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About Qintwoguns

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  1. Oh really? If u have some spare time why not find a hacker and ask him teleport u to uh... 000 155 and swim back? lol Don't act like it none of ur bussiness and said oh these guys are so sad. Try to experience what happened to looney735
  2. Member since 6min ago lol only shown u even not dare to reply the reasons im talking into.
  3. lol They won't get a life. Only live in their dream world and said "maybe" just few ppl are "complaining" and they don't care about ppls feel frustruated and leave(dayz online used to be 50 thounsand month ago now 38). Well gl they can keep shrinking until stuck in same circumstance.
  4. 1. That's month of experience for pritvate hive not pub. Beside 1200 pls playing doesn't mean all of them support new combat system lol 2. "the combat system is working and forcing you to confront your attackers/die. It's not a "fair fight enforcer." pls tell me not for a fair fight what's the meaning of this system? Becuz combat logger make attack side unfair so they wanna change. Use different words won't make things different. 3."I still am thoroughly amused by your "prediction" when this system has already been in use for a month solid on my servers and I can't keep up with the player demand" Frankly you sound like some of Wall Street enconomists before 2010. If his scenario won't happen can u explain why? U said system not perfect so why not try to make it perfect?
  5. If there are hackers then people are going to combat log regardless and it's up to server admins to determine why. lol Last time us 3345 admin banned everyone in server that time 3 hacker respawned heli and tipped others together include me and my friends. We were not using any fvcking hack our cd-key alive after ban waves. Most funny part is it was me email him to check server log. What make admin have to care about circumstance? Like WalkerDown said new system for private hive maybe okay but offical is different story. For me better get punishment killed then add into blacklist banned in some circumstance. and btw I killed at least 30 guys never let anyone combat logged. Most assault rilfe 3 body shots killed. For Sniper rifle 2 shots. Is that so hard to instant kill?
  6. That's exactly what Im thinking dude. " That idiot is trying to be stealth with his silenced weapon, but he didn't realized that i can magically listen at him with my powerful digital alarm" lol U enlight me forget this issue.
  7. With all my respect, First what kinda pinned down will happen while an idiot shooting around 50m in real world??? As far as I know m203 gl or rpg only has 25m maximum damege range lol. Second u talk about fight back oh ya. its nothing about group/solo. Bandit raid can keep bunch of targets inside cover or building now. U REALLY know what's that means? That means oh once bandits found their targets some of them switch to other server to flank lol and others keep targets "pinned" . lol then assault team will "appear" wherever they want. Think about this now lol attacker can exploit without any restriction but.... About retreat what make u think anyone can successfully retreat against bunch of exploit flankers? That happnes everyday at elektro lol Once again with all my respect I think u definetly never faced any trained bandit raids nor become one of them lol What about hackers? Oh ...
  8. hackers and bandits will be so happy in 1.7.3 :) [14:11:14] Qin: [Complaint] But someone can just keep me logged in by firing at a building I'm in! [Response] Absolutely. This is intended. Why? Because it comes at risk to the attacker. They have to expend bullets and reveal their position/potentially aggro zombies. This gives you the upper hand in most situations by allowing you to know exactly where they are and they don't know for sure where you are. They also draw attention to themselves from other survivors. If they're willing to accept those risk/expenses, why shouldn't they be allowed to stop someone from combat logging on them like a coward? Guys who use SILENCED weapon would owned everyone :) like a boss. Lets talk about tactics. A bandit raid group will easily assembles guy with silenced m4 to suppress targets without be compermise and others can try to flank/firecover at same time . Expenses? One mag can last for up to 900 sec "suppress" effect.... From my point of view, new combat system means once u get locked on by bandit group or hackers, lol either wait for ur dead arrives or become combat logger. However I aggree to set some restriction on alt+f4. btw I doubt Is there anyone aware of abnormally murder increases today compare to day2 after BE 1.183 lol
  9. Qintwoguns

    I can never find a sniper rifle!

    cz550 will be spawn with pick-up truck. Try to search heli crash in open field. DMR is very common at heli crash site.
  10. Qintwoguns

    Hacker back

    Watch #4 and I heard gun shot properly m249 lol
  11. Qintwoguns

    Hacker back

    btw that hacker name is "Happy Face" lol he was using teleport and invisable(crosshair shown 2m l85a2 cant see shit)
  12. Qintwoguns

    Hacker back

    :) just got killed in us 3219 when I logged at my camp most west of map in 30s. :D Be caution.
  13. Qintwoguns

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    I have nvg,gps,ghillie,as50,m14 aim,trade for rangfinder and L85a2