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Everything posted by skull02892

  1. DayZ Standalone ideas 1. Completely strippable cars, (not everything was looted) you can get scrap metal, batteries, lights, and seat cousins. you can even take cables for wires and even for barricading purposes. (Chance of cutting yourself if you remove metal without the use of a screw driver) rusted cars can cause tetanus. 2. Movable furniture to barricade doors. (most likely mention before) 3. Scrap metal and scavenged wood can be used as a weapon as well as items for barricading cars, doors and windows. 4. You can strip apart doors to obtain hinges, screws or nails and scrap wood. and use that to make secret entrances into your houses. Sealing the door with a simple combination lock. Other players can break into your baracaded home by damaging it significantly enough to get the door open. ( now I challenge you… haha do it silently [as an army of the dead surround your house]) 5. Set up a variable for how long a zombies will chase you… the more zombies that join in the longer they chase your for. 6. In addition zombies can break into your house as they slowly break down the health to your doors and windows. In addition there should be a variable for how well a door, window has been fortified, the higher it (the more resources that were thrown into it) is the more health it will have. 7. New throwing item slot, with a quick bind button press to throw objects, in addition items are reclaimable and objects thrown have a assigned variable. If its metal it clangs, with a good chance of drawing more enemies to it. if it’s a rock and a small piece of wood it does not make much noise but you can use it to draw one zombies attention. Though it may not keep that zombie quiet. ( I only just wanted the one!!! *running*) 8. Lootable screw drivers, hammers usable as weapons or tools, and wet stones to allow for edged melee weapon effectiveness. (if these are already in there please disregard this comment) 9. All weapons found now a randomized variable for 1-25. The better you maintain your weapon the higher that variable is meaning the weapon will be more effective and less chance of it jamming up. 10. Weapon overheat, the more you use the gun the barrel begins to turn red. the closer you get to the weapon overheating the more damage is done to the randomized durability variable. In other worlds short bursts will help maintain your weapon. In world war 2 the mg42 was an efficient killer however it would produce so much heat that the barrel would be deformed meaning every couple of bursts they would have to swap up the barrel. (so much detail would be unessary) 11. Houses now have interact-able shelves, and counter-tops You can store things in houses (an unnecessary feature) but if you plan on holding out for awhile then it wouldn’t be too bad. Very difficult to pull off being that items are randomized over time I’m not too sure what measures the programmers would have to take to make it so the shelves are not wiped every time you walk away from your house. 12. If ammo interface is removed… allow player to push a button and look down at their magazines, to count up how many rounds are left in + the round in the chamber. 13. Well I don’t know how effective but… car batteries + metal fence? 14. Lootable oil laps, solar powered light, and small AA+ batteries that you can put in lights to light up your home. (while you’re at it… just put a welcome please come and pillage my home mat outside your door) 15. More melee weapons, wood mauls, table knifes, ice picks, scrap metal, scrap wood, shovels, sharpened sticks, pitch forks, swat shields, and more. 16. Impairing items throwing blankets car seats, fabric, and many more, what ever you can do to either blind them or get them away. 17. Blankets can be used to cover barricaded windows. (people can see inside so they are less inclined to rob you, also hides the light inside, keeping away zombies. Still do not suggest shooting your gun indoors) 18. Collect sand bags to create blockades and walls. 19. Give your dog the stay command so he stays indoors at all times. 20. Team work: with the addition of a possible add friend section, If all weapons were proclaimed with a sepriate variable, knifes are faster weapons, axes are slower but more damage, shovels, and spears and pitch forks are the slower of all the weapons. Being the role playing man I am i would imagine wielders of these weapons being assigned Self-proclaimed classes. Now this is my most absurd idea ever but just image this. Striker: the finisher of the group the striker wields silent deadly weapons like hatchets, mauls and various other quick kill items. They stay close to the pikemen and finish off them easily without fear of damage. pikemen: the support role, the pikemens job it to stab into a zombie holding it still and at a distance while waiting for a striker to finish off the zombie with out fear of being damaged. Uses things like pitch forks, shovels, sharpened sticks, spears. This would not be the overall attack with these weapons just an added ability that can be used with another button. sentinal : the flesh bait, runs around attracting the undead and pulling them away while his/her allies take them out individually. Either fast or with a swat shield. (watch the flank)21. More into weapon types: Fast: high damage but fast and effective at close range. (Side arm slot)(thrown slot) Examples: knifes Medium: higher damage but slower. Effective at a slightly longer range (side arm slot) (thrown slot) Examples: katanas, axes, machete Slow: high damage with long range. Effect at a longer range. (primary weapon slot) Impale: keep your target at a distance, during this effect you can use your side arm to finish the target off, you can be stuck with moving in for the kill. Examples: sharpened sticks, pitch forks, spears.
  2. yeah that is true but despite the size of the map for some odd reason players tend to always run into each other. one massive downside is your loot is bound to one place. i will most likely be gone by the next day (by another player) or you will end up not finding it again. it would mostly be a featured added for some more risk and reward and for a bit more realism. do you loot the items and risk an angry bandit? at the same time protecting your stuff can send you down the path of being a bandit. it leads to many good and bad choices that i think would make dayz a better game. what is a zombie apocalypse with out those iconic choices?
  3. skull02892

    Stand alone "dragging/carrying wounded"

    YES I Must break a mans legs and throw him in front of a group of zombies while i make my escape!
  4. skull02892

    new zombie:)

    hmmm Crawler: faster then draggers they still have their legs only they are either sprained or broken, deals medium damage, and effective at stealthiness. dragger: no leggs no problem, draggers will grapple you holding you still you can escape it by pressing left and right like 15 times or shooting it. they move slowly towards you runner: standard, run at you and bite overweight: slow, low damage, adds variety brute: Runs at you mostly in a strait line, tends to fall over and remain on the ground for awhile. deals a crap load of damage, with a large amount of health. screamer: riles up a series of zombies drawing their attention to the survivor. faker: well it could be starvation but fakers don't have the strength to move... just don't get to close they will grab you and go to town. they are the land mines of a zombie apocalypse. they pretend to be a corpse, (must be a difficult task?) horde bringer: for some reason he was the popular guy of the party before he died because he/she travels from town to town with at least a group of 17-26 zombies.
  5. well if they do incorporate fortifying buildings it would be server bound meaning if someone does not like a PC controlled city then they could always server hop to get some better gear and bring it back. hording gear would be useful, but not completely pointless, there is more then enough loot for everyone especially across a series of servers. it does make it easy against things like zombies but then it adds something nice for other players as well. you break down a door hoping that the player that had fortified that house is gone or disconnected, and you find some stored gear in there shortly then after you discover the 2 men that built the place and 7 zombies attracted to the sound you just made kicking in the door. when supplies are scarce looting from fortified buildings could be a high risk high reward situation. it would bring some fun end game as well. in addition from the inside of the building you can strip fortifications away from the windows and doors so unnecessary server resets are not needed to reduces/reset stored health memory. still its something to think about