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About snakpak564674

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. snakpak564674

    Holiday Loot Items?

    Merry Christmas, everyone! I think it would be cool to have items that are only availible on certain days of the year. Some functional some silly. Like for Christmas, some fruitcake could spawn as food (or as a weapon ;)) and maybe something like a ghillie suit with christmas lights on it like a christmas tree. For halloween (for those who celebrate) you could maybe find candy to eat and find costumes to wear. You could maybe come across some cool themed guns too. I think the real merit of these items would be that they could only be found one day out of the year, so if youre able to hold onto them for very long without them being stolen or destroyed, you could find someone in july running around in a christmas tree suit, driving around the santa's sleigh (modded chopper). It's just an idea. I know not all of this is feasible especially in the mod but I like the idea of exclusivity being carried over days. Thoughts?
  2. snakpak564674

    Visual Fuzz/Static Bug

    here's a screenshot of the bug I got. A friend of mine also got this bug on a different portion of the map. The issue seems localized to a specific portion of the map, and only affects one player. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sn4kp4k/screenshots Date/Time: May 25 3:30am CST What happened: A strange wall of "fuzz" appeared when looking in certain areas at certain angles. Where you were: I think it was Nizhnoye What you were doing: walking through a barn *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on:EU19 *Your system specs:intel core i7 CPU @ 3.07GHz 3.05 GHz 6 GB RAM 64 bit windows 7 nvidia geforce GTX 295 *Timeline of events before/after error: the error occured when walking through a barn. started suddenly. it was only local to that area. when the same bug happened to my friend, we left the area, got a few kilometers away from the spot, then came back about a half hour later, the bug still was in the same spot and had gotten worse. I never returned to the spots where the glitch was happening to me, but i've provided screenshots
  3. snakpak564674

    Backpack & Inventory views

    Backpacks should simply determine how many total slots you have. give the standard slots when you have no pack, and simply add more on when you get a better pack. Furthermore, it shouldn't matter whether your items are in a pack or on your person you should be able to use them. I get really tired of swapping around bandages and makarov ammo every single time I play.
  4. snakpak564674

    Dayz theme tune?

    This should actually be emitted out of every character for a kilometer. it should be constantly heard and attract zombies from all around the map
  5. snakpak564674

    Scavangeable weapon upgrades

    I like the thought. It would completely change the mechanics of the game, though. At least of the weapons. Right now you run around looking for weapons. Find a better one? Pick it up and drop the old one. This would change it to: Find a weapon? Find a scope? Do they match? Find one that matches? Go back to get your old weapon out of the barn where you left it? etc etc. I think this could be a lot of fun except for one thing. I want less scoped weapons in the game, not more. There's a thread about how common the CZ is and I completely agree. I love the idea of implementing weapon attachments but I think they should be extremely rare.
  6. Yeah I get this every time I pass out. It's a common problem
  7. Great thread. Glad I searched it before I posted myself. This literally has everything I wanted to say. Sniper spawn rate need to be DRASTICALLY reduced. I'm all for realism, but if you really want to get THAT realistic, let's put a watch on 1/2 the people's bodies simply because people wear watches, and add in TRIPPING because that worked out great for SSBB. There needs to be a point where you think about the fun of the game. CZ's around every corner? Not fun. Hardly realistic. Needs balancing. Every scoped weapon should be a rarity because it immediately give you an advantage that no other class of weapon does.
  8. snakpak564674

    Day/Night cycle

    Okay you want to talk about realism? Here we go. There are problems, clearly. A. Night is unrealistically dark and nearly unplayable B. Zombies can see you too easily in the dark C. Servers are only really playable about 60% of the time (when it's light) D. Servers get completely jammed and people are forced to play on foreign servers causing servers to stop letting people in and forcing people to play with high ping and flood servers where they don't speak the native language. (obviously talking about English/Russian here) E. It's unrealistic to always play during the daytime. Part of the realism and part of the survival is playing at night. It should be part of the game. So that's a LOT to tackle. We have 2 real main problems though. The night is unplayable, and that causes the second problem, server issues. Making people have to join laggy servers and making the daytime servers flood and not let people in. First and foremost: 1:1 24 hour day/night cycle is fine. It's silly to change it. If I look out my window it should look like the game. The night needs to be lightened. Having a sort of dark bloom effect making you have to adjust to the darkness is a great addition to think of implementing. there should be moon/starlight to light your path. I'm not sure how people feel about this one, but consider giving zombie's eyes a slight glow at night so they're not invisible. Sort of like in Dead Rising. (note I'm not putting a whole lot of weight in this suggestion) Give us something better to start with than road flares. It really doesn't make sense to start with flares, and they serve literally no purpose but to make you a target for humans and zombies alike. I honestly haven't thought of anything better, but that's what the forums are for :P You should be forced to endure night at least once and a while. That's realistic. Dropping the zombie's awareness at night and giving more visibility when outdoors would be ideal. Indoors you should be forced to use a flare because of the sheer darkness. That should balance the visibility issue. tl;dr night isn't playable and it causes servers to be only useful 1/2 the time. Visibility should be brought up only when not in a building where it should be pitch black. It's unrealistic to never experience night.