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About LDProphet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LDProphet

    Anyone willing to be my partner? :D

    Yo, :D Ill add you on skype bro... -.- I'm sort of new so you can show me the ropes.
  2. RL Information Name: Brandon Rodriguez Age: 14 (3rd Year High School) Location: California Timezone: PST UTC-8 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes Game Information IGN: LDProphet Steam ID (if applicable): Astrian Masquerade Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I love raiding things as much as the next guy but I'd prefer to be a sniper, the whole gist of being able to take something out without it having a clue or even a chance to approach you is just beautiful. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I've played games on a serious level before ie:League of legends. I am looking to get into a good server where people are serious,organize, but can still have fun. I am also looking for a good community as I can be active 5 times a week and also be able to earn respect and give back to the community. Hopefully I can be of use and enjoy this organized group so that I can enjoy surviving with all of you. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: What I can offer is what very few can, I took school off to pursue serious gaming and I have a daily active schedule, an amazing shot, and since im a team leader for several teams, a sense of leadership(in a way). I'm friendly and have great potential, when I put my mind to something I'll do anything to achieve also my drive for wanting to be probably the BEST always pushes me further and further to success.