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Everything posted by Quazoosl

  1. Quazoosl

    WARNING for fellow Survivors!

    Good thing S.A.S. has never been a popular clan name and we can be sure that if we encounter them that it is the one and only S.A.S. clan :P
  2. Hello guys, I'm looking for some mature European based survivors to team up with. I have a teamspeak 3 server, feel free to join it on: Also you can add me on steam here: http://steamcommunit...561197995940259 Grtz, Quazoosl
  3. Quazoosl

    Looking for a team! (European)

    Hey m8, similar story here! Add me on steam (Search for "Quazoosl") and/or drop by on my teamspeak server (
  4. Just some questions about bandits, if anyone could answer that would be greatly appreciated. How much kills does it take? Do kills in self defence count? (other non bandit shoots first) If a bandit gets killed, will he remain a bandit or does it reset?
  5. Quazoosl

    Questions about Bandits

    Thnx for the quick response!