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Everything posted by fruity_rudy

  1. fruity_rudy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Mr. Apollo, you might should read some posts..It could be possible that somebody or better 100 other guys already asked the same question well watching this thread makes no sense..i do mario kart in between..till thursday..seems like a good buffer
  2. fruity_rudy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Sorry, i apologize for that, but i simply can't stand ppl who complain about this game, only because they cannot play right now, due to new updates. I really don't like it when ppl bitch about the game itself, cause for me this is by far the best game i've every played..
  3. fruity_rudy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    you paid 25 Euro for THIS mod? You may paid 25 Euro for Arma, but not for this mod. I'm in the BIS forums everyday since 2008 i guess? In there ppl talk about betas, mods and so on. So beta means, beta, this is alpha. Afaik, when i remember it right, DEan somehow stated that he did not think that anybody would play this mod in alpha state. I think they're working a lot on it. So you have to be patient. I remember the whole updating process for Arma2 itself, it was a long time till some bugs got fixed, and all the ppl on the forums suggested, tested with dwarden, suma and Co. , and everybody knew, one day there will be good final product. So i guess you don#t get the whole thing behind arma and you seriously forget, that this is an alpha, for which you DID NOT PAY 25 Euro , cause IT IS FOR FREE. That's all i can say EDIT: The free argument does work, arma is like the linux for gaming, it's an engine which allows ppl to modify to hell. But i see that it's not worth discussing this out in this forum, go back to topic, i won't say anything regarding that anymore.. sorry I'm a non-hater and i simply enjoy BIS stuff, and this free mod, cause i did not buy A2, all expansions and DLC#s only because of this..I did it to support that small dev-studio
  4. fruity_rudy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    READ BEFORE U POST! 1. Do not quote crybaby's comments, waste of time 2. Do something else for the next 2 hours to let admins update and not thousands are connecting at the same time 3. use search function before you ask the same stuff over and over again 4. my question to Dean, same that somebody already asked but not got answered yet: Did some weapons got removed, like AWS? I don't have one but my buddy found one on helo, or could it be a desynch due to massive server overload. 5. nobody cares if you lose a weapon or anything, cause this is for free, alpha, for free and alpha.. 6. it's for free and alpha 7. word
  5. well so logging in=character gone? could others confirm this? cause i already saw it twice in the server thread, where i'm playing and also in here. If it's the case, i won't update, cause i don't wanna see the choose male or female skin frame, i'm in a good mood right now :/
  6. Are you serious? I don't wann lose all my stuff..no way
  7. ever thought about putting pw on the server, so ppl have to join TS/mumble or any forum to get pw to play? Or isn't it allowed to put pw on dayz server? I mean if you have some kind of stock pool of frequent players, bout you know that they're not a bunch of dicks, you're safe..
  8. We've had the same issue in the past while playing warfare. Hackers usually picked server with most ppl on it, looked if the round was running for several hours and started hacking=ruined the whole evening. The point is, ppl learned to simply ignore that, which means, no yelling, no typing, ( ok thats not possible in here), after 2 weeks they got bored and it did not happen again for a long time. But this kind of mod is really really good for hacking, cause you'll hurt the ppl that much. Sad but true..
  9. i have that every day like 5 times, one day i just ignored it and i welcome the day when there's some kind of timer, like 20 secs before you can log out..
  10. Well i don't wanna copy over the 1.60 files and do backup everytime. And i use tons of addons, not only the dayz one. so a launcher is necessary for me..
  11. the simple and easy way is : get beta patch here : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php install beta..copying over files to main arma directory works, but it's way too complicated get spirited machines launcher : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241 install it, select path for the exe on first startup. In addition watch this video part 2 and 3 so you understand the launcher, launching beta with this launcher is only one click on the checkbox, thats all..i do that since ages
  12. you might need new beta, which is maybe not on six yet, but it should. Otherwise go to this page http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php pick the latest one on top in the green box, install it, and try again
  13. As i said, this is the only mod in arma i've ever played where ppl simply hit alt f4 or whatever to get away from death, i really don#t care about death, cause i died a lot and i'm always going in, while others prefer server hopping, so i enter barracks, dude magically appears in front of me and kills me, even if i checked inside through window 3 times. Thats lame annoying, and (sorry) sucks ass. I get weed's point, as i said i went to that corner to log off cause i thought you haven't seen me. thats all, maybe i was facing you while logging off. anyways, i can't connect to the server, is there anything wrong with hive, BE or so?
  14. First of all, yes i disconnected, but not to avoid death, i wanted to log off anyways cause i always log off when i'm on the phone, i say mr. guilly crouching near the wall and i thought he did not see me, so i moved behind the wall , logged off and talked to my father. maybe right in that moment he tried to kill me. I don't know, cause when i hit esc and abort, i really don't pay attention. I do play in here very often, and i shot like 30 ppl, who dc'ed right when i shot them. But i never complained because there is no sense in complaining about ppl abusing it, till it's fixed and not possible anymore. This is alpha. And also, you did not shoot me, whe did not have a firefight. So , i am that honest and say that i dc'ed, not on purpose, just to go back to real life, cause i don't take this that serious. If you wanna ban me, get my id from server log and do it. I really don't care But i do care about ppl judging me like i'm one of these douches, dc'ing cause they don't wanna die. Sometimes i die like 3 times a day, cause all the ppl are dicks on most of the servers, and wanna have my bandage and pistol, or now, my painkillers?! I'd like to know the % of players, all players who play this interesting mod, who did not dc once or twice to get away from death. Whatever..you got my ID, do what you want, your choice.. laterz
  15. allright cool. Could you maybe send an info in this thread? Cause when they're working, i'll start playing again. Right now i don't have any motivation or mission that makes me play it. Became pretty lame after playing a bit..But your server performance is really top, good admin support all the time..
  16. fruity_rudy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have to say sorry for not reading all the 38 pages, are the aircrafts fixed, is it finally worth playing?
  17. Yesterday i was running through the forest, near Gorka..That was cool
  18. fruity_rudy

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Reading changelog about imba zombies makes me think: Does it take like 4 hours now to get through berezino?Even if you go prone in the grass, it's still 1 bar of visibility..They can see better, bigger damage range and more damage to me if they hit me..Dear god..That sounds hardcore
  19. ye, no more gamma cheating, really nice. But i can't get it working on server..i'm too stupid for that :)
  20. Dude , where do you get the server beta patch? or is it exactly the same like the one for clients? just wanna update our coop server..we got windows ded server..
  21. Uh no choppers? well i think i'll wait then and do some coops in between. It became pretty boring. Getting a helo is my only intention
  22. question: Do helis work now? i haven't ever seen a takistani huey since i started playing.
  23. new beta, no be supp yet..eta 1 hour
  24. fruity_rudy

    FPS issues?

    if you fly around on chernarus in the editor a) you#re the host b) no AI