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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Time Alive

    Im not all that fussed about rankings or online leaderboards, but I really really want a mod type days alive counter in the bottom of the screen on login. Although I can see how they would make a lot of people pay differently with the hopes of being on them. The one thing they need to do is make it only log in game time. I once logged into a mod private hive server....spawned in zelengorsk with "day 127" or something like that. I was like wth!?!?! Turned out id played there before then not been back in ages, but the game had (probably) just gone off the date lol
  2. Karmaterror

    m8 i want accelerated time

    I think this will be in, as mentioned it was tried out earlier in development. Personally I love the realism of a full 24hr cycle, I like logging in and seeing the same in game time as it is IRL. I think that they should just let each server owner choose what cycle speed they want and give us a server browser list that displays its cycle speed. I was going to say that locking the pub ive to a certain cycle might be best....maybe that one that was suggested a while back where each night you would be playing an hour later so you see all the times f day over the course of a few weeks. But one problem I can see is it dosnt matter if its locked, people could just join a diff server with the time they want so maybe just let them decide for pub hive aswell. When its finished I wanna find a nice unmodded private hive with full 24hr cycle :)
  3. Karmaterror

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    This is brilliant, I particularly liked how you split the backpack with main storage and the two side pouches. Really brings some immersion into the inventory system, makes us make "authentic" choices about how we pack our gear :)
  4. Karmaterror

    boiling water and catching rain

    Im pretty much 100% sure boiling water to clean it will be included as it was like that in the mod. There was a chance to get an infection unless you used an empty tin can to boil up your water. I like the idea of a bigger rain catching device, instead of running round chasing droplets with an open bottle lol. Maybe 2 types, 1 like the fireplace kit that fills abottle much quicker, then a ststic one for basebuilding that will collect it in a tarp and allow a large supply to be kept at camp.....then banditos can try to poison it, you could have to keep checking to make sure it hasn't gone stagnant and has to be drained :)
  5. Karmaterror

    Clearing this up: DayZ is NOT years afterwards

    Ugh the one thing that always gets to me is people saying things like "chernarus is poor" or in this one "chernarus is basically Afghanistan"....no....come on. The place has good infrastructure...roads, street lamps, phone lines, power stations and power lines to nearly every town. That is not a developing country....its simply a war torn country....think America, UK, any country for that matter would look so hot after a long drawn out fight? Its all BS residual propaganda from bad blood between east and west. All those little "meanwhile in Russia" pics are to make westerners feel better that Russia won the space race and is very much one of the worlds superpowers right up there with the US and China. Now I know Chernarus isn't Russia but it seems like it gets some of that stigma attached to it. Alls it really is is a prominently farming community. I could visit US farms, UK farms, any farms and find run down barns or old storage buildings left in disrepair. That's no indication of the farmers financial situation, I mean for one they are land owners. Not like owning a house with a few square feet of land, a farm with acres of land.....these guys should be quite wealthy. There are countries out there where many towns and villages don't have power....no road to get there....hiking miles each day for clean water....that's a developing country ....Charnarus is faaaaaaaaaaaar from that. Anyways rant over....I personally think its bit more than weeks, maybe few months. That's long enough for fuel to still be usable and to explain why there are so few of us left. Always remember we in alpha and the fact we see a lot of fresh fruit atm dosent mean we always will. Later farming could be the only way to get fresh items (thinking more like potatoes carrots that type of thing). So always rotten food spawning in huses and if we are lucky a not to far gone one to salvage seeds from. The plants in houses they may have just overlooked, but seen as that's just tidying up/creating some "dead plant" textures they may leave that kinda thing till beta :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Custom status messages

