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Everything posted by quamtraxxx

  1. Mask: (as mentioned before, to open the visor or unmask yourself to be able to eat) but you need press a hot key like m for mask and then press again m to put the mask on your face I saw only puking as a side effect of eating rotten food(being sick), how about diarrhea. I know it sounds lame, but people do need to piss and to take a dump, it would increase immersion and it would expose you more vulnerable. If you don't have toilet paper, using bandages or rags would work, if nothing, you would get some kind of infection by time(speaking only for defecating) handcuffs can be removed with an axe, risk of cutting the target and so make him lot of damage and bleed (the axe user should be healthy, to use axe with more precise swing)
  2. quamtraxxx

    Too many veterans

    Ok the "jerk" will tell you, if you use chrome, it will ask you to translate in your language so it is good to know where is cherno, elektro and other popular towns, where we go for the loot? Where barracks, tents, hangars are .. so airfields, military bases that you see on map if you zoom a bit in, i would skip Balota since it is looted by new players a lot, but you can try your luck by finding a corpse with loot there or a fresh corpse(if you know what i mean).I know there is a lot of houses to loot(in towns or villages), but you might find food and drinks inside that could save your life.
  3. quamtraxxx

    Too many veterans

    If you use your head a little, dont you think at least to google the map?? well .. just write this in google: DayZ Standalone Chernarus+ Map - DayZDB ... you will have to understand the map. So this will boost new player happiness i guess, now that they have this epic map :D. edit: ahh someone beat me to it, well i tried to help.
  4. quamtraxxx

    Too many veterans

    I'm not really a veteran, but i did play more than a year the mod and new maps, the thing is when i saw so many newbs that died in started towns cuz of hunger and thirst, i said to myself, i need to be a hero in this times, so i do most of the time ask players friendly? then if they need something, i do keep distance since the last experience i got was a duo, one was distracting me like he needs things other one was waiting with the axe to kill me, he did hit me once and i bleed then i said will you stop i offered you help and this is how you repay me? and still chasing me, so i needed to shot them so i could bandage after. So i think many veterans and skilled players should act more mature, try to contact the player, offer help or get some info from him, at least both partys with lowered guns and all can be resolved. I loved the german servers ( DE), the players are so helpful and i mean it, i was trying to wake up a player on ground in Zeleno, myself had gray screen so low blood and 3 players passed by in couple of minutes not attacking us but asking what is the problem, i just said i need blood and i never used in SA the blood trans. in end it worked, so i helped a stranger. It is more like, KARMA ... more you are bad, more bad will return, so why not bolish the shot on sight policy and i think many new players will enjoy more rather than ragequit after bein killed instantly. Peace
  5. I will try to keep it short... - Hunger: drops too fast, in real life you don't need to eat 20 cans of food to be able to run around for a day, for water i would understand since we sweat and our bodies are mainly made of water but still lowering the hunger and thirst would be more realistic. - "Some" melee weapons: like it was mentioned before, for example baseball bat: i had to strike a zombie more than 10 times in the head to kill it, with an axe i can 1 hit it. - Blood type: it would be nice for those that have 0- (negative), to be able to share with all blood types, since it is kind of universal blood type ( i have it in real life) but the person with 0- can only get his type. - Blood bags: Then again, finding someone who would donate blood in dayz is kind of hard with the shot on sight policy from the mod, if they added some refrigerators that have blood bags inside, now there is some electricity since i saw some lights ON when going in Elektro so it should be able to power up some old refrigerators in hospitals. Dont flame me, i never write feedbacks but dayz is such a great game even with problems, so if im wrong what i wrote, just ignore it.
  6. quamtraxxx

    Banned on DE 61

    Greetings, I apologise for my bad grammar, I created this topic because i was banned recently on a DayZ server DE 61 my name in the game is ENT 5h4d0w. It happened like this, i was on the fields of Prigorodki, chatted with 2 players one called Clear and other trendkiller, after that i got teleported somewhere and saw a player front of me, i didn't know who he/she is. He/she spawned some medical boxes and lots of alice backpacks. Well i do not use hacks, never did, never changed scripts and still got kicked sometimes on some servers, but now i got banned for first time because of an other player. I know i did pick the items from the box, who would not picked them, greed is in us. Then after a minute i didn't saw no one around me and in an instant got kicked/banned from server because of hacking. So in short, i picked hacked stuff, not spawned it. Thank you for your help!