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Everything posted by JakeJR

  1. Alright that's good cause I never get on skype and rarely check my E-Mail.. Anyways I applied like a week ago if not more, i've been waiting for a response but no one has contacted me ever since.. Edit: - I accepted you on steam btw..
  2. What happened to my application, no one contacted me and told me if I'm accepted or not... Also how are you guys meant to contact me skype, email or steam?
  3. Alright thanks, I appreciate it.. I didn't get the XO part is that meant to be good or bad haha, anyway I'll be happy to join you guys hopefully asap.. Also I just wanted to ask, which servers do you usually play on and what time are people online?
  4. I applied, also I applied to another clan but I gave up on it anyway I still got my application but it's because I can't delete it.. I'm really interested in this clan, and so far the clan seems really organized I like that :)..
  5. JakeJR


    Age (Don't lie!): 18 Location: Bulgaria Do you have skype?: irko17 Is your mic of a good quality?: It's decent Secret word 1: Crooked Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes, of course.. Secret word 2: The Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes. Why do you want to join?: Because I'm tired of playing alone and it's rather boring.. Plus I wanted to join an active group of people that I can play with also that required a mic..