I was in some trees on the road to the north...Your turn :)
  16. Not that one then, this place has same name on dayzdb and ingame map. It is from vanilla that shot :) That's it for the weapon :)
  17. The other one, was always my fave for the right click zoom instead of a key press :) What's the closest town to "Zub" we called it something else but dayz db had different names than ingame map if I remember.
  18. Nope....and nope, narrowed it down loads now though :) Clues Weapon, was removed a while back Location, think more south
  19. Karmaterror

    Melee aiming - post your info

    From my little run last night I found that aiming just above the head with fists scored a headshot most times(3pp) just below the head for 1pp. If I get a melee weapon tonight il post results. Wasn't it gonna be just a simple aim and click with this patch while hit detection got fixed? That's how I was playing it anyway, seemed right with having to aim a little high in 3pp :)
  20. Karmaterror

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    All of this.....Save some space for camping. I really hate the increase in town density. Hoping that we loose a few of the original A2 towns later in development to recreate the spacing. Push players to the woods through the natural benefits of being there like low zed density and concealment of campsites. Make forests so big you dare not enter without a compass to keep you on track. Make it an event when you do find a POI, an achievement, not stumbling across them everywhere.
  21. Karmaterror

    How did you last die?

    Ok so....how did you last die...and what could have been? How did it happen and what were your plans had you not met an untimely end...