    This is officially my Christmas wish :thumbsup:
  7. Karmaterror

    Government/Private Laboratory Facility

    I like it, I really really want hazmat suits in ever since I played the mod on Celle. Maybe if they made those piles of dead corpses dangerous to go near then they could place them near some high value loot sites. Then it gives the gasmask/hazmat suit a purpose. Maybe even have different types of infection, some that have to be inhaled, so gas mask will do. Then some where you get sick even if it contacts your skin, so there hazmat suit is best. Could even make the desiese pool at each place....and its existence dynamic on server restart like helo crashes. The place itself I think should be away from civilisation as zod says....I was thinking that new cave they added. If that could dead end in a bunker type door then it could be located under the mountain. Could be a few ways to get past the door, maybe a keycard that's hyper rare loot on a low chance to spawn zed (maybe a scientist that spwans in mill areas every now and then). Or blow it open with a satchel charge/many grenades...or just find it open and pick through whats left :)
  8. Karmaterror

    Slippy and Grippy Surfaces

    The main scenario I have in my head for this one is you know how we slow when running uphill...that suggests some sort of elevation detaction. You know how we get wet...that suggesys some sort of rain detection. well this idea sort of merges the two. If in dry conditions we can run at the slope and be slowed....then if its raining (and dependant on incline) theres a chance to slip, loose your footing, and slide down the hill. If you hit a rck or tree on the way down then chance of broken leg/arm. This would be a tiny chance on slopes that just slow to a jog...but slopes that can slow to a walk should have a much greater chance. To go with this system id like to see that hill detection swap a crouched stance to an all fours scramble if going up an appropriate slope, it could swap back to a standard crouch animation if you stopped, say to shoot. PS system should also apply to zeds so they can slip and fall while chasing you. PPS.....this is just one idea for it. It could apply to vehicles eg. wheels spinning forward....speedo says 120mph....but you are actually sliding backwards down the hill. Tractor could excel at climbing in wet conditions. Maybe chance to slip on painted/metalic floor surfaces while running, chance to drop a bike if you hit a grid while banked in rain..ect ect :)
  9. Karmaterror

    UnOpenable doors should look like they are!

    I think its a good idea just need a few "un-openable" door textures for each type, make sure to use a visual that's distinguishable from barricading style textures. I do feel the realism argument could be made though....like if you were looting a house, someone could have properly barricaded the door with furniture, braces ect. Then died inside and you wouldn't know you couldn't get in until you try it and see. Maybe theres an argument to make them indistinguishable from eachother. I dunno, makes a lot of sense to be able to distinguish them, but could live with them looking the same as its kinda explainable with a lil imagination :)
  10. Karmaterror

    Persistence. Splain it to me

    Hehe....is this a lil taste of whats gonna happen when loot gets properly rare....its gonna be hard to find anything in the end guys ;) Could this just be the loot respawn bug? Like because it only respawns in some buildings.....and they aren't mill....then its not properly refreshing loot at those sites. Where as non persistent servers refresh loot on restart so its not an issue....basically there might not be anything up with persistence....just the loot respawn bug effecting those server worse due to persistence being on??
  11. Karmaterror

    The Large Tent has 252 Slots.

    Yep alls about concealment, choosing the spot is everything. That heatmap from the mod? I usually just picked comewhere not near any mill spawns....haha fat chance of that in SA lol. Camping near the coast could become the new thing. I disagree that people finding tents easily will make people stop using them though. Every time I got raided I tried to find a newer better spot. The advantages of having a well stcked camp are just too great to ignore. Besides stocking the camp is half the game to me lol Im hoping we can move them around before placement like the system the mod employs now. The old way of it just pitching right in front of you was such a lottery. Im guessing tent placement kinda goes hand in hand with basebuildings object placement, so maybe wel see them flesh out thesystem a bit more then while they work on something similar. Still.....give us that old A2 tent....ohhh and the "dome" variant that wasn't used in the mod, but IMO blends much better :)
  12. Karmaterror

    Fuel Source Depletion And Alternative Fuel Sources (Server Uptime)

