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Everything posted by switch296
I am very happy you guys have decided to revert the change. It was incredibly unnecessary, silly and just flat out broke immersion. You guys do a great job of being community leaders by being moderators but inserting yourself into the actual mod? Come on..
Dayz Commander/Taviana - A question for the community
switch296 replied to dotjosh's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Can we have an ETA on how long until this is up on Commander seeing as the server files are public? Really keen to start playing Taviana -
Me and my clan play on a group of servers where admins have officially condoned duping and I even know of one, maybe more than that who dupe themselves and actually have gone out of their way to offer me duped items and encourage duping to the people they play with.. their justification? It's an alpha and it doesn't matter until Rocket fixes it. I'm not going to name names here even if I find out it isn't allowed because the admins/server group I am talking about are an awesome group of guys and I have a lot of respect for them in how they run their servers and how they act as players besides this one gripe.. but I would like to know if it's actually allowed. Pretty big pain in the ass when we have to go up against the same group that constantly has NVG's/Thermal scopes/range finders/gps and so on every single time we fight them even if we wipe them out and take their stuff/hide their bodies in the previous fight. So yeah once again in case the people in question read this who I am talking about, I kind of expect they will, I'm not naming names just curious to whether or not what they are doing is condoned.
http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg If any have been missed, let me know! Happy hunting EDIT: Map has been seriously updated and now shows way more spawns, pretty confident this is now the most detailed helicopter crash site map available for DayZ Please remember that they dictate the general area in which a helicopter will spawn and are not always *exactly* where it will be :) EDIT 2: Fixed the broken link, updated the map on the website and forgot to update the link here, sorry!
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540680885325279184/CB1A46F7D8BC919293EA773E39A8EEBE00C5283D/ There is a screenshot of my inventory upon logging in.. :\ Lost my pack, the m14 in it and other assorted stuff like a camping tent, lost my DMR, my revolver and all the bottom slot gear I had which was just about everything besides a GPS.. In roughly 500 hours of DayZ (Crazy, I know!) I've never experienced this bug but it is hands down the worst one I've ever experienced that is for sure.. think I'll just go hit respawn now out of fear that my character is corrupt and isn't saving properly. FML
DayZ standalone will use Real Virtuality 4 engine!
switch296 replied to oZiix's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The minimum specs for Arma 3 are incredibly reasonable and it's been stated numerous times that if you can run Arma2 well, you will be able to run Arma3 well. Would you really want DayZ to go standalone on the pathetic Arma2 engine it's run on now? It's ugly, clunky, hackable as all hell and is missing a huge amount of wonderful features that the Arma3 one has. Stop stressing! -
Why is a helicopter an ambient sound?
switch296 replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Then your sound is bugged, you are mishearing things or your sound system/sound card is crapping out. I've got hundreds of hours in DayZ and never once heard the sound you are describing unless there is a helicopter nearby, nor have I heard anyone else mention the issue you are having. -
New map for standalone possible?
switch296 replied to Ixnay Hombre's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I really hope he does, using Chernarus again would most likely put me off buying the standalone, at least until other maps were added. Chernarus is a nice map and all, but it's incredibly boring if you actually think about it for a minute. There is no underground structures, no big underground, multi level carparks, no mines/tunnels, no caves, no rivers, no varied and interesting terrain.. I just think they can do a lot better than Chernarus. -
Why is a helicopter an ambient sound?
switch296 replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
There is no such thing. You most likely are actually hearing a helicopter off in the distance but cannot see it, as the sound travels for around a kilometre I believe. -
I have never experienced a Hacker...
