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About insidejob

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Ontario, Canada
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  • Bio
    Long time DayZ player. Gameserver mod for overclock.net
  1. insidejob

    Looking for help

    Hey everyone. I am here as we at overclock.net wish to begin hosting a private hive DayZ server to go along with our 2 completely vanilla, public hive servers. Experiencing a bit of difficulty getting things going and haven't had any luck getting the help needed at home over on OCN. Hoping someone around here can help. Looking for a Chernarus server with extra vehicles and a custom loadout for everyone to start. Hope to get some help soon on how to get that set up. Thanks :)
  2. Gotta say Matt and Peter have been top notch in my experiences. Finally got Taviana running would love for some people to come play :D Hope to get the auto warning messages for the restarts fixed soon, other then that running great!
  3. Got my Taviana server running. Currently with my provider the warnings for auto restarts are bugged so I will warn you here, they start at 12 EST and run every four hours. Hope to see you on :)
  4. Going to need some more help tomorrow sometime zombie. After following your instructions on the loadout alteration I decided to kill my current character to respawn fresh and test the loadout. At the end of the loading process I get this error message about the server running an incorrect version of the server side application, and to contact the dayz team if I am a server admin. Which I have done now, I just figure I screwed something up somehow as I seem to always do in the beginning of learning something new. Also a few other things I remembered I forgot to ask you tonight.
  5. Just got my new Private Hive server from Survival Servers going and could use some assistance in the managing and all of it. I have figured out the basics but would love to learn the more intricate aspects of admintration of the server. Some help with the phpmyadmin tools would be much appreciated to get a custom loadout and vehicle spawns going. Hope to get some helps soon, thanks all :)
  6. Okay the server randomly started working, can join fine and as far as I've seen all setting I have assigned are active. Just in the nick of time for Survival Servers to keep this customer. I've always been one to help out the new guy. Now this noob admin needs some help learning the basics of changing things in phpmyadmin. Specifically the loadout, the tutorial is a little outdated as phpmyadmin is layed out a little differently now. Anyone who cares to help me out I have a teamspeak you can join or skype. It would be greatly appreciated! :D
  7. The teamspeak is passworded with no sign of the password in this thread. If I do not get a response soon my services will be cancelled as my experiences are not exactly positive so far...
  8. Desperately need help, made the transition to Private hive from Community and now nobody can access the server. Gets stuck at waiting for host without even getting to the lobby. Is there a fix for this??
  9. insidejob

    "You were kicked from the game" at lobby

    Re-installed my game and it worked. Hope you have some luck soon!
  10. insidejob

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'm using beta build 95819 as that's the build the overclock.net servers use. Members within the server reported an error message they could see for my character about "wrong signature file for dayz.pbo". Reinstalled all the files a few times, still the same problem. This started last night and has continued into this morning. I'd really like to play...
  11. insidejob

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My problem since installing this latest patch is as soon as I get to the lobby of a server BAM I get "you were kicked from the game" message with no error message in the bottom left. Tried just about everything I can think of except reinstall the entire game with no prevail. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, noticed a few others around are having same issue with no help??
  12. As the title states, as well as the numerous others I have read of I get to the lobby and bam "you were kicked from the game" with no error message that I can see on my end. I had clan members in the server who said on there end it said for "wrong signature file for dayz.pbo". I have redownloaded the update files a few times with no fix at all. I can't join a single server and am quite upset about it... I'm using beta build 95819 along with the new update, reinstalled the beta build also for good measure, everything but reinstall the whole game. Only been having this issue since the most recent update, never had any problems before. Any fix out there?
  13. insidejob

    Yet another kicking issue

    Same issue here and no fix found in 12 hour... :( what do we do...
  14. insidejob

    Watch my stream?

    Heres the link, me and my other co-leader from my group are just dickin around. I died so I'm on the coast at the moment :P should be fun! http://justin.tv/j911ob
  15. insidejob


    Come watch if you want. Will be live within the hour. http://www.justin.tv/j911ob