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wargoat (DayZ)

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About wargoat (DayZ)

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  1. Just got outta work. