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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    What does "Go your way" mean?

    I think the 30 sec death timer should stack and go upto 1 min....with 10, maybe 20 mins of ingame play to nullify the 1min you last added. So if you die within 20mins of respwn....it a 2 min wait....within 20 mins of that 3min wait ect ect. Maybe diff values but you get the idea. That way if people wanna yolo rush they can for afew tries, but then it starts becoming counter productive and at soe point they have to just try and survive long enough to cancel out the timer. Would cut down a bit on fresh spawn yoloing, and make people actually play for survival every now and then....hell....they might even like it when they try it :)
  2. Karmaterror

    Day and Night cycle and body temperature.

    Does mill gear get the "wet" and "soaked" status If so that's why you are coolng off in rain so fast. Imaagine standing there in wet cloths, the windchill alone would drop your body temp 2degrees or more in less than 10-15 mins....more like 2 mins lol Iv seen people shivering in a Malaysian rain forrest after a downpour and heat/humidity there are off the charts. Maybe try a raincoat instead, then ok so its cold (and you will cool off) but not like if you have wet/soaked ststus :)
  3. Karmaterror

    The Large Tent has 252 Slots.

    Booo....give tiny easy to hide tents with like 30-50 slots. These seem pretty epic but when helis drop they gonna be pretty easy to spot. Id prefer something I can bury in thick pines making it hard even for copper pilots.....and when we gonna get stashes again like the mod, the were awesome :)
  4. Karmaterror

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    Nice! Animal life cycle and group behaviour sounds cool. Kinda hope those systems apply to zeds aswell. New renderer in Q1 aswell......WIN!
  5. Karmaterror

    Add a river to the map

    Still a lot less work than an entire new map IMO, slight rework of the coast....maybe widen the river on the corner o keep the little island. The rest of the map more than couple hundred metres from the coast would be unchanged. Sure no more ship, maybe if just one coastline was turned into a river the ship could reside on the other coast. I do like having the sea there and its a very different feel wandering round in the ACR cutouts. But I feel for all the changes going on in the rest of the map, the coast will be pretty much unchanged form the mod :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Next Vehicle

    Yep the, maybe poorly named, "offroad" wasn't quite as good as the UAZ. A friend has an ex mill landy for offroading, and we have had some great fun in it so they will always be my fave.....but lets have both! :) UAZ was a slightly smaller target aswell lol
  7. Karmaterror

    Add a river to the map

    I still think that adding the landmass from the ACR A2 dlc would do this brilliantly, not only produce a river (as the terrain is IRL) but also a new landmass to explore :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Next Vehicle

    Land Rover Defender! Oh no wait....were in the Armaverse.....Hand Over Offender plz :) Dat one :)
  9. So maybe peeps know this already but I only encountered it last night and was hilarious. Saw couple of deer on a (not huge) slope, proceeded to chase one with my axe, as it ran it did the "zombie going too fast down a hill" thing, broke ground and fell to its death......I chased the other one to see if it worked again.....yep they both did the same thing and because of the terrain was a nice neat two deer bodies in the same spot at the bottom of the hill. Having a friend to catch the bodies and work on them while you drive more towards the slope may increase productivity :D
  10. Karmaterror

    Run or kill yourself?

    I did runback to my body few nights ago.....but was mainly for revenge on some backstabber than for my gear. Also only really went for it because I spawned so close, if id spawned miles away I woulda just played. I say always just play the spawn your given, even "crap" spawns have benefits, like less player traffic or unlooted buildings. With the way the lootable buildings are spread out in SA your never far from whatever you wanna loot :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    I did say I know it was a bit tongue in cheek......but ricp has been around long enough to know exactly where it would lead. I am just tired of the endless excuses why they must play on 3pp servers when 1pp servers exist...hence 3pp must be changed for people that like 1pp....but for some reason join 3pp servers.....see what I mean.... only kids use excuses like "because my friends are there" I mean really....to quote a film...."yeah you must do what your friends think is best, because hey, these are the people that are going to make decisions for you for the rest of your life....right?" Alls I see is bitching and moaning about something that's mute......both partis can play how they like....If you went to a sports centre and rented a tennis court.....you wouldn't expect the squash players to come and have a game there then moan about the court provided not suiting there needs. Rent a damn squash court if that's what you want to play....its that simple. Neither view is better, they are just different.
  12. Karmaterror

    Loot question

    Jus to answer the 2nd bit....if persistence is enabled then loot/tents/backpacks placed on the floor will all "persist" when the server restarts and be exactly where they were when it boots up again. With persistence off then all things like tents, and loot will reset when the server restarts :)
  13. Karmaterror

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    Making an infamitory thread entitled "even dayz devs think 1pp is better" is blatently pouring fuel on the fire. The threads always start with a 1pp player bashing 3pp.....link me one thread where a 3pp player bashes 1pp as the OP....just one. PS I know it was a bit tongue in cheek, but really was just another jab by a 1pp player......getting mighty old....
  14. I get a little swell of pride that dayz hasn't broken me yet haha. I still almost always try to make contact, and yes.....I get shot a LOT. Its when ya start to knw the map inside and out and realise gear comes and oes hat you can really just let go of those vices and try interaction every time. Sure I get that few seconds of rage...."A-hole.....really?....I was in a f'kin wave gesture with my weps slung you pice of...." yeah but that passes within 10 seconds and 20 more back on the beach doing exactly what you were before. Now that tents are in its even better, stash some basics, maybe leave your best gun at camp and take a crappy one to go meet people. Only take your mosin for when you after revenge haha. When vehicles come will get better again, chances of lifts from friendlys, hijacking if you play that way. Death will become less and less of a hassle. I say keep fighting the good fight, keep trying. It will fail 8/10 times but those 2 when it goes well are worth it. Might even make friends that you play with for years to come like I did on the mod :)
  15. Karmaterror

