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Everything posted by person915

  1. person915

    Looking to join a group or find a partner.

    I play Namalsk, Am 14 Live in NC Timezone GMT -5 or EST Server address iOGC Namalsk v.060(bliss v4.0/build 98866) [EXPERT|3DP:OFF|CH:OFF][GMT -6] - hosted by www.iocg.co.uk thread is http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107939-no-sense-in-dying-alone-namalsk-nsda-recruiting/ I only want 2-4 maybe 5 people in that group. Check the thread out, if you meet the requirements and fill out the short application right then we can get started
  2. person915

    Need a Partner

    I think you're in the wrong section, but don't worry about that, the mods will decide. Anyway, if you like Namalsk, hit my thread up: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107939-no-sense-in-dying-alone-namalsk-nsda-recruiting/ My info is in the example application, but I am: 14, less than a month from 15 EST or GMT -5 I live in North Carolina I have skype but I'd prefer teamspeak I play on a server with no 3rd person, deathmessages, tracers, or anything, and the address is: iOGC Namalsk v.060(bliss v4.0/build 98866) [EXPERT|3DP:OFF|CH:OFF][GMT -6] - hosted by www.iocg.co.uk if you can get 200ms or less stable on that server and hit me up with a decent application on my thread (it's only like 6 things) then we'll start right away!
  3. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Oh, what a life this was. By the end of it, I had matches, a hatchet, a map, watch, survival knife, some meat steaks, some cans of food, tons of heatpacks, and two tents. How I died. It's fucking ridiculous. I was getting chased by a zombie, and I see a ladder with a balcony. I was about to check this building out, so I go there anyway and climb up. As soon as I get to the top, I start sliding off! Acting quickly, I select "go down ladder". I almost made it. Instead, DayZ decided I would still fall, but then somehow not fall, staying on top of the balcony, with my legs broken and bleeding. A long hourglass then followed. Luckily, I wasn't shouting, and no zombies had come over. So I wake up, and again start falling. This time I got on the ladder! But oh, wait, now DayZ decided to knock me out WHILLE I'M ON THE LADDER! Wonderous! So I wake up now after a shorter time, still bleeding. I descend the ladder, and think all is good. OH WAIT, NO, NOW DAYZ DECIDED TO KNOCK ME OUT WHILE I'M ALREADY ON THE GROUND! I wait for another long hourglass, my blood now flashing. I know I can make it. It isn't flashing where it's almost out. So I get up quickly, and apply a bandage. Phew, I think. I stopped the bleeding, I have morphine, and I have some steaks. I'm going to be ok. DAYZ THEN DECIDES TO MAKE ME DROP OVER DEAD FOR NO FUCKING REASON. WTF? I am ok with dying. I really am. Because I have fun. But when I die from stupid glitches that should not happen, and when they happen excessively and for no reason, then I get pissed. I had everything. Everything I needed. And it did not get taken away by a player, nor a zombie, but a dumb ass glitch that I had no way of knowing existed. *sigh* I really need someone to play with me so they can say, -insert broad monotone heroic voice here- "No, don't go on that ladder, it's glitched!". But right now, I'm thinking for everyone all that I post is tl;dr....
  4. person915

