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Everything posted by ManiacMike69

  1. I want a hacker to turn me into a rabbit then just run about with the music "Run Rabbit, run Rabbit, run run run!"
  2. ManiacMike69

    Flipping Off Cheating Heroes

    He lived...
  3. ManiacMike69

    Flipping Off Cheating Heroes

    What server was this in because I came across a hero with a as50 tws in a private hive so I fucked him up with m14. BDB private hive or something
  4. ManiacMike69

    Endgame content in Standalone

    That's the great thing about DayZ there's endless ideas for this game and they can and might do that, but ur not gonna see it right away.
  5. ManiacMike69

    Endgame content in Standalone

    As someone said before end game is staying alive. Simple.
  6. ManiacMike69

    Weird GPS messages...

    Lmao man your thick. Instead of typing bullshit learn to read things before u post about it.
  7. AKM for all round situations
  8. ManiacMike69

    Why I quit (yes another one of those threads)

    Erm not sure what to say to ya really dude, you sound about 10 years old.
  9. ManiacMike69

    Death Of DayZ

    Lmao scoreboards don't mean shit u fucking noob.
  10. ManiacMike69

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    It's a great map with great design. Luv the weather and warm clothing u need to find to access the snow areas. Like how food and drink is very hard to come by. Lots of interesting loot places and new buildings and the mountains are very cool looking. Plus lots more zombies spawn then normal which makes things difficult. Sound effects are great aswel but if ur a noob u won't realise any if that. I just wish it was a bigger map with more bush to hide tents and cars.
  11. ManiacMike69

    Do you disable the Music in Dayz?

    Yep of course
  12. ManiacMike69

    What do you do in DayZ?

    Wait till SA and gear won't be as easy to find cuz of scripters in this mod it's to easy to gear up. I don't have goals or anything my main aim is not to die and whatever comes my way ill deal with it. Pretty simple really.
  13. ManiacMike69

    Killing innocent people in Namalsk..

    That was the worst video I've ever seen for DayZ. Please don't do anymore.
  14. ManiacMike69

    How long will it take till your bored of SA?

    Simple answer. Never. I'm not bored of the mod at all and I've been playing it everyday for at 4/5 months. This game ticks all the boxes.
  15. ManiacMike69

    How long will it take till your bored of SA?

    SA will be amazing!
  16. I agree dude 100% It's silly u can't eat drink or bandage people in cars. Yet people with broken legs can drive...work that one out!
  17. WarZ hasn't done nothing to DayZ. WarZ is made for 10 year old kids. I can't wait for the SA and as for "scripters" u can't stop them in the MOD.
  18. ManiacMike69

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    So many cry baby's in here. Bring on the "anti game" cuz I've been playing the same shit since 1997. Bout time someone like rocket creates a game that's hardcore. So all the pussys can fuck off and play with themselfs if they want some "fun"
  19. ManiacMike69

    Where did the female go?

    Agree bring bak the girls!!! This ain't no YMCA dance club!
  20. ManiacMike69

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    People seem to forget he made this mod for himself and friends. He don't care if its not a success and he's not unit for the money. For me Rocket can do what he wants and ill still buy it and play it.
  21. ManiacMike69

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    Not all admins are honest people. I see this tool getting abused by lots of people with servers.
  22. ManiacMike69

    Sex in DayZ

    There's no vote! You shoot her, bandage her, drag her and proceed from there.
  23. ManiacMike69

    Sex in DayZ

    This is real life....isn't it?
  24. Being a Hero is a lot harder then shooting noobs with an gun. Nuff said.
  25. ManiacMike69

    Sex in DayZ

    I'm gonna RP rape a girl 2nite so laws of fire what server can I find her on? She would luv my FAL