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Posts posted by DireMickey

  1. ok so this is what it said in control panel in my system processer section

    Intel® Core i3 CPU M370 @2,40GHz 2.40GHz im not sure what it meens but is it a quad core thingy or whatever it was you called it, i havent got a clue about computers just the games :P

    also it is a 32bit operating system

  2. hey, i've never played Day Z before becuase I was'nt sure what sort of graphics I need, at the moment my graphics card can run battlefeild 3 on medium level graphics, with this, would I be able to run Day Z, and if so, how high would I be able to run the graphics at?

    Also, what amount of ram would be suffiecent?

  3. Sorry bout that. What "hunting rifle" are you refering to?

    Sorry :/ Turns out that the gun i was thinking of was in fact the CZ550 and i just thought it was plainly called the 'hunting rifle'. Sorry for the missunderstanding as it has been awhile since i had last found the CZ550 and did not know its proper name. You have my greatest apologies.

  4. The state I live in allows me to walk into a sporting goods store, buy a suppressor, hunting rifle, scope, and gun kit, and then walk out and hunt with it next season.

    Also, a silencer will decrease the sound but it will also change what the sound sounds like. When this gent is being shot at by your silenced M16 he might go, what scrub is shooting at me with a ______?

    Helps the deception factor as well as knowing where the shots come from.

    alright :) thanks for the feedback mate ;)

  5. WTF!

    "Whilst sorting though a medial trash bin full of aids needles i found a "detachable non zoom silencer" that i can change between makarov and as50?

    What the actual fuck are ou talking about? And why did you preface your idea with "dont hate;. Do you generally amke random stream of conscious unoformied ideas that lead nowhwere? And yes or no to what! Explain yourself!

    *What jounral supports your hyopsthiesis that suppressors decrease the "range" or "power" of "the shot"

    *Who throws a scope/optic of any kind in the bin!? I don't and i have a broken PU scope so busted i cant change the elevation, im ont binning it like a cheap piece of piss

    *Finally in answering your question, if i find a magically trash bin scope for the CZ that cannot change its magniifcation maybe the world explodes and the idea need be left alone. Or not.

    Whats the thurst of what you are talking about.


    One thought =,

    I'm sorry my idea made you unhappy. but thanks for the feedback

    Also i said a scope for the hunting rifle becuase of it's limited zoom, no one said anything about a scope for the CZ.

    This is a DayZ Suggestion forum.....I suggested having different level of zoomed scopes for the hunting rifle, and I wanted a yes or no from an admin, yes meaning "we are going to include you idea into the standalone" and no meaning "we are not going to include your idea in the standalone" It's simple logic.

    Once again, thanks for the feedback.

  6. simply putting a silencer on a gun doesn't change anything.

    It's the subsonic Ammo you need, for the weapon to be silent, that decrease the range and power of the shot.

    I am no expert, but i think there is more to it than plug and play with silencers (and other weapon mods, too)

    But I like the Idea xD

    thankyou for the feedback :)

  7. Ok so what if in the random piles of junk you find around the world of day z you could find detachable and reatachable scopes of different zooms which you could attach to the hunting rifle as (if im correct, i have not found it in awhile) it only has one zoom range. Along with these scopes you might also find silences which you could attach to guns which would obviously decrease the range and power of the shot.

    Just a thought. No hate please. Yes or no would be fine.

  8. Every serial key is unique, and required to activate your installation.

    You get a serial key when you order a game through steam, or from Bohemia Interactive (either via the Steam browser, or by email) so you could buy the game, get your serial key, copy the game files from someone elses computer and enter your own personal activation key to play it.

    You could not give someone the game to play for free because players have a GUID to identify them online, linked with their individual purchase of the game, and their unique serial number in the registry. (which is how Battleye can globally ban people)

    It would just be a way to get DayZ to work without having to eat up your limited bandwidth on a large download.

    EDIT: I'm sure someone else would be able to explain it better than I can.

    i get it now thankyou :)

  9. The majority of players will likely gain access to the standalone game via Steam or direct download.

    As far as I understand, there's nothing stopping you from downloading the game onto an external hard-drive at a friends house and simply completing activation with your unique DayZ serial number.

    Failing that, there is likely a kind soul out there who could copy the game files to a disc and post them to you, if it's really impossible to otherwise get the game.

    Maybe ask Rocket nice, and send him a self-addressed envelope. Postage paid. :thumbsup:

    wait. (im kinda new to comuters soz) so when you download it onto an external hard drive do you then just copy the game onto you computer? if so can you not just copy the game onto other peoples computers and give them the game for free?

  10. hey, first of all im not sure if anything like this has been posted yet, i did a quick search and found nothing but would be surprised if it hasn't.

    Having played dayz for a few months now the most frustrating thing is being one hit knocked out or being one hit (by a zeds) for broken legs, especially when morphine isnt always 100% available. what i was thinking is having the ability to 'drag' or 'carry' friends with broken legs or that are unconscious. in my opinion it would add for many interesting and unique experiences with friends and random survivors if your stuck in the middle of a field and somebody carries you or drags you to safety. the way i pictured it was something like the following (just a random picture of a soldier exercise.)