    I'm going to live Dayz

    Frank and Beans is another way of saying Pork and Beans. Hotdogs are made from pigs (well, atleast they're SUPPOSED to be), and some hotdogs are called franks. Pig's meat is called pork, so Pork N' Beans! Ask for that. you might not find Heinz though...
  5. DENIED! You did not fill out the application to the required standards. You are welcome to re-apply at any time.
  6. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Decided to post the link anyway. I feel like I might not be going to get as many replies as I'd like... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107939-no-sense-in-dying-alone-namalsk-nsda-recruiting/
  7. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Ok, so... interesting life this time. I wander around for a bit, eventually finding suitable weapons. I end up having tons of heatpacks, and I wasn't dying from cold like last time. Then I found a vehicle. At the time, just a tail, I saw the backend. I go around the corner, my hope now reality. All that was needed was a car wheel, one stashed in the back. But... it wouldn't go on. Frusterated, I circle the vehicle for about 10 minutes, then start collecting vehicle parts so that whatever I needed I could repair. Besides, I wasn't going anywhere without that pickup! Among my scavenging, a thought occurs to me. "I need a toolbox." After playing Chernarus for so long, this concept was foreign to me. I need a toolbox. After scrounging around, I find one, atop a scaffolding. "I'm getting out of here," I think. I run back to the vehicle, grab a freshly spawned tire off of the floor, pop it on, and roll out. It felt wonderful. In a land of frost I now had a hot, purring, mechanical steel carriage that could take me wherever I needed to go. I followed the road. I stopped at many places along the way, gathering supplies, still needing food. That was all I needed. Food. North. I needed to go north. But which way was north? Which way? I travelled up the mountain, onto a snowy part. It was dark. I found an M4A3 in a bunker and turned on the flashlight. Excellent. In the next settlement I made it to, I found a compass. Finally, I finally had the last piece! My food was flashing. But I would be home soon. I wasn't finished in the building, though. I didn't find anything particularly useful. I find the exit door. "So much to do, have to get there fa-" Bang. There was a faded flash from the doorway. I saw myself fall, looking at the broken bone indicator. But... I had so much to live for. I did everything right. I forged a life out of the cold snow and I was a shining prowess ready to take on the wasteland. But someone had to take that away from me. Did they think, that maybe I had food? Were they starving as well? Did they want my car? My vehicle, for my life, I surely would have felt obliged to the offer. But no, instead of diplomacy, I was met by a hostile agressor that I could not see. One shot, all it took, and it was over. They would find no food. They would find no hope. Only a loaded vehicle and gun, they too soon doomed to die by a worse fate than I, starvation. They would see themselves die by the hands of nature. They would suffer. *sigh* Ok, out of my artistic writing mood and all that... But anyway, I don't see why he could not have: 1. taken the car and gone 2. asked me for some food in direct chat and stay where I could not see him. Because by killing me, essentially, I could have killed him. And for how high I was on the mountain, he must have saw my light. And in Namalsk, NO ONE is doing well besides hackers, because you always either need food or warmth, or the means to get those things. He was looking for something. And I KNOW that everyone in Namalsk is well armed, so without a second thought I would of completely disrobed if I could still live. Well, either that or he logged on and was welcomed by me... But if he logged off THERE, he is a stupid SOB.... I'm going to start a Namalsk group. No sense in dying alone. Look in my content, and if it gives you a 502 bad gateway like me, lemme know and I'll post the link here! See you there!
  8. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Thanks. Atleast now I know there is a town that I can find something at. I dunno which way is north, but for now I'm following the railroad because I haven't gone that way yet!
  9. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Oh no, it was plenty interesting. Here was my day: After posting my reply to this thread about not finding anything, I find a heatpack atop a tower, and I find camo clothing. My temperature had gone completely clear at this point, and after finding 2 more heatpacks while wearing the camo clothing, it did nothing to bring it back up. Seeing there were other people on the server, I found some M203 flares and shot them off, a desperate attempt in finding help. I had a survival knife, hatchet, and wood, but couldn't find matches anywhere. Travelling, I found multiple settlements, all filled with useless car parts. Finding a crashed AC130, I found numerous useless weapons that only filled up my inventory with stanag mags. So eventually, I see a factory. I think "Good, maybe I can actually find something!" I found just about a chicken, killed it and took its meat, with still no way to cook it. Seeing all the flammable barrels around wrapped up in their packages completely pissed me off because I couldn't use them. Atleast change the texture! So after this while I'm in the factory, a zombie decides to see me meanwhile all his friends don't even care, and stay where they are. He comes over to me, stands up (he was a monkey zombie), and I reel backwards. I'm guessing his fingertips hit me, because I went down and got knocked out, starting to bleed. What's weird about this is that my blood appeared to be regenerating before this, because when I logged in to then it had gone from dark orange to a rotten lemon yellow, and I wasn't coughing. So anyway, ArmA being ArmA, I wake up, only to find the other zombies had decided to join in hearing my screams, and that my blood was flashing red. I had my G17 out previously, and that ArmA mechanic when you have no ammo in your weapon it switches to the other kicked in. Only, I DID have ammo in my G17! I had one mag loaded! And if you have ever woken up, you know it takes forever because your character wants to do this weird animation that takes up time and keeps failing and repeating, which I believe is trying to take your weapon out. So by the time I got up and was ready to use my G17 to blow this infidel to pieces, it switches to my M4A1, which apparantly didn't have ammo in it either! Wonderful. I loaded a mag in and fell over, dead. Now I wouldn't really care that I died, but I had worked so hard and done so many things just to be killed by some shit little bug and glitch that shouldn't even be in there, and I was ready to tough it out until the end, and I wanted to! I actually might have lived! Goddamn rocket, so help me by beta you better have these things fixed or you will have a mob at your door that are damn well smarter than the zombies you programmed. Edit: Bleh, I was angry. I had fun that life though. Still, it would have been alot better dying from natural causes...
  10. person915