    I like it, making us rely on other things than the pumps....but.....does this mean we will need to store our....you know what to make the bio fuels? lol I think maybe there should just be a few vehiles that spawn already converted to alternate fuel. I just think having us survivors perform the conversion is a little much. It a pretty specialist thing, something nott everyone can do. Maybe the tanks could replenish a small amount each hour, say 1 jerry cans worth. Thaat way you never know what state the pump you head for is in. Instead of knowing that its depleaated for the next week or 2. Might keep people moving roundthe map in search of less frequented pumps :) On a similar note id like to see a new fuel tank model for airfields and only have aviation fuel avalible there :)
  13. Karmaterror

    A new approach to the bandits and heros situation

    To me this is identical to the mods hero bandit system, except the skins have been replaced by karma effects. TBH im not a fan of making zombies more sensitive to one than the other.....I mean its not like they recognise a bad guy from a good guy. Random tripping and stuff is sorta similar, the guy wont just loose all his ability to walk because has a bad guy. Im all for realism so my suggestion would be facial expressions. People that do more good than bad have a relaxed looking face, where people that do more bad than good have a tense face.....maybe (in extreme situations say 100+kills then some audio trait like the canabalism thing :) OP makes a good point that bandits are naturally handed some pros simply by adopting that playstyle...like increased safety due to not trying to interact, and free gear from victims. Maybe a bit of a con wouldn't be a bad thing :)
  14. So I was reading a thread in general and someone says "what are these items actually attaching to on our backs". That's a very good point, I mean when the pack is on it looks great, maybe like the packs side straps are holding them or we have bungied/tied them on with rope. However when we don't have a pack they just float there attached to nothing. Unless craftable sings are added then theres no way we could store them there. So here is my idea to remedy this... When we are a fresh spawn with no pack you must hold theone weapon you choose to take, wether it be melee or firearm. Then there are 2 optins to gain access to the weapon slot on your back.... 1, add a sling to the weapon, a sling could be attached to any weapon and culd lie diagonally across the back, allowing only 1 slung weapon. 2. Get a backpack, this would allow for both item slots one either sideof the bag just as it is now. Some packs could maybe not allow these slots and make you rely on the sling. While others could have just one slot.Only thing is you cannot sling a weapon when wearing a pack :) EDIT.....MUCH SIMPLER VERSION.... When you start you have no 2 slots on your back, whatever wep you take you have to carry in your hands. Some packs open up the melee weap back slot.... Some packs open the rifle slot..... Some packs add both! :)...... Some packs add none :( There we go, simple and much easier to implement
  15. As fluxly explained loot does respawn atm, but unike the mod you cant just leave a building and a few mins later it will be full of loot again. The new system (if im remembering right) will randomly spawn a replacement item somewhere within a 2km radius of the item its replacing. This makes the looting much more dynamic than the mod and helps cut down on "loot farming" But also as mentioned its a little buggy atm, so one building will get all the replacement items spawn there instead of spread out like they should be. In time I can see this system really working well :)
  16. Karmaterror

    Dayz actually becoming DayZ

    Too early for more zomies IMO. Much to be done before they need to focus on them. IMO it should go... Feature complete> Optimization> Add more zeds> Optimization> Add more zeds....ect ect We need a good foundation on which these guys can make our lives utterly miserable :)
  17. Karmaterror

    Can only carry gun/tool on your baack if you have a pack

    Yeah I kinda went that way in OP for if you don't have a pack. But someone said devs say they wont add slings for the guns so that's weni did the simple version based on what pack you have. It really wouldn't be much work for the IMO, no new textures or animations just avalible or not conditions on the weap slots based on your pack :)
  18. If it happens again play with vid settings one by one, id think texture would be a good one to try changing from A to B then back again, just to make the game reload everything :)
  19. Karmaterror

