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Everything posted by sneakerz

  1. I'm in the server, and im being spawn killed at the moment for about 20 minutes now. Server IP: There are atleast 2 hackers in atm. Please help!
  2. Ok, i left the server. Killed a bandit and got some loot. I'll come back another day. To bad justice cant be served today, but i understand the staff is busy.
  3. Its an awesome server, admin isnt on. And everyone being harrased. And also i would like to see some justice server! :)
  4. sneakerz

    Us 3466

    Me and my friends got banned from our main server were in. Apperently for spawning in weapons, while this is not true at all. The admin was in game and he did not even start a discussion. I'd like to know why were really banned and if we can get unbanned. Many thanks!
  5. sneakerz

    Us 3466

    Then how do you explain duplicates of vehicles and choppers. We had 2 coyote backpacks in our cars and the car was full when it duped, ofcourse were going to leave it behind. It feels so bad that we got banned for something we really didnt do. As hacker I wouldnt even put my effort into trying to join back, but then again you can unban for a reason like that. If we wont get unbanned, we will just have to join a different server. I hope you'll find the problem in the future, even if you dont believe me. Thanks again, Tehsneak
  6. sneakerz

    Us 3466

    Okay, ill try my best to defend myself here. First I'd like to say that the other account is not my account, its when i login on my pc and its automaticly logged on to my brothers steam account. Second, not only the backpacks where spawned a whole vehicle duped with all our loot in it, and yes we took stuff from it. But i dont think thats any of our fault. And if Bulke were hacking, there is no reason to ban me or the rest. Some of my friends dont even play together with me. We really put some effort on that server, and if i were hacking I wouldnt even dig my own grave on the official dayz forum. Many thanks, Tehsneak
  7. So yeah couple of days ago i passed out by getting shot at, i killed the guy but i went unconcious. But it seems that the meter was stuck, and i was bleeding. So like any other person would do i ''ALT-F4''ed. Now everytime i login the meter is still stuck, and im still bleeding. So im unable to play atm. Is there a way to fix this without dieing, if so that would be great. Thanks in advance. PS: i have no friends to epi-pen me!
  8. I have this same problem, in a single player or multiplayer mission in ARMA my FPS is around 130. But in allmost every dayz server i go into its around 20 - 30, this really dissapoints me because I recently bought a new computer. I only join server that refresh daily or even with a couple of hours because on those server i have around 40 FPS.
  9. sneakerz

    Gotta love people who can't handle the fact they died.

    What are trying to accomplish here, the admin probably banned you for a reason to. Why would an admin know that its you that killed him, did he saw you? Next time be more stealthier, so he cant ban you imo. I understand your ''anger'' but to me this just seems like bragging like a CoD kid that just got a 360 no-scope shot. I dont care about your adventure nor your kills. If you want a ban appeal, go to that thread.
  10. sneakerz

    Character reset.

    Today i spawned at the beach with 0 days, i did NOT die. I played just fine yesterday without dying and logging out safely. I had around 55 days surviving, i had the precious SVD camo. And now i lost it all to nothing. I know admins dont have much time for this, but is it possible to get atleast my days back? My ingame name is Sneakerz. Thank you in advance.
  11. sneakerz

    Character reset.

    I have no hacked weapons, would be inapropriate to reset people without any announcements either. I think some shit happend yesterday, some artifacting came back also. Let's hope we atleast get some explanations.
  12. sneakerz

    Character reset.

    No, i joined a server where i always join. My friends dont have this problem, maybe because they didnt play yesterday and I did.