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Everything posted by ManiacMike69

  1. ManiacMike69

    Trying to introduce a friend to DayZ

    Lol private hives u need to play on! I ain't played on a public server for about 2 months. Just get the standalone when it's out and stop bitching, it's a mod not a game.
  2. ManiacMike69

    Sex in DayZ

    RP a rape, sounds fun to me.
  3. ManiacMike69

    Which games did you abandon for DayZ?

    COD and my YouTube channel lol Played WarZ for 2 days and will never play it again lol
  4. Lol so the admins or owners of the server or clan, can spy on u at all times and listen to personal chat between friends? Good but weird at the same time
  5. ManiacMike69

    DayZ is a crap

    Like counter strike?? I stopped reading at that point! This is survival and u can't survive, simple as that
  6. ManiacMike69

    Flipping Off Cheating Heroes

    What was that then?
  7. ManiacMike69

    Flipping Off Cheating Heroes

    What a dumb post
  8. ManiacMike69

    Dayz standalone

    WarZ is so shit and u must be a tool to buy the $50 version.
  9. Yep happened to me...think it's the new map updates