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Posts posted by ManiacMike69

  1. People will be to busy trying to survive and find materials to keep them alive.

    Broken legs ull need alot more then a morphine and so on.

    So all these KOS bitches won't keep playing because getting into a firefight will basically mean death.

    The MOD is simple and PVP is very easy and gearing up is also, so this is why everyone does it.

    We will all find out who the true DayZ players are when the SA is out.

  2. Hi,

    I can see people a lot of people asking for clans, and a lot of clans recruiting.

    I know a lot of them consider it's more fun playing with a lot of people, because they have vehicles, and all the stuff they want.

    In my opinion, that's a mistake. As a hero, I've encountered people who were in a clan throughout my adventures. What I have to say is most of them seemed to be almost bored, the last one was considering(And his clan was also) starting to play WarZ. When I asked him how longer had played Dayz he said that for a month more or less.

    He had had everything, he picked me up in a truck and gave me weapons and stuff.

    The problem: He hadn't almost experienced being a newbie, discovering things for yourself, being fascinated and afraid from a helli, being happy for finding your first military grade weapon, finding the red car, repair it, carefully hide it...

    it's just my opinion. I've been playing for months, and I'm still not bored. After three months being playing a friend of mine started playing with me, and after three months we discovered our first repairable helicopter(The Little bird)

    I think the reason why people get bored of this game is because they discover everything very fast, and this is usually due to clans.

    I repeat again, just my opinion. I know there's going to come people saying I'm in a clan and I blah blah blah...

    Yeah, I know. I only speak for the people I have met.

    100000000% agree.

    A lot of DayZ clans try and play this game like a war game...it's not its a survival game.

    I've been in clans and they give orders like there a fucking god yet all of them are shit at the game.

    The only way to get real good at DayZ is to be a lone wolf because u learn everything for yaself and more.

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