    Now i appreciate that it isnt going to come without people abusing it by people shooting limbs to kidnap people, because this is the internet after all, so maybe an option to decline the help or and option to "drop" yourself whenever you want. this addition in general would also make for some squeaky bum (intense) moments because the 'carrying' player wouldn't be able to fire a weapon at all or as effectively as if they were standing normally for example. im by no means a coder or game developer or any sort but with a similar style mechanic in the arma games already, it could make for a really fun addition.

    if anyone has any more ideas on how to improve anything atall, feel free to add to it or rip it apart in any way you desire.

    thanks for reading.

    beanzzzzzz to you! great idea man!

  11. I know the feeling, I used to have some crappy package where I got on and off peak. Up until 12 noon I had 13GB, then until midnight I had 7GB. This reset monthly ofc but was still annoying as hell. Especially when trying to purchase games on Steam, 1 "good" game would use up my entire usage for a month. A while ago I upgraded the package and now I have 50GB a month. Not great, but certainly an improvement from what I had. Especially the lack of on and off peak.

    tis very very anoying

  12. Personally I would want more zombie types. Not smarter, dumber, more tactical and that stuff. But rather aggressiveness and strenght, maybe the possibility of grabbing and holding, dragging you down for some damage and immobility, maybe "hunter" kinds of Zeds that aren't so desperate to have a house nearby where they can kick back and relax, and instead wander around. Would be nice to keep snipers on their toes aswell. Right now the zombies make for a scenery change and if I were posed with the option of surviving ONE player with a Makarov or running through 50-100 zombies, I'll charge right on through those zombies and be like "Bitch please, I got places to be."

    Human interaction, via the barrel of a gun or voice, is a key element of this (anti) game, but why would it be a zombie apocalypse if one lone man/woman can stomp zombies like they were ants when the military with their tanks, jets, explosives could not? The zombies mean nothing to me but a slight nuisance and an indicator that a player is around. I call BS on that, really.

    this is true :) ty for the reply :)

  13. Maybe it's time to upgrade your Internet package if what you have currently isn't enough then? That or download it at a friend's house? And I don't think it'll be 9Gb, I think ARMA II: CO is about 8Gb and most of that isn't used for DayZ.

    I can't upgrade my internet bandwidth becuase i live on a farm and the most we can get is 20 gb and that costs us 80 dollars each month :( sucks aye

  14. TBH I think it'll be download only. Even if you bought the CD you'd have to download the updates as they're released.

    that is true but the full download will be about 9gb's and i only have 20gb's a month and my sister and dad use it.

  15. I think you should make the standalone be released on CD (if it is possible) so people who have a lower bandwith of internet mb usage per month can get the game.

    - Just a thought to open the game up to a wider variety of people.

    • Like 1

  16. I think different zombies would add to it. Not like Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil zombies, however. Well, actually like some of the basic zombies in Left 4 Dead are a good idea. I.E. if a zombie is in riot gear, they should be harder to shoot with bullets. Or a zombie soldier with body armor would be harder to kill (and thus making military loot more difficult to get and feel more desirable. Basically just zombies with different sorts of gear that they died in would add to realism. A zombie in riot gear or a soldier with body armor and a helmet would be harder to take down than a zombie in scrubs you would think.

    That being said, I would say the more "protection" a zombie has, the more weight it would be carrying and thus slower it would be.

    So not necessarily zombie types but still adds a bit of diversity.

    nice idea! i hope a supervisor sees that :P and thankyou for the reply :)
    • Like 1

  17. First,Im a chinese,Im is a Administrator for a BBS in china,I want to put forward four proposals for the game.

    1 is set in the wild zombie group according to specific locations in various cities, for example from Ele-Che-Zel-Airport this, and the players to prepare for the long journey had to get a clear idea of ​​the the zombie swarm of mobile law to avoid them.

    Set offline time system, downline need ten seconds of waiting time, so that there would be a small retreat like pulling power unless directly ...

    3. Zombie damage increased zombie damage is too low, I think we should set caught 2000 plus wound suppuration, if not promptly bandaged wound purulent lead to deduction of 100 per second drop of blood. While spurting I think it is not realistic, unless shootings per second deduction of 500 points to a special site blood.

    4. Zombie movement speed reduce, right, is even lower, so that the third point to balance, but mentioned in the first point zombie set to moving quickly.

    and my Engish is not good,sorry- -


    and,Thanks for you great importance to the Chinese market!

    good ideas man, but I dont think that reduceing the speed of zombies would be good, only becuase the game is about surviving a zombie apocalypse and if they are to slow it would be easier to get away, therefore zombies would slowley not become a threat (just my opinion). But if you slow them down and give them more damage it might work, or you could even speed them up and make them do less damage or just have three different types of zombies, fast ones that do low damage, mediumly fast ones with medium damage and slow ones with big damage. (just my opinion). apart from that, they are good ideas :)

  18. i was thinking, what if somebody likes to kill zombies? how about add an air horn that would spwan in supermarkets. also I thought maybe you could add crashed police vehicles where you could get a siren or even a pistol?

    - Its just an idea........

    - also im sorry if this idea has been said over and over :( ive been through about 3 pages and didnt see anything about it so eh........