    Namalsk Night Time

    Correct, and I've been to 3 locations, an airbase, a small encampment, and a few houses and I've found ABSOLUTELY no heatpacks or cans of food, nor seen any animals but a rabbit in which I still need matches to complete my survival gear anyway. Of course I started coughing too. The funny thing is I've found an M16M203, an M4A1 Holo M203, and an M4A3 CCO SD, but have not found any food nor heatpacks, even searching every single zombie I've killed. Either I'm getting bad luck or I'm doing something wrong. I can't help where I spawned because I wanted to go to a residential village, but with no clue where I am, the likelihood of running through the woods and finding something and NOT dying, or just going down the road and finding something are pretty slim. So basically you're saying I'm doomed to freeze to death at this point? And about the warm clothes, you mean like I can find a coat item in Namalsk? Or do you mean Ghilles are warmer? Because I've still found neither.
  11. person915

    The Mysterious Beeping Noise

    Usually it's like 3km-150m radius. Which gets me annoyed because once I get in range of the town I can't hear it anymore and have to go searching through the whole place. Usually I hear it in between towns or on the outskirts.
  12. Has the server been changed to Tavania yet?
  13. person915

    Friendly duckheads

    HE said "Hey", I typed it.
  14. person915

    Friendly duckheads

    I was in Elektro, and I heard this guy over direct. He said "hey!". I knew he wasn't a bandit because a bandit wouldn't do that. So I go inside the house I was in further, and upon entering the room I turn around halfway and am met with a hatchet to my leg. I hear the growls of zombies but know that the fact my leg is broken AND my blood is flashing means it was a hatchet. The next thing I hear is "Don't worry, I'm not a bandit, I'm going to patch you up." Sure of this survivor's ability (he did sneak up on me and incapacitate me) I watched the hourglass on my screen as I see a zombie enter the doorway. "Hm, that was strange. I didn't agro any..." The next thing I heard was the sound of gunshots followed by footsteps and the ripping of flesh. The short version is: I met an idiot. Actually, I didn't meet him, but he approached me even though I had no idea where he was. He hatcheted me in the leg. He was going to heal me. He agro'd zombies beforehand. They came inside. He wasn't good enough to kill them all. He let me die. Out of his own stupidity. I prefer to hate "stupid friendlies" rather than dickhead ones.
  15. WHY?? Oh well, it's still in the state I live, a private hive, and no admin abuse. I'm still gonna try it. Once I figure out how to use Six Updater for DayZ. No, screw it, I'm just going to use DayZ commander. Edit: Having trouble finding the server on the server list. I'll try to connect remotely but I don't want to do that EVERY time...
  16. Actually stopping admins from rebooting when killed? I always found when they do that to be contradictory. If you play DayZ, you play it for the players, or it's no fun. Getting gear and restarting when you lose it when killed by a player makes no sense. It's like not playing the game....
  17. person915

    Project "Trust Me."

