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Everything posted by Dr.Sean

  1. Dr.Sean

    Dayz Commander repair issue

    I think I have found the issue it worked for me (So far) 1. Click on the windows button and go into Computer. 2. Click on the blue memory bar button (For me it says OS(C:). 3. Once you have do that find the folder that is called Program Files (x86) HAS TO HAVE THE (x86). 4. Look for the folder called Steam and click on that. 5. Then look for the folder called steamapps. 6. Then go in the folder common. 7. Then go on the folder arma 2 operation arrowhead. 8. Find the folder @Dayz should be at the top and then delete it. 9. Open six launcher and install it again (Not sure if it work by installing it on Dayz Commander). Hope this helps. :)
  2. Dr.Sean

    Dayz Commander repair issue

    The Same is happing to me and my friend and I dont no how to fix it ether its really annoying :(
  3. Hello My is game name is Dr.Sean I want to join this server because you are less likely to get killed by hacks and there is a less chance of being killed/ killing someone with a hacked weapon and if your in a gun fight with someone they cant log off go on a diffident server and go behind you then log back on and kill you. The type of player that I if i see some one with a gun in the coastal towns i will try to speak with them but anyone past stary I considered hostile and I shoot on site. I play with 1 other but more of my friends are getting the game so they can come play too. Hope I get on the server :)