    FPS issues on current build

    Hey guys im having real trouble getting a playable framerate atm, the weird thing is my framerate seems to not change with vid settings. At first I thought it was just the higher detai in SA so I dropped a couple of settings....no improvement. Couple more....still nothing. So I decided to do a little experiment, I put everything on ultra, then everything to low (included was a view distance change from 2000 to 750m) the net benefit of dropping every setting was only around 6 fps. So I guess im just curious, is everyone having this issue? if its already known sorry for posting this but its so strange, never had a framerate like this on SA ::(
  16. Karmaterror

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    You know whats funny.....its always the 1pp players kicking up a fuss, he never said it was "better", he said it was more immersive (agreed) and even acknowledged that a large part of 1pp is how it effects other players. That's the safety net that 1pp offers, personally I don't want all my opponents views restricted. I want them peeking and spotting me early, making my life as hard as possible. Maybe 1pp players should learn to not cave to the pressure of there friends or learn to own the choices they make. If you choose to play somewhere you don't want to because your friends play there....I sorry but time to grow up...."sry m8 im gonna play this server....feel free to join if ya want" should be your reply and play the way YOU want to. If you choose to join a 3pp server, own that choice. If you got peeked on and killed tough shit, YOU....no one else.....made the choice to select a 3pp server. Its not a problem with the view, or the way players use it, its a problem with your choice. If you cba choosing the correct environment for you then maybe you should just DEAL WITH IT :P Ahh now that's outa my system yeah, I hope they do fix the inherent problems with 1pp, I use it whenever I in combat or using melee. In fact its rare that im in 3pp till iv dubbed myself "out of danger". I see 3pp for using while running round, for taking in the scenery, admiring the gear you collected and as a valuable story telling tool. There are reasons some games choose 3pp as the only viewpoint, admittedly most are singleplayer. This is one of the games that can flawlessly blend the use of both views and that's a good thing for bringing people together and getting more players ingame total. Not to mention people who don't like FPS games can still enjoy dayz :)
  17. Karmaterror

    Statuses for your Hands

    Only half an idea really, open for suggestion on how exactly it could work but basically there would be statuses like net to toon, these woud be a different set that appear in the hands box, things like cold, hurt, broken, blistered, numb whatever. The main bit is that they could stack and have a detrimental effect to most any action where you use your hands. Freezing + numb for example could mean a random 0.1-0.9 sec delay when pulling the trigger, or cause you to loose more food when opening a can due to them shaking and low dexterity. Items like cans could take longer to open, sodas maybe loose some as you drink it so you only got 80% say of the hydration you should have. Sure theres loads of other statuses they could have with different effects. If they did steak and potatoes strong side weak side idea and split the hands like iv seen suggested a few times then thinks like breaking your left hand would be ok if you were a righty. You could still wield a pistol with some accuracy, but not a rifle until the hand achieves the numb status and yu can rest a rifle on it at least, but with diminished accuracy.
  18. Karmaterror

    Stop DayZ from turning into a Twitch shooter

    Agreed vehicles will go something like.... 1 week of playing... "omg guys! I see a truck!" "it wont move" "we need parts....form different servers"(thank you private shards) "shit" 1 week later "we got everything?" "yep" "you sure" "yep" "the trucks gone...." That's when people start adopting a camp hunting mentality lol
  19. Karmaterror

    How To Not Get Your Character Swiped

    This all sounds very elaborate, I got hit by the bug few days ago, joined too soon after a restart. I just logged out, restarted the game, and logged back in (same server) all was back to normal. Maybe I jus got lucky :)
  20. Karmaterror

    FPS issues on current build

    Well I can say this setup is killing games like Shogun 2, Arma 3, Metro 2033, all never below 50, shogun is most demanding up close in big battles. Will be great when they get it "feature complete" and start hitting the optimisation side of things. There is the modular engine upgrades, those will probs go beyond just dx11. If they get it to run like A3 does for me now il be happy :)
  21. Karmaterror

    I suck at killing zombies

    You can do that aswell.... Had a great moment where I locked myself in a shed with few zeds outside, then punched them through the window to kill them lol. One did glitch inside the building when it fell from a headshot but it was a cool experience, not like zombies running up to the door, opening it and wandering inside like the mod :)
  22. Karmaterror

    Stop DayZ from turning into a Twitch shooter

    I do kinda miss the old arma way of having to walkto be able to shoot and move. That being said I suppose that's more to train soildiers that running and shooting is gonna be next to useless. Seen as we aren't soildiers in this tho im fine with it being left in.....but (and I mean this literally) you shouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn at more than 100m if sprinting. I still say bring back mouse accel and put some skill into the shooting side if the game, right now its point and click with 0 effects to overcome :(
  23. Karmaterror

    FPS issues on current build

    Well its all together and its much better now, im hovering around 27-32 in cities (did see it hit 22...only once tho) and out in the wilderness iv seen high 40's, never below 38.....wohooooo! I saw dx9 mentioned, im sure its there intention for dx11 support and I noticed oncard comparison sites that the dx9 performance dosent really go up a lot from modern cards to 2-3 year old ones. Maybe once dx11 is in we can start seeing proper framerates :)
  24. Karmaterror

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    I took your advice.....I ran from cherno to NWA instead.....still hurts :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Statuses for your Hands

    That would be annoying as hell lol. Id say no rolling ststus messages for this one just the status boxes in inv. You would know something was wrong when it took twice as long to down a soda or was near impossible to aim :)