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Everything posted by JonySK

  1. JonySK

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    If we dont't press the W we are not playing the game. The W is the different between playing the game and not playing the game. The W is what gaming is all about.
  2. Nothing can go wrong by running up a stair.
  3. Being able to run up stairs.
  4. JonySK

    What Ruins DayZ

    How dare he suggest changes. This is an ALPHA. When we bought the Alpha we agreed to not crtizice suggest changes or discuss the game. All we are allowed to say is good job Rocket.
  5. Why stop the noble art of KoS?
  6. JonySK

    Surviving way too easy for veterans

    Stop playing on empty servers.
  7. JonySK

    Too many veterans

    I always run straight to the north. Its hopeless even trying to find loot at the coast if the server hasn't restarted for a while. I have been at the NWAF many times and you are right its always empty which is kinda boring.
  8. JonySK

    Too many veterans

    Yes, if you are the only one on the server it take five minutes, if the server has been full for a long time that will never happen. Stop playing on empty servers.
  9. I When I complain I am spesific and have examples. Why is complaining useless? It tells the developers what they need to hear. There is a different in saying the game sucks and saying its sucks because of loot spawn and ect. Flaming is for people who have no arguments or anything useful to say but thats what being a fanboy is all about. Btw nice picture of a litte dayz fanboy.
  10. Yes thats exactly what I was thinking. They invited known fanboys and all they say is good job Rocket. Things like the text style thirst and hunger indicator should have been gone in the closed testing.
  11. JonySK

    Nighttime and metagaming

    Night time is only fun when you are well geard. Being a freshspawn at night is not fun and the no loot thing only makes it worse.
  12. I think fanboys should just gtfo of this forum. All they do is quote Rockets warning and keep saying its an ALPHA. We all know its an ALPHA. Thats why we complain and tell the developers whats should be fixed. Like that loot only spawn at server restart.Eventually the loot will be completly gone at the coast and near by and that will make it hopless to go further north. Yes the game is suppose to be hard, but also enjoyable and its NOT enjoyable now. I hope Rocket doesn't listen to fanboys because then the ALPHA would not improve because they just say great ALPHA Rocket, nothing is wrong with it.
  13. JonySK

    Regarding the people complaining.

    Yes it is an alpha. Thats why problems needs to be pointet out so they can be fixed. Its not complaining. If everybody were like you nothing would be fixed because everyone would be saying: Nothing wrong here.
  14. JonySK

    Initial thoughts of the SA...

    The game can't be improved if we only point out whats good about the game and not whats bad.
  15. Yea, I think everybody knew the network bubble was a big task and would take a while to fix it. Its just too bad Rocket never said it would be and it would take a long time do fix it.
  16. I just want him to say yes it will be out this year or no it will not be put this year. And not hopefully as he said on reddit. That is my point. He is giving the impression that the release is SOON as he did early summer, and after that he did'nt say, sorry it won't be out in a long time. He MUST have known that, but instead he gives the impression that the release is soon.
  17. Yes. All that uncertainty have'nt made him say: "Sorry guys, the alpha won't be out in a long time.There is too much work to be done".
  18. Yeah. Very soon. Whats Rockets definition of very soon? This year or in 5 years. Rocket just did it again.
  19. I just want him to say if it gets released this year or not. That should'nt be too hard for Rocket. What I am faulting him for is that he give the impression that the alpha release is "right around the corner". Like when he said he is taking a break from the forums to work on the "final lap" on the development.
  20. No, for me it does'nt matter if it comes out this year or in the next 10 years. What matters is that Rocket says it probably won't be out the next 10 years, instead of giving the impression that the alpha is "right around the corner" as he have been doing all year.
  21. I have'nt suffered at all. Have you??? It would be nice to know if they have any plans for a release this year or not. That is all. Because they must have a plan, right??
  22. Upset, no way. I just want an honest answer from Rocket about a release this year or not. Its not that hard. He mus thave some clue about the progression and he should be able to make an educated guess if its going to be released this year or not.
  23. So that final lap is getting pretty long. I can't find the tweet on his twitter account anymore, its like the tweet got deleted, but that can't be true because Rocket promised full transparency in the development prosess. Funny how difficult it is to say it won't be out this year when its only a few weeks left of this year. This is what rocket has been doing all year. He has been giving the impression that the SA is "right around the corner" all year.
  24. JonySK

    November Round-up

    Some of those melee weapons in the stream video looks useless. I hope they will change that so it won't take 10 hits to kill a zombie.
  25. JonySK

    what happen if SA sucks?

    Actualy when the game will be available to everyone it will be a BETA not an alpha. When it is in the alpha stage it is only available for team who develop the game. A beta is when its available to outsiders for testing. Based on the little info we got about the game like limited ammo and tougher zombies I'm afraid the game might be too hard for the casual gamers and they will stop playing the game and only hardcore fans will be left after a few months.