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Everything posted by switch296

  1. switch296

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Post deleted.
  2. switch296

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Just happened to me for the second time. I can put up with just about any kind of bug, but shit like this gets old REALLY quickly. Lost NVGs/Rangefinder/Full bottom slot/L85A2 Thermal and a DMR along with survival supplies. It would be nice if bugs like this took priority or if there was some kind of official response, I really can't be arsed to play anymore until this is explicitally labeled as fixed in a patch. /rage
  3. Hey guys, I'm being consistently kicked from ANZ 2 upon joining for Battleye Script Restriction #68 and I have no idea why.. it worked fine for me last night and there hasn't been any beta/day z updates on it since then so I'm rather confused. Every other server lets me in just fine, even other AUSARMA ones (Anz 1, 3, 4, 5) so I'm really at a loss for what could cause this.. I've contacted the owner of the server, cm. , but haven't received a reply yet. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
  4. switch296

    Idea: Chernarus, the quarantine zone

    I have to say, I absolutely hate the idea of having Chernarus the only infected zone while the rest of the world goes on completely fine. The entire atmosphere is based around the fact that the entire world is fucked and dead - You are one of mankind's last survivors.. if you simply turn Chernarus into an infected zone while the rest of the world is fine it completely ruins the post apocalyptic feel.
  5. No one else has had this issue? No ways for me to prevent this happening again?
  6. I'd happily pay full game price just for the mod - I've had more hours out of DayZ than any other video game in my entire life.
  7. A few people have contacted me on ausarma's teamspeak saying they are all having the same issue so hopefully whatever it is, it will be sorted out by cm. soon..
  8. Well makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one :)
  9. Server it happened on - On3 Network NZ 17 (Previously NZ 7) Time it happened - Base, ammo crate and helicopter were spotted around 11:05 GMT +10 What happened during the incident - Me and a friend were at Skalisty Island having a look around for possible locations for a tent when we came across the following. - A huge sandbag fort consisting of probably 30+ bags - A bus with no one inside of it left with the engine on, on Skalisty island (Impossible through normal game means) - An ammo crate with an AS50, M107 and Stanag mags - A helicopter flying overhead which went to land then spotted me (I think) and left. Pictures - Fearing that I was going to be killed at any moment I just grabbed a few quick screenshots and then left immediately, I have no screenshots of the bus (was on a different part of the island spotted by my friend who immediately left the game on spotting it and realizing hackers were around) or the helicopter overhead, but I did get screenshots of all the sandbags and the ammo crate and it's contents(Obviously didn't loot anything). Server identification and ammo crate under that - http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540680885260657945/0EA8BFBF582B45F33D9523F6CBAB1BAE8A6EAF22/ Ammo crate contents - http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540680885260673642/8E58D87F6F8C73D2063E567490EC0379E806B0AA/ Ammo crate and sandbags - http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540680885260829565/EFACAC5EB100A0E48BFC3A103288D4095241FECF/ Hope you guys can have this shit removed, the NZ servers have been absolutely bombarded with hackers lately (Nukers, hacked helis spawned all over the map, ammo crates everywhere) and it's pretty irritating.
  10. switch296

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think it's pretty apparent from me being one of the admins of southcoastbeanwars.com that I'm a huge DayZ nut but even I feel tempted to just give up on the game until this issue is fixed.. it's no fun having epic gun battles with people then having them disconnect before you put in the kill shot which means you have to immediately vacate the area lest they log in behind you :\
  11. switch296

    Vehicle Spawn Map

    http://southcoastbeanwars.com/dayz-maps/Vehicle-spawn-map.jpg Just a heads up to everyone who uses this map, this is the very first version of the map and we are aware that it is missing a few spawns and that some of the icons aren't placed quite as exactly as they should be (For example, the Stary Sobor icons should be over near the military base) but our next version should correct all these problems :) If you have any spawns with either screenshots or GPS coordinates or would like to let us know about misplaced icons please let me know here or via e-mail at switch@SouthCoastBeanWars.com Also, updated helicopter crash site map -http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg Happy hunting!
  12. By stable I mean on a similar level to - I had tried playing 1.7.2 for about 6 hours when it was first released but had all sorts of pretty serious game breaking issues that made it completely unplayable, such as multiple characters across different servers, characters being one shotted from 12000 blood to death by zombies, rollback almost every single time I aborted the game and came back later (usually an hour or two) and such. Do these issues still persist with Last I checked the change log listed absolutely nothing so just thought I'd ask, thanks!
  13. switch296

    Is stable?