    Development of Zombie count

    Well I don't think theres much point till the stealth system is in, or we will just have agro at odd ranges. When its in I hope they can spot upto about 200m for a sprinting survivor, 180ish for running, crouched and walking should be able get you within about 50m (with avoiding line of sight), lying and crawling can get you very very close.....depending on surface. Also ithink we need them to have things like new renderer in and have at least stsrted optimisation passes before turning them up :)
  20. Karmaterror

    tyres popping device

    Man....why did I read that as "tyre pooping device"...I had visions of a really apocalyptic toilet made from tyres over a long drop or something lol But yeah this is a great idea, ifwe get tank trap kits as a little tribute to the mod then we could build up some nice roadblocks. Don't forget though....if these things are anything like the arma 2 vehicles tyres can be shot out with a couple rounds, if its coming strait at you then a few right at the radiator, about 10-15 small arms (AK) fire will have it smoking. Fire will follow shorty after, then boom :)
  21. Karmaterror

    Can only carry gun/tool on your baack if you have a pack

    Id take a static "wrapped around the weapon" type model for the sling when in hands. Then for on your back, one mounting point for the sling, then 1 (custom) mounting point on each gun so it looks reasonable. I know its a lot of work for them, but it could be worth it. Maybe a more basic system would be just more mounting points on the char for things that unlock with specific gear pieces, pretty much like the holster. Just open these 2 slots (or just one) on acquiring one of a few packs :) Check OP for new simple version :)
  22. Karmaterror

    The Large Tent has 252 Slots.

    You can find "secure" spots, well spots that last a while lol. I had a couple of good ones in the mod that will be pretty usless now due to the new map flow. One was right by zelengorsk on the peak of the hill to the west with a little clearing....could land 2 helis in that clearing if needed, but my personal rule was one land sea and air veh so I wasn't hording them all. That campsite lated months, on an average 25 pop server. Some nights we saw 60 players and even beng so close to zel never got found....until I landed there one night and some other 2 guys jumped me as I finished unloading. Got away and sniped one then his m8 left in there ural and I got what I could in heli, chose new spot nearby and ran back for my offroad and as much more loot as I could. Third trip back they had claimed the rest. I found out later that they were making a camp at the bottom of the slope when they heard the heli approach and land lol, so they were within# about 3-400m pitching tents and dint know about my 3 and offroad:D That brought the end of that casmpsite on that server after a good 2....maybe 3 months. Its never 100% safe but I wouldn't want it to be, the flood of emotion when you log in and see your campsite wiped from the face of the earth is strong for a response to a video game. I love the little cycle of rage leading to frustration leading to single minded drive to find where they decided to make camp with all "your" gear :)
  23. Karmaterror

    The ballistic vests total overhaul.

    Tis is pretty cool, kinda like being able to store a knife in combat boots make the vest store something specific. Do they have loops for shotgun shells IRL or something? Maybe it coud take 8 shells and 2 mags (of 1 type, depending wether its a Russian or American vest) as specific slots then have the rest as anything slots. A drawback could be a very slightly reduced movment speed and (when stamina/weight arrives) a weight value and penalty to stamina :)
  24. Karmaterror

    Can only carry gun/tool on your baack if you have a pack

    That's it....those packs could sling a gun.....the others couldn't so its a trade off/gear progression thing... Do I roll with a small pack that cant mount a gunand hold my wep...or Do I roll with a big pack that can hold a gun and an melle Do I roll with no pack and sling my wep I suppose it would be more usefull if a stamina system were in so each setup could have different benefits/drawbacks, making it a tradeoff. For now more of a gear progression thing :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Standing on items

    Were you on the hospital roof? If so I call sniper who didn't account for bullet drop enough and legged you. If you were inside the building I call bug because a leg shot gonna be pretty hard when the windows are all around waist height.....would need some good elevation to float a bullet over the ledge and into ya leg :) There was a lot of people dies in the mod thinking it was a bug (or hacker). When most of the time was a legit kill. Thing with this game is because its so open you can never be 100% sure you aren't being watched :)