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Everything posted by breakmend

  1. breakmend

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I seem to be getting more FPS problems with the new patch, but I'm not entirely sure they're caused by the server. I mean, they're definitely caused by DayZ (all other games and Arma2 are just fine), but I seem to be able to fix it by restarting my game a couple of times (doesn't work on first try).
  2. Hi! Would be awesome if a player could carry just one car wheel and they would actually have to carry it in their hands (no weapons at the same time) and throw it on the ground if they need to shoot something. Basically this would mostly mean that you could not hog all the car parts and store them so easily and if you happen to find a car to fix, you'd have to run four tires one at a time etc. Would also be really cool to see someone running with a tire and you'd want to follow them to see if they know a car location
  3. People keep asking for melee weapons. Well how about give players the option to forcefully inject morphine to a perfectly healthy player? A) It's "melee" (as in melee range) B) It's quiet C) It depletes the item, thus making it harder thank knifing people D) It would be the "backstab" of this game (to betray your companion) E) It's not for killing zombies, obviously F) Maybe it would not kill the receiving player, but make them unconcious and lootable? G) Maybe make the context menu such that new players don't accidentally do it and think they were helping
  4. breakmend

    Problems Refueling cars since

    This is a bug related to many other things as well. If you look at a tent, you will have the option "Save Tent" stuck in your mouse-wheel menu for as long as you log out. Also happened with dismantling a wire fence.