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Seri (DayZ)

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About Seri (DayZ)

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  1. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

    okay, i will do my best to help you out. do you have the new epoch version 1.0.1 ? bc if you dont have it, it wont work. in your expansion where you enable the panthera, try to remove the @dayz so only @panthera is active. that worked out for me. if that didnt help, then please come to our teamspeak and we will try working on a solution with you.. Cheers..
  2. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

    Up ;)
  3. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

  4. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

    Op :)
  5. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

  6. Seri (DayZ)

    Gorillas Epoch Servers

  7. Seri (DayZ)

    Dansk Namalsk Private Hive.

    op igen ;)
  8. Hey, Vi hos organisationen Gorillas søger efter andre danske dayz spillere som har lyst til at være en del af vores private hive. Serveren har password på, så ingen andre kan komme ind end dem der har fået tilladelse. Vi køre banen namalsk. Og en tidszone på Mørkt kl 23.00 og lyst igen kl 11.00. Vi har prøvet at gøre serveren så meget custom som muligt, men alt det kan i jo høre om hvis vi kommer i kontakt. så Kontakt os enten på steam: Liljeqvist86 eller på email: gorillas@live.dk Status: Vi er 55 danskere som har adgang til serveren.
  9. Where is the F...... support.? i have sent an email to you, and tryied to contact you over skype. NO SUCCES AT ALL. Come on this cant be true. Just becourse your main homepage is bugged, then you still need to help your customers. AND YOU DONT ????? Fix your homepage so we can control our servers.
  10. Seri (DayZ)

    New Namalsk Private Hive Recruiting

    We are still trying to set the server up with some customs stuff. please be patiens to this. :)