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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. I just went to play some Celle and since its all tied into steam it seems like the overlay wont do autorun any more. Anyone know a fix or have another way of doing it?
  2. Karmaterror

    Amount of vehicles / working vehicles

    My point was that that sounds like a lot of effort....but in reality when its practiced its no effort at all. If they just had 1 thing to repair clans would have monopoly on the vehicles. The heli (for me) should be damn hard even for a 4 man group to get going. Don't forget a lot of vehicles would be damaged/destroyed in the panic rioting/looting in the early times of the outbreak. 10ish cars per server, hard to fix and maintain seems like the way forward to me. If they are too abundant/easy to fix then there is no accomplishment in finding....repairing....and reaping the rewards of it. No fear of taking it out of base during peak server pop times, no wanting to log in all the time just to make sure its still there. Also no knowing if you loose it its gonna be a major setback. If they everywhere its just meh...il find anther batt and go pick one out from the next town. Another thing I hope is that one person cant carry all the parts to get a heli going. It was possible in the mod.....all be it a bit of a leaky heli lol. Maybe even go that way for cars aswell. Things like pushbikes the motorbike ect are more of a lone wolf goal, but if you aint got a clan your chances of getting a car are, not bad...but not great. A heli....forget it if you are lone wolf....only way would be to steal a functioning one from a camp :)
  3. Karmaterror

    Lock picking from a lockpicking hobbyist

    That's cool, but a bit too simple for me. I liked the fallout method (with the rotate pick then apply force)....and oblivion method (knocking up the pins inside the barrel). A fusion of the two could work in dayz, stage one knock up the pins, then stage two rotate the pick and apply force :)
  4. Karmaterror

    Lock picking from a lockpicking hobbyist

    I can see it now.....one of my team finds a barricaded house....he slowly stealthily begins to pick the lock...an hour of trying later... John Rambo fresh spawn comes running up with an axe and breaks through the wooden door in 30 seconds flat... My guy sits there looking at the axe on his back with a very disappointed and stupid look on his face :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Amount of vehicles / working vehicles

    Hehe I used to misspell it aswell......until I picked up arma 2 and every editor command for vehicles starts vehicle=this, soon learnt when all my scripts failed lol As for vehicles, im fine with just a few. Loads would be nice, and somewhat more authentic. But as hicks mentions people would just meta game it. Think of the heli in the mod....parts needed.. 8 Glass 2 Scrap Main Rot Engine Fuel Sounds like quite a bit of effort.....iv seen 4 man groups scout the heli spawns, find the NWA heli, and have it running in 30 mins. Then 1 hour later they have used it to wipe most of the campsites from the map :D At least with an abundance of cars theres always one there for people, and clans wouldn't horde EVERY SINGLE ONE because there would become a point when so many of the same white car at your camp is only gonna get it spotted lol
  6. Karmaterror

    Persistant Trees

    If a tree is chopped down on a server, it stays chopped down through restarts for a day or 2. Don't give me the realism argument....I aint waiting however many years for a tree to grow back ;) Im thinking that when basebuilding is implemented (if we need to gather wood) this could be a tell that someone is fortrying nearby....or could be used to create places to hide a heli :)
  7. Karmaterror

    tree stand and deer

    There is deer, boar, chickens and a few I cant remember that you can already hunt. We have the little deer stands around the map to climb up and hunt but treeline is a better bet. I think they are aiming for what you say about making them run away. At he moment the deer does....but its no challenge. Hopefully it will get better in beta. They know they can make it run when ya close, just need to make it run a lot faster and further to give the hunt some challenge :)
  8. Karmaterror

    ballistic knife

    Dude ya gotta be open to oppinions for and against your idea. Many times iv thought "yeeeah....they all love this"....then had the majority say "nahh don't like it". From a devs standpoint they need to guage how many are for and against an idea....so the more of each opinion that post the better. Sometimes the best little refinements to an idea come from a comment that dosent like it, then from those reasons it can be changed. Basically don't take it to heart, work your idea around the complaints :) Im kinda of the thought that if it exists in real life there is no real reason not to include it. So I say sure put these in, maybe as a spawn in those small houses off towards the wilderness. The lore could be it was owned by a firearms enthusiast. But as others have said, if they were not issued to the army, then they shouldn't spawn at millbases. PS Should be pretty rare find I think :)
  9. Karmaterror

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    Generator+fuel ;) There was a lot of discussion about cell phones a while back and apparently without maintenance the satelites would drift out of position over time and the network would stop functioning. I think walkies fill this role fine, Im kinda hoping that txt on them works like global chat used to, except there is a different global channel for each frequency....then instead of the old "anyone in cherno", we start to get "anyone on this frequency" :)
  10. Karmaterror

    Can we stop this instant-ruined-everything stuff?

    All of that^^ Id like to have it take an amount of time per damage grade to repair aswell, say 30 seconds per grade. Then its better to maintain your cloths when they drop one grade and take the 30 sec hit, instead of letting it degrade so far you need to sit there sewing for two and a half mins :)
  11. As a little gift when they hit release.....Arma 3 team should let them port the go kart. Common enough I think to have one or 2 in chernarus. Maybe they could spawn randomly in one of the many long garage buildings around the map. If not....make us a go kart that handles like that plz :)
  12. Karmaterror

    Board games or Cards any one?

