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Everything posted by Steam_Power

  1. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    hahaha, I was kinda surprised as were some others.. :P
  2. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    You made me sad.. but atlas now I am happy! ahah
  3. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    Haha, thats what I was thinking.
  4. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    This guy... he knows his stuff.
  5. Steam_Power

    heavy weaponry

    As I have stated in other fourms posts I will give you beans for the thought, however, I think many will agree there should be more of a reduction in the finiding of military weapons... Not an increase in types of heavy weapons. Mortar is cool, but maybe there will be some type of an explosive ranged weaon when it comes to basebuilding wayyyyyyyyyyy down the road. BEANS FOR YOU SIR!
  6. Steam_Power

    My big, fat wishlist

    chance to fumble weapon while on the run? Like Mick Vick every tiem he ran with the ball this season... (sorry I'm an angry Eagles fan.... still)
  7. Steam_Power

    Morphine Addiction/Overdosing

    Morphine.. lol.. Should give you a fix to your leg.. If anything once you set it in a splint it should take some good amounts of time before it is healed, even after it is healed.. maybe a negative effect of losing sprint speed distance until it is past post recovery. If you dont splint it... Takes longer and longer/larger post healed neg effect.
  8. Steam_Power

    Food takes time to digest

    Mt. Dew.. is magical.
  9. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    Are you confusing me for OP, I hope so. I was saying that Rocket is an example of Quality that BIS chooses to hire.
  10. My Pop-pop made his own bullets, he saved the shells when he went shooting, he unfortunately passed before he ever got to show me the art, he had his own little set up in his basement, it was no quick task and he had a lot of lead paper weights he used to use. Possible, yes, and I wouldnt mind seeing it as an end-game type of deal. This is a good thought, dont throw this idea away guys, I should however be time consuming and use a good amount of gathered resources. But hey, If you are a zombie hunter, bandit hunter or a bandit and work a deal with one of these skilled users.. that has one at their base.. That would be not only helpful but useful to the economy of DayZ.. He makes bullets for food. I like it OP, way to go against the grain on this one. Thumbs up, and a can of beans.
  11. Steam_Power

    Food takes time to digest

    That will tie in nicely with the shitting feature that will be incorporated in the SA! lol
  12. Regardless, this could be a way to go, I would like to see something to immerse people into the game, no wanting to just kill people because they know they will respawn anyways. I personally hate killing other players unless they are bandits, I just like to help and work together.
  13. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    They understand from a Business aspect that this may be their break-through opportunity, I am not saying that this is why they are going slow, but They are Quality over Quantity, that goes for the team the hired in Rocket and Co. Fraggle, you are Quality too my friend. :D
  14. Steam_Power

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    Arma was never the biggest game in the world, yet BIS spent a lot of time and dedication in its game year after year, I like BIS.. no no.. I love BIS for their support.
  15. Steam_Power

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    I love the names of all the products! Haha this is an AWESOME job.
  16. Steam_Power

    Areas/Regions need certain items to enter?

    I like this idea, a lot actually, this can add just enough to the game to make it all the more imemrsive. Higher Risk = Higher Reward, you want to enter that giant quarantine area that got over run by zombies and now it lingers a heavy decaying toxic environment over it. But you know there are supplies for DAYZ in there.
  17. Beans for admitting you are a difficult read, haha, Go back and edit that please. Read it outloud to yourself, I want to know what you are saying, all I gather is that the more you spend time doing something the more bonus of that event you get from it? I like that idea, but we arent all fresh spawns from the DayZ gods, I feel as if we all have a back story, and maybe the two could be immersed, perhaps you start with some of these basic traits, and they grow as you spend those %'s doing such tasks. OR deminish and get replaced over time if you ignore them?
  18. Steam_Power

    Suggestion (Graveyard)

    I agree that these arent devil spawned zombies, besides most of those underground are just bones at this point. (Not to say there is not a freshly dead guy in there.)
  19. Steam_Power

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi, my name is Steam. This is my first meeting, I have been addicted to DayZ for quite a while now. I cannot put the mouse down and close the screen, I have been working hard to spend more time on the forums and less time in the game. Uhhmm... So many negative effects, My imaginary GF left me, and I have become addicted to cans of beans as well...
  20. Steam_Power

    Best server for a noob?

    Thats the way to do it.
  21. Steam_Power

    DayZ Needs a Tank

    No. Bad OP, BAD!
  22. Steam_Power

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Cool, yeah maybe for a Single player game, here, it would take too much to run that and maintain I do believe. You still get my beans though, seems as if I cannot run out of these darn things!!
  23. It was an example I was trying to provide, I guess you could say an experienced computer user may know their way around how to hot wire a car better, but not to say that would have to be a near, if they were an athlete and computer tech during their younger days, no reason why they couldnt have a stronger sprint speed/distance and be able to high jack a car as well. Mix and match, after all it is dayz, and it is your story. I feel that you could pick anything out of a list that you would like, such as engineer for defenses with mechanic gives a bonus to both skills, while you could also pick, medic and engineer and it would give you the ability to craft medical machines or medic and mechanic you can make a hospital with wheels.. If you had a friend who was a medic engi they could craft stuff to go inside the ambulance. You can easily get creative and make it specific to how you want to be.
  24. Yes, I would agree, but if I was a computer nerd I couldnt repair a car nearly as fast, and the quality would not be as good either I dont think. But obviously I presented this idea as a thought, I hadn't ironed out the ideas, just wanted to put those "perks" out to jog peoples minds!
  25. Yes, I guess you could say thats what I was thinking of, for sure this game is not a Gain XP and grind game.