switch296 replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You're also incredibly unlikely to see other players.. the one thing that makes this mod interesting. -
Hey guys, I'm a huge fan of DayZ, have logged hundreds of hours on the mod and am one of the admins of SouthCoastBeanWars.com and just wanted to give my viewpoint on what the biggest problems with DayZ are at the moment. Obviously yes, the game is in alpha and I am not complaining, merely giving my viewpoint to try and help the game get past these issues. Hacking and duping - The absolute biggest problem right now is that hacking and duping is running rampant across the entire game. At any given point in time I find that the majority of ANZ, NZ and AU servers that I play on are either in the process of being hacked or is broken from being nuked, thunderdomed, carpet bombed, etc. Sadly, the reason hacking is so prevalent in DayZ as I understand it lies at the very core of the game engine so it really looks like this won't be fixed until the game is standalone. Rocket has spoken many times about how DayZ has a finite lifespan as a mod and me and my friends keep thinking that well perhaps DayZ has reached the end of that lifespan.. the game is nigh unplayable in any serious capacity at the moment due to hacking. Loot inflation - This no doubt stems from hacking and duping but also, in a much lesser way stems from there being no way to take loot out of circulation other than people dying in vehicles out in the middle of nowhere/zombies (Pretty rare if the player is experienced). This is something I expressed concern with a month or so into the alpha and now look at the game.. there is so many pairs of night vision, 50 calibre sniper rifles, thermal L85s and so on that I find more tents filled with those items than I do things like lee enfields and CZ550's. Even if hacking and duping was fixed tomorrow and a database wipe happened, if the mod was played for a year by everyone at the end of that year we would have the same problem we have now with the highest tier military loot being EVERYWHERE.. there needs to be some way to take this stuff out of circulation. Lack of "endgame" - This is something Rocket has already said he is working on, things like base building and the like but I have to ask is that even enough. At the moment once people are geared up there is almost nothing to do besides hunt other players.. Sure, there are other little distractions like base hunting, filling up your tents with loot, collecting vehicles and such but that all gets old really quickly.. even with base building like Rocket has said he is working on, will that really be enough? People are just going to get bored once they have a near perfect base and will start once again, hunting people.. I'm not really sure what the solution here is and it would depend on what kind of game you want DayZ to be. The way vehicles are handled - This is coming from someone who had a clan that hoarded almost every single vehicle across multiple servers - the way vehicles are handled at the moment is terrible, what is more disappointing is that at least to me, this seems like one part of the game Rocket has stopped developing, at least for now. What I feel would be much funner is if vehicles were no longer able to store loot (To avoid them becoming glorified loot storage, sitting out in a bush somewhere) and were reset perhaps more often than every 7 days.. I'm not sure how often would be acceptable but I feel like 7 days is too long. Perhaps 48 or 72 hours? I also think it would be great if the amount of vehicles were greatly increased where as fuel should be made incredibly rare - Why would people want 10 different vehicles if they can barely scrape by the fuel for one? Once again, to try and avoid the RDF trying to string me up and beat me with blunt objects, this is merely my thoughts on the issues DayZ currently has which I am sure will be greatly improved upon if not completely resolved by the time DayZ is a fully released standalone game. That will happen a lot quicker if we give good feedback :)
The biggest problems facing DayZ right now
switch296 replied to switch296's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I also think this would be a great idea. Have tents as a backup weapon/survival gear storage instead of "I'm going to put 10 pairs of NVGs, GPS, Rangefinders and 50 calibre sniper rifles" storage :) I totally agree that permadeath is ruined by having tents that save gear after death and it sucks. -
Hacking is ridiculous at the moment, impossible to play for more than few hours without losing your character to nukes/teleporting/thunderdoming/etc Feels pretty pointless to play at the moment.
I have never experienced a Hacker...
switch296 replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You are either incredibly lucky or don't play very often :) If I sit down for a 4-6 hour DayZ session it's almost guaranteed I will be hit by a hacker once or twice. -
NVG's are more common right now than anything else - I've come across probably 30 or so pairs in the last few days, I leave the majority of them behind just because they are so worthless now.
