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About TandemChaos

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TandemChaos uncatagorised changes

    It was just FFA before.
  2. TandemChaos

    Hacker ca 14

    There is a hacker on CA 14 at this moment near the barn north of electro with a machine gun. he is sniping people in the middle of the town and always killing in 1-3 shots. was able to somehow see me going from tree to tree with a guillie suit in the middle of the night
  3. TandemChaos

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Don't know. he had a gullie suit and 3 friends with him. It was on CA 14 about an hour or so ago.
  4. TandemChaos

    Name your good deed of the day.

    My buddy and I relieved a survivor of his M107 and the various gear that his 3 buddies had near the constuction building west of cherno, does that count? We're being nice and reliving all that weight off their shoulders.
  5. TandemChaos

    Hacker us 13 dallas

    Me and my friend were killed outside of Mogilevka. Which just coincidentally happened after we messed around with a guy (me saving him and my friend killing him). Our in game names are Justin and Ryan. Don't remember who it was but it happened about 5-10 minutes ago and after respawning and trying to run back both of our games/characters completely froze up and were unable to do anything. combined we lose every piece of gear plus nvgs, rangefinders, SVD, m4 cco sd, dmr and plenty of other goodies. Shit sucks.
  6. I keep spawning in the same spot with no items on my character. I've tried suiciding and when i respawn its in the same place and when i look around i can see my previous body just standing there. Also when I chat in the server it does not show me with a name. I don't know if it is related or not