    "Boys....after a month iv finally built a full deck of cards....lets meet up for some poker." *Whip crack* *Whip crack* "You are Dead" "Ahh well maybe next month boys" Dayz at its best :D
  13. Karmaterror

    Zombie Play

    Well the one thing I can think of as a good thing with something like this would be that it might stop the "zombies are no challenge" stuff. Imagine it like playing against bots on l4d, then going to a vs game....imagine a horde of 50 player controlled zeds that don't just bee line towards you, but work as a group, breaking line of sight, flanking....actually hunting us. But I cant see it happening. The server would have to support a lot more players for enough player zeds to make an effective group, and it would still have to keep an ample supply of survivor players to hunt down. Tis could be so much fun if we could hide in the boot of a car....anyone remember the hatchback from the mod? Let them drive off then give em a proper fright :)
  14. Karmaterror

    Board games or Cards any one?

    I like the idea of cards, chess, backgammon...anything like that. And I really want them to make use of the physics system with footballs in the loot tables that roll when we run into them....5 a side anyone? Also, would be a hard one, but a Frisbee could be cool... Dayz endgame....sniper dodging extreme Frisbee on Electo beach :)
  15. Karmaterror

    thermos & hot Beverages For Warmth

    I think any hot food/drink should help us warm up. All for having a thermos to pour teas into and carry some warmth around with me. What about soups aswell, depending on what ingredients you use it could help energise you faster :)
  16. Karmaterror

    My screen is blurry due to the fire I made :c

    When its to negate an effect ment to limit your ability in geme.....yes ;)
  17. Karmaterror

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Personally I love that its a struggle to SURVIVE as a fresh spawn...ya know.... in this survival game :) I died about 4 times last time I played, either to cold or hunger...wasn't shot once. It was awesome!, finding food should be your main focus of play when you spawn, and warm cloths. Then once your equipped to survive you can start looking for "!toys".
  18. Karmaterror

    My screen is blurry due to the fire I made :c

    There is a bug where the screen goes blurry when it shouldn't. Or the effect sticks even after healing. Try just hitting escape, then go to configure>video, if its bugged the effect will go away as soon as you enter that menu. If its not bugged you have 2 options, heal up by eating ect....or cheat and disable post processing, I think that's the option anyways :)
  19. Karmaterror

    The First Dayz DLC....

    IMO it should be a new map, with new challenges. But which map, theres so many good community ones it would be hard to choose. Taviana? Namalask? Celle? I say no to all of the above. We need somewhere no one has ever set foot before. Somewhere that can recapture that sense of exploration and discovery for new players and vets alike. With that said I present you with this.... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13241 Already a stunning map even though it has no towns or cities. Whats evenbetter is that is was made by the R man himself, so would be something they could use without any permission problems. Being an alpine map the cold would play a huge role in survival. Animals could be rare, wood always damp and hard to make fires with. The only thing that could be easier would be hydration, melting snow to drink could be the main source of water. To gain access to water from a lake you could need a tool to break through the surface ice. Im sure theres 101 other ideas people could add for a terrain like this. When you think ahead to post release devs, please, think about this map :)
  20. Karmaterror

    Quicker roll-out of the Hero/ Bandit system

    While I do agree that we don't need it, it was never as simple as just "tagging" yourself. Each skin had to be earnt, bandit through kills, hero through medical actions. Sure big groups could abuse it and all have a hero skin, but that was pretty easy to spot and it was a good way to gauge a lone wolf back in the day :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Fix to the fov slider

    Simple, effective, I like it :)
  22. Karmaterror

    gut feelings

    True its not hard to lie over the net, but its the questions they choose to ask and the order they ask them....even when they type there are tells. It might just be me but lets use your food example. Dean said he didn't want a gui...what do we have right now....a gui on the inv screen AND those intrusive status messages. I do think it should inform us but do it with a sound or an animation....or both. Let the physical appearance of the char tell us not the in game chat system spamming messages every two mins....or 2 seconds if its raining lol.
  23. Karmaterror

    tranquilizer gun and a poison status (related)

    Adding my support for this, tazers, rubber bullets, anything less lethal to subdue people without killing them. What about a chance to spawn in barns that are near fields where farmers would maybe have to tranq livestock :)
  24. Karmaterror

    Pls, add -enableHT startup parameter.

    Sounds good, I hope startup parameters like this are selected by default, eventually, when the game auto detects your hardware. Maybe that's more a beta thing though, can you enable this now just by adding it to the EXE? I run AMD but got a friend who might benefit from this :)
  25. Karmaterror

    gut feelings

    This, ok so you loos body language and stuff in a game, but there tone and what they say can give away there true intentions pretty quick. Theres always gonna be that smooth talker that gets ya to let your guard down then Bam "you are dead". That wouldn't be poss if a message came up and gave him away even though he was producing an award winning performance lol Also what I quoted is my main gripe with the status messages in general....its not immersive at all, iv swapped a gui for a string of txt I must pay equal attention to :(