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Everything posted by Fashizzles

  1. Fashizzles

    Forming a bandit group

    Age:15 Experience:Played for 6 months now Aims:bandit Able to speak English:Yes Skype: NotSoCivil Prefered Map:Cherno
  2. Fashizzles

    Unconscious spawning bug

    get a mate to kill you in game it might work because you will die and respawn without it?
  3. Name:Jacob / GTX Age:14 How long have you been playing DayZ: 3 months Your Roll: Medic Skype:[GTX]ATX Why should I pick you: medic :D Do you have a mic: yes
  4. Fashizzles

    RECON is Recruiting (13+)

    Age 14 Timezone you live in: Australia (forgot the timezone) How much time you dayz a day:Most of the day Skills: (Weapon Proficiency etc.)m14 AIM / DMR Additional info: (Optional)
  5. Fashizzles

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Name:GTX Steam:[GTX]ATX Age:14 Location: Australia
  6. Fashizzles

    dayz aus clan

    age:14 how often do you play:most of the day how good are you (for if you will be able to teach):kinda new what servers do you play on:Australian skype name:silent(ATX) steam name/in game name: alot of ppl have my username on steam
  7. Fashizzles

    Umm really low fps on high end gaming rig?

    awwh i thought it was me i spent 600 dollars to upgrade my pc and i bought a GTX 650 OC 2gb and all and i manage to run normal arma 2 OA at 40 - 60 fps but dayZ its terrible 14 - 25 fps no matter what setting very low low high normal
  8. Fashizzles

    -[SAGA]- Is now open for Recruitment.

    Age: 14 Timezone: EDT Have a mic?: Yes Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: skype: silent(ATX) Other contact info:email : [email protected] Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): Medic How often do you play/When can you play?: im on holidays so i think i can be on most of the times Side note: I'd like to give this a try, i have been in 3 groups and i like being the medic
  9. Fashizzles

    Massive Lag and FPS drop

    before - low - 70 - 80 fps normal - 50 - 60 fps high - 30 - 50 fps now low - 12 - 18 fps normal 14 - 20 fps high 28 - 28 fps what????
  10. try and get a friend to kill you ? thats what happened to me and this guy found me standing still and shot me and killed me ,that made the timer went away
  11. Fashizzles

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

    this is dayZ not batman
  12. why not get 4 people to help u?
  13. Fashizzles

    battleye initialization failed.

    reinstall arma 2 oa i had the same problem but when i reinstalled it worked!
  14. i find a helicopter crashsite and when i go near it.... BOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!! You are dead. is that normal like its happened around 5 times and always has!
  15. if you were playing dayZ and you get a message along the lines of : http://imgur.com/Vd8Rt its a hacker running a hack through your player don't panic unless you were hacking.....
  16. Fashizzles

    Remotexce ban (info)

    so people dont panic or faint :)
  17. Fashizzles

    Just a Quick Question

    i think not like it would be cool if you are in a bus or car and shoot out the windows (drive by) hahaha
  18. i get really pissed off and my 1 week charecters there so i cant do anything
  19. Fashizzles

    Cheater - Marcus

    i know this guy i knew it! he hacks
  20. Fashizzles

    Does humanity carry across map's?

    i guess not
  21. Fashizzles

    Current Issues In Dayz (Summary)

    well there might be alot of issues i can say that rocket is trying to fix it but be patient and one day the problems with fix
  22. Fashizzles

    Have you actually had a dream of DayZ?

    yes dude thats how much i love this game i dreamed of dieing by hackers and when i get angry in my dreams i do this grrrrrrrr and mrrrrr sound and when i wake up i still remember about it.
  23. so my friend found this server and he told me to do it but i refused and since i cant resist getting it shut down i have to show you this, its a server where people go on it to spawn boxes etc without getting banned then they go on other servers and have the stuff they spawned proof picture: http://imgur.com/nLpj5 note: i got my friend to tell me what the server was called
  24. Fashizzles

    The hacker who ruined my story

    pretty much im pretty sure standalone DayZ is going to handle all the hackers hopefully because i have been ruined form them i never had a character over 2 days because of hackers. for now we will have to deal with the hackers atm.
  25. Fashizzles

    Too Late to Start?

    pretty much but standalone is estimated to be released by the end of the year (December)