    Trust Me. What is Project "Trust Me."? Trust Me. is about returning power from the bandits and PKers who run rampant through DayZ to the true heroes and survivors of the game. How can you ever expect to accomplish this? Basically, the goal in mind is to educate players on how to handle confrontations that will most likely not result in death between them. We teach tactics, methods, as well as giving players food, water, supplies and the like. We give the players someone to trust and be certain they will stay true, and encourage others to trust others too, but do it in a safe manner that won't get them killed. So you're a clan, guild, squad, organization... what? The main part of the project is a community of players that is pretty free-lance. This is so people can spread out to different servers and increase diffusion within the player population. The other part is an organized group of friends who play together on a common server. These are small divisions organized based on location, timezone, and playtime preference, but are not forced upon people if they don't want to be part of a specific group. As part of the community, you just need to spread teachings and be friendly to other players, and not kill them. You know, unless they want to kill you. Ok, how do I join? To become a community member [WIP, setting up system] To apply for a specific group, choose one and fill out the application acoordinly [WIP, creating application and groups] I am currently not accepting applications until a suitable network is set up to have members be able to fully function right away upon joining. You may apply, (if there is an application set up) but your application will not be accepted until recruitment starts.
  18. person915

    Project "Trust Me."

    Oh geez. Realized I don't have much time for this right now. I'm taking Driver's Ed and it's a long class that I don't want to fail.
  19. What if we just add realistic seasons? This would take care of just about every thing you have up there. Seasons to me should be lasting the whole entire time the season actually lasts. We already have realistic times for day and night cycles. Winter- In the winter, it's cold, and infection could set in pretty easily, and animals are in hibernation or migration. Season Epidemy, Epizooic, and Cold are then included in part. Also, get rid of the crap that makes no sense. Vehicles don't consume more fuel in the winter unless you want to keep it warm. Other than that it doesn't do much to consume more fuel. With the decrease in animals I guess you could say it could be called the hunger season too. Still, these changes with the seasons should only make sense. Spring- In spring, it'd be raining a LOT of the time, and zombies would probably be howlin' 'cuz they're hormonal since it's spring and everything is mating. Maybe this would be the season to add more chance of getting infected as the disease would be looking to spread. Seasons Zombie infestation come into effect. You also only talk about bad effects and the changes in player behavior from those effects. A good effect of spring should be more animals out and more water. Summer- there's your fire season. Still rains in summer, though. Fall- leaves fall, things start to dwindle, gets a bit colder, and everything just looks a bit more beautiful. Random rain showers from the summer still leak in. In closing, I'd like seasons, even though they'd require a ton of work considering they'd have to add that many more files for things covered in snow and leaves changing color, but don't go adding things that don't make sense. Already in DayZ, if you have a weapon, it becomes harder to find ammo. This is arguable, but I had a Lee Enfield in Cherno and couldn't find any mags for it except 1 in the church. Same with all my weapons. The point is, things should be as they are. It's either there, or it isn't, don't go bullshitting those of us who actually like to keep our weapons by decreasing ammo spawns of that type for us [(rocket) sorry if this is untrue and the DayZ gods just hate me] and don't go BSing us who just want to play the game by decreasing food and ammo spawns for no reason. It's either there or it isn't. The weather outside does not affect how many cans I have in my pantry.
  20. person915

    Project "Trust Me."

    Grrh. Found A GAZ, lost the bike due to battle eye failing to update, then came back to GAZ with parts to find it gone. Never got it off the spawn point. Prolly why its gone now. Im just about to set up a camp, then ill update this place with what it actually needs. Should be tomorrow. Bump it then, please
  21. So what is Black Box? Is it free? If so, why is it free? Who published it? Need more information (more than just answers to the questions provided) before I follow a link to somewhere I've never been and download something I know nothing about. Granted, I'd be happy to help with this kind of thing.
  22. person915

    First rate Bandits!!! (Wanted)

    Go look at my Project "Trust Me." Thread. Working on it, bro.
  23. person915

    Fun Murders - up Close and Personal

    I gotta say, I would log out. Not because I'm a combat logger, but when someone comes at you in an organized group with that stuff, they just want to kill you for fun, no reason. Getting killed would just be a waste of time. These people should've done the same. Or hid. Even if not, you always pick up a hacker and physco-bandit clan package when you play on high pop servers.
  24. person915

    Can dogs (when the patch is out) get into cars?

    Most likely when dogs are implemented they can get into cars as a passenger, or they can be set to stay in an area. I personally would only like them to be able to get into pickups, transports with the huge back, buses, and maybe a motorcycle if they add a side-car. Still, this issue will be addressed eventually, whichever way it goes.