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Everything posted by Claw

  1. Claw

    Framerate in cities

    I get shocking frames in the rape seed fields on taviana. Usually in games being in buildings gives you better frames, its all about how much is being drawn on screen etc.
  2. Sorry made me laugh. That sucks, i slipped off skalka on a 60 day char, would be on 90 ish now if i hadnt of :(
  3. Claw

    namalsk gauss gun question

    I thought the gauss had been removed in latest version of namalsk?
  4. Claw

    Taviana Oil Rigs

    *work Excuse double post, pesky phone.
  5. Claw

    Taviana Oil Rigs

    Thats why i thought dropping someone in ocean 150 mtrs away and let them swim to it to trigger would w
  6. How many rounds in the pkm mag? Surely you have ammo left with 2 clips found?
  7. Claw

    Low Pop vs High Pop Servers

    Low pop in the week because im shattered on the week die to demanding job. High pop on the weekend when im more awake. Prefer high pop over all as its a bit boring on low pop.
  8. Claw

    DayZ: Celle or Tavinia?

    Yeah it is a bit barren, dunno somit about celle. Agreed thou tavi is an awsome map. I really like lingor as a change also.
  9. Claw

    Did they add new guns

    Celle map has g family weapons legit in its loot tables also.
  10. Claw

    DayZ: Celle or Tavinia?

    I really like tavi, however i like celle more. I think both maps display a more realistic feel, chernus feels like a theme park with attractions squashed in. The reason i like celle more is down to the level of forest, so much easier to hide tents etc the lovely resis that remind me of the source engine and how flat it is, great for ppl watching / overwatch. Also havingthe g range of weapons as legit spawns and the prison buildings are cool. I think celle is awsome XD
  11. Claw

    DayZ needs more guns

    More military weapons the better. Been enjoying g36's on celle map, glad they being included in update. Want a susat scope on a l85 XD
  12. Claw

    DayZ Bounty Hunters

    Best thread award.
  13. Claw

    Dayz Taviana in short

    That kinda thing happens on cher as well, in fact any map. There isa lot of plus points to tav, its size for one, some great buildings, the big power station is jaw dropping big as is the bridge. Imo celle and tav are my fav maps, cher is amazing dont get me wrong but it almost feels like a theme park with squashed in attractions, celle and tav feel more real to me.
  14. Hi man thanks for putting this thread up. Itching to play this map, but getting bad connection message, loads the pic screen and then the message. Have tried renaming different variations and no joy. Am i supposed to have bisign files in the addons folder?
  15. Maybe i will get flamed for this :s Correct me if im wrong. Ppl like dayz due to the realism? In real life you have ppl that would act like this, killing for killing? If they want to roll play like that let them? It adds to the game? Be a very boring world or game if it was all fluffy clouds and holding hands whilst taking on zombies. Yes the guy he killed was unarmed but that would happen trust me. Ppl are entitled to their opinions sure , but if it bothers you that much play low pop or private with friends. Ps im not a bandit have no murders, the best block is not to be there
  16. Claw

    GB 500 The Daniel Kill

    You were using the screwdriver to prepare the roach? I dont understand the screwdriver bit :s I smoke constatly playing dayz, sometimes its a good thing, sometimes not XD
  17. Top dude, i would rather watch his dayz vids than most films. He isnt stupid either, some call it luck finding stuff or ppl, sometimes it is but its mostly intuition with him. To top it off he is amusing as well.
  18. Claw

    The Struggle, My 1st NightZ !

    Nice story man, read it on the train back from work. Glad you stuck with the game, it can be really cruel and rewarding as well ,highs and lows..
  19. Claw

    Custom maps

    Sorry if this has been covered before :s I play dayz on 1.7.2 server version 584 on offical servers. If i dl lingor and play it will i loose my normal profile?amd my loot ? Can you run 2 seperate profiles at the same time, one being on custom maps and one on normal dayz? Also if i update to new patch will i loose my stuff? I cancelled that steam update and currently launching dayz from the exe in the folder. Thanks in advance :)
  20. Claw

    Custom maps

    Ah cool that clears it up, played on ligor last night, really cool map. Thanks To both of you for the replys, really helped :)
  21. Claw

    Custom maps

    Thaniks for the replys Soarin, yeah i know tents are server dependant , just wondered if the 584 servers we play on update to new patch we will loose our tents etc. Thanks agasin for all the advice, looking forward to playing on lingor and others until standalone.
  22. For close to medium range FAL or akm Long range dmr
  23. Claw

    Custom maps

    Ah ok, im not using dayz comander. My squad have a lot of gear between us but i guess dayz is like war, if you realise ur stuff is already gone you are half way there. Have already lost a ton of stuff to restarts, bugs etc so used to it i guess. So if im not using comander i will loose all my tents veicles and equipment if i update? Also sorry for being thick but can run 2 profiles? If i play lingor and then want to play on vanilla chernus will it load my orig character? Im guesing yes by what you said about hive
  24. Claw

    Vehicle Problem

    Same happened to me but it was a server restart whilst driving, logged back in, uaz gone :( spent 40 minutes on foot retracig our steps, found itnext to thesupermarket in starey :) all the gear gone but glad to get uaz back :)
  25. Claw

    Profile Reset! Rage!!

    :( Sad news when you told me this bro- I feel to sketch to even log in in case i'm at teh shore with nothing. I also doubt this would be a cull on hacked in wepaons, not without an announcement surely ? and the aftermath is impossible unless you can tell a gun is hacked in, yes certain guns only apear at crash sites but who is to say that one in the tent is not from a crash site originally , same goes for bodies.And also i'mn asuming that a very large amount of players have a hacked gun on them so why so little about this? i miagine if say 70 % of the playing pop lost everything there would be more noise than this. Laughing man, you have impecible taste in Anime, SAC for ever. So i'm hoping you can shed any more light on this?