My first death to a server-wide nuke by a hacker.
switch296 replied to Muncywolverine's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Had me and half my clan killed when a hacker turned everyone into the soldier skin while we were in a helicopter before, we all fell to our deaths and the helicopter exploded. -
The biggest problems facing DayZ right now
switch296 replied to switch296's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think this would be a great solution, although I do predict the majority of people will dislike this.. but at the end of the day, it's much better than having almost every single player you come across kitted out with nvgs/gps/thermals/as50, etc. -
The biggest problems facing DayZ right now
switch296 replied to switch296's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I totally know what you mean by saying DayZ is an anti-game and yes, it is true that Rocket has said this. But, Rocket has also stated he is working on endgame.. I totally know what you mean by the game can't have a linear path of what you do but what I mean by end game is things we can do in game once we are fully geared up and have gotten past the initial "survive" stage of the game.. we need to be able to survive and then thrive somehow. Through making bases, farming, which then create communities like what you are talking about. Having anarchy and chaos is good but we need to be able to work towards rebuilding the world which I think would really bring people together and hopefully stop a lot of the constant kill-on-sight attitude that players have at the moment. -
The biggest problems facing DayZ right now
switch296 replied to switch296's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
That's really lucky for you but fact of the matter is that hacking is an epidemic right now - The majority of my clan has simply given up on the game because of it. I've been nuked, thunderdomed or carpet bombed a dozen or so times in the last 48 hours. Even Rocket himself was "thunderdomed" on a machinima live stream the other day. But yeah guys, don't let the thread just become discussion for hacking as there is already a thousand threads for that - please give your thoughts on the other issues I brought up :) -
Between the hackers, graphical glitches and extreme loot inflation the game is nigh unplayable at the moment.. this is coming from someone who is an eternal optimist about DayZ and runs a fan site.. They are way too slow on fixing game killing issues like this - Hacking being the main one. Almost my entire 12 man clan has stopped playing DayZ at the moment due to hacking.
In a real life situation like DayZ, 'basic' weapons would be very common.
switch296 replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm sorry, what? Guns are rare? Have you ever played DayZ? Ever? -
Over the past month or so "loot inflation" as I call it has become pretty terrible, almost every single person I kill has full kitted gear with an as50/some other high tier military gun... even in Cherno and Elektro, you constantly find fully kitted players sniping people off the silos/hill at Elektro. It used to be you would be very lucky to find a pair of NVGs/a GPS/As50 and so on but now there is just so many of them they are almost worthless - me and a mate raided the northern part of the map last night for camps and ended up coming out with so much gear (6 pairs of NVGs/GPS/huge amount of crashed heli guns) that we left more than half of the stuff behind.. also used to take me days to get geared up again, now I can simply visit the hill at elektro or the NWAF, kill a single person and it's likely they will have everything I will ever need. I personally don't find the game as fun anymore because of this, I think it would be great if once duping/hacking is a bit more controlled that there was an item wipe (Most likely already going to happen once it hits beta) and things such as crashed helicopters were made much more rare, as in one per server restart compared to half a dozen. Perhaps even remove the extremely high tier stuff like AS50s/L85 thermal which gives people a huge advantage such as seeing everything for miles around and blowing up helicopters in a single, well placed hit Thoughts??
Loot inflation.. what can be done?
switch296 replied to switch296's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Well even then, I really feel like loot inflation got out of hand when crashed helicopters were fixed and started spawning loot again rather than from duping.. is some of it from duping? Yeah sure, but the vast majority of players I have seen are not willing to dupe. There is still the problem of them looting people they kill that are dupers but I really feel like the main contributing problem here is crashed helicopters and how common they are, they spawn NVGs quite often along with the high tier military stuff and there is normally at least 6 per server restart, all having multiple spawn locations. If you know where to look it's incredibly easy to find almost all of the ones in a server within 30 minutes, quicker with a vehicle. I suppose it's really a combination of everything but it's gotten pretty out of hand.. -
Are "Old Moto"s now officially in the game or is it hacked?
switch296 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hey guys, I just found an "Old Moto" on the runway of the NWAF and was wondering if it is a legit vehicle or not? I've never encountered one ever before but seeing as Hueys were just added back into the game and military offroaders were pulled out just recently as well, I'm thinking perhaps they were added in along with hueys being readded? Awesome vehicle though.. really fits DayZ with the way it looks :) -
Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff
switch296 replied to Angus-SiN's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Still no official response on when this will be fixed? Pretty game breaking..