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About levikus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. levikus

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Please make every start from zero
  2. Thx man!, didnt know this was so easy :)
  3. levikus

    Where to find loot?

    Always check for the big red ones. Mostly with dark woodshed attached.
  4. Dont know which server you are on, on my home server bolota is nearly an instant death from a random sniper... But i'm fine with the System. Be carefull und watch out. I've lived pretty long alone, being complete stealth mode, now that i've found buddies its nearly the same, only that my back and retreat path is covered. And i follow one simply rule: If i'm sure, they didnt saw me, i let strangers live. If i doubt it, i'll shoot.
  5. One simple rule: If you are sure, the other Player didnt saw you, let him go. If not, shoot first. If Bandit Skin, always shoot. i died to often typing "friendly" in the chat. So