    That's really good to hear, normal bugs don't really bother me, even ones that kill me once in a while but having my characters not save properly almost 100% of the time and such just really put me off playing so I reverted to now it's time to update! Cheers
  14. It's a pretty bad issue but all the solutions I've seen from people so far will end up punishing legit players or just not working at all.. it's a complex issue :(
  15. switch296

    Vehicle Spawn Map

    http://southcoastbeanwars.com/dayz-maps/Vehicle-spawn-map.jpg Just a heads up to everyone who uses this map, this is the very first version of the map and we are aware that it is missing a few spawns and that some of the icons aren't placed quite as exactly as they should be (For example, the Stary Sobor icons should be over near the military base) but our next version should correct all these problems :) If you have any spawns with either screenshots or GPS coordinates or would like to let us know about misplaced icons please let me know here or via e-mail at switch@SouthCoastBeanWars.com Also, updated helicopter crash site map - http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg
  16. switch296

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    No, the map is for all servers. You have to understand how rare crashed helicopters are - They have the absolute best loot obtainable in the game. It is not uncommon to find NVGs, Machine Guns and 50 cal. sniper rifles at them. Me and my clan grid search entire servers and sometimes find only 2 or 3, sometimes as many as 6. If you have helicopters to add please send us a screenshot or GPS co-ordinates and we will add them when we verify them :) Also, completely new map with a much more professional look!
  17. switch296

    ESP hackers NEED to go rocket.

    Lol, dude, you realize if people are hacking they don't care about your low tier military gear because they can just spawn in hacked weapons at will, right? They can also spawn vehicles. Any camp can be found. People do grid searches of the map with their clans to find every camp/vehicle out there, as mine does, it's pathetically easy and will remain so until there is some better way to hide camps or underground bases can be made.
  18. switch296

    How to find Crashed Helis...

    Yeah I linked the same map in the vid' date=' its really nice... [/quote'] Thanks for linking to the map guys but you will actually notice that the map you have linked is no longer hosted on the website as we have updated it :) Here is the latest version, the vast majority of the spawns have been confirmed by my clan or by screenshots sent to us. http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg
  19. In contrast to what some people have said on this forum, I really feel the zombies are still not dangerous enough. At the moment yeah they bleed you after one or two hits normally and they can pick up on where you are when sneaking if you aren't careful. But at the end of the day they are still incredibly easy to kill and are an absolute joke if you have half an idea of how to play DayZ, since the latest patch I've done what I've always done when I have a horde of zombies on me.. I either pull them inside and lay them out with the huge amount of ammunition I have because it's laying around everywhere I look (I normally run out of space to carry all the ammo I find! It's silly.) or I just peddle backwards, wait for a zombie to try and swing at me and stop, stop for a second shoot him and a few others then continue back-pedalling, rinse and repeat. My proposal? Allow them to swing while running, if that is even possible in the engine and also make them require more bullets to put down but keep headshot as a one hit kill requiring people to aim their shots. Also cut down on the amount of ammo lying around which I touched on before, I'm literally tripping over ammo there is so much of it.. it makes it feel less like a zombie survival game and more like a shooting gallery at times. I really feel like this game would benefit so much if zombies became that ever present, unrelenting threat that you simply CAN NOT AFFORD to piss off because they WILL mess your shit up almost every single time unless you run (now possible with line of sight agroing), hide from or avoid them. This would also do wonders for player cooperation.
  20. They are hitting respawn to get a better spawn location. It isn't considered an exploit to my knowledge.
  21. switch296

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    This is a common misconception. Helicopters spawns are random to an extent - This is true. But they do have set locations that they spawn in. For example, even though in a field a crashed helicopter can spawn all over that field, it will have 5 set locations it can possibly spawn in, it doesn't just randomly pick terrain to spawn it on in an area. :) Will be adding the ones you guys sent soon, thanks for the help!
  22. switch296

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    Map has been updated substantially and should now be the most detailed crash site map, happy hunting!