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Everything posted by aegon

  1. Happens to me as well, not sure if it's just some servers or it just happens on any server randomly.
  2. aegon

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Yeah someone just did it to me again. This update can't come soon enough. I put him down in 1 shot at the tents in Berezino and as he fell he vanished.
  3. aegon

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    This is ridiculous. Some guy had killed me with an M4SD in Elektro while I was running around being bored. I spawned in Elektro, went and looted my body, finding nothing missing. I then ran off and killed some zombies. This same guy came running through a gate while I was inside the little gatehouse building. I shot him and he vanished before he hit the fucking ground. expert US 3 or 4, with beta .666 running I hope you're reading this you pussy.
  4. Trying to install the beta patch, tells me Invalid CD Key. Wat do.
  5. aegon

    New clothing.

    Well shit, I can only get one of the DLCs. Which is more important for the textures? I have camo on but I don't know how long I feel like living.
  6. aegon

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Excellent, but will 1.5.8 include the skins or is that for later?
  7. I love the idea of finding new skins and even removing bandit transitions, but this will make DayZ into an even more shoot-on-sight FFA deathmatch CoDfag style.