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About JonySK

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  1. If you lose those who are chasing you, its not combat logging. If they can't find you, its not combat logging. Where is the line between combat logging and not combat logging? If someone is looking for you. You are not obliged to stay on the server until they find you. If I want to swap server to a safer one I can and I will unless I have a gun to defend myself.
  2. JonySK

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Where did I say they focused on PvP in the mod? I said it made it fun and popular. I know they are not focusing on PvP in the SA. Thats the whole point of my post you genius. The whole PvE thing will be boring if they are not doing it right, and they are not. More focus on PvP is needed.
  3. JonySK

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    What made the mod fun was the PvP. It was the PvP that made Dayz popular. Why are they doing everything they can to prevent PvP from happening is beyond me. Focusing on PvE is a big mistake and they are not doing it right. Zombies are STILL a joke. In the mod they were secondary to me, because I was interested in PVP and not PvE. Me and my friends had so much fun fighting others. In the SA I don't even get gear I care about losing. This game have lost the intense feeling and the adrenaline you get when having good gear. The SA proves Rocket was just lucky with the mod. He couldn't even see what people liked about it and not. He failed so hard. The only reason this game sold so many copies is the thought it would be like the mod. I guess Rocket fooled a lot of people.
  4. JonySK

    Will there be in DayZ Standalone

    Hopefully they will add advanced base building, but I suspect it will be like everything else they have added. Really lame.
  5. JonySK

    Odd building... unique?

    Its taken from Arma 2 because they just used the same map with a few modifications.
  6. JonySK

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    It will be as in the mod. When I started playing the mod there was plenty of 1PP only servers, but they disappeared so we had to play on 3PP. Serves that doesn't have any playes will be shut down. The vast majority doesn't want nighttime so there is no big suprise they are gone. Get used to daytime only servers.
  7. JonySK

    Least favorite game features

    That you can see how many bullets you have in a magazine that is attachet to your weapon and not how many bullets you have in a mosin or other rifels. It makes no sence at all.
  8. Every moment in this game is a big I'm done moment. You agro zombies right after spawn and they will find you where ever you hide and their hitting range is absurd. You can't run up a two step stair, you start to walk really slow. The game is so clunky. After a year its worse than ever.
  9. JonySK

    Arma or Sa?

    Go for Arma III. Don't get Dayz SA, it's a very bad game and it will only get worse.
  10. HA! Thats the longest undocumentet bs I have read on this forum in a long time. If someone can kill you without you seeing them is because YOU are bad at the game for not looking around and taking precautions. What makes you think KOS will disappear when the game is out just because of less weapons?
  11. LOL. Another of the oh no I got KOSed rants. All the classics are here. The KOS people are called 12 year old kids, it's not cod and they are bad at the game.
  12. JonySK

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    We can't demand anything. We got this game for free......wait..... no we didn't. Actually we can demand what ever we want and when we want it. The dev team can listen to the community or ignor it, it's their choice. So what kind of developers are they? Vehicles before the end of 2014 like the road map said. End of discussion.
  13. JonySK

    September Rant Topic.

    So I guess you laugh of your own jokes.