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About Freekdawg

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Richmond Texas
  • Interests
    Hunting, Offroading, Games (FPS)
  1. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    We are still recruiting so jump on TS and say hi
  2. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    We are still recruiting stop in on our TS and say hi and have some fun
  3. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    LoH is still recruiting stop in on our TS and join the game and have some fun. Must be 16+ years of age and active in game we also support multiple games and we are always looking to expand and grow our gaming community. We also encourage gamers of all regions and worldwide to join up and have fun!!!!!!
  4. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    LoH is still recruiting stop in on our TS and join the game and have some fun. Must be 16+ years of age and active in game we also support multiple games and we are always looking to expand and grow our gaming community. We also encourage gamers of all regions and worldwide to join up and have fun!!!!!!
  5. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    u guys can always talk to me also, but i would like to play a couple of games with u first and see u active on the game we are all friendly unless fired upon first we just like having fun man
  6. Freekdawg

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    Thanks guys for the invite its been fun so far and hopefully in the future
  7. Freekdawg

    [LoH] is recruiting

    No you do not have to join to play but we are recruiting and if intrested please stop by on TS IP is or just stop by and chat for awhile We have our own server US 3451 and will soon have our own private server
  8. Ok I will get Skype after I get off work and msg u
  9. I will be intrested but I am new to the game I will dl mumble feel free to pm me
  10. Well im new to the DAYZ game and I have played it several times but the hackers are ruining the game for me. I was alive for about 2 hours straight had some good gear then BAM swimming in the ocean with no land in site. I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!!!! So I was just wondering if there are any groups out there or Clans that could show me the ropes and has a private server (I would be willing to help with the server) I have a great Mic but dont have Skype I can play after work and on the weekends Central time (TEXAS) I just want to play with a group that doesnt go aroud killing everyone on site (Bambies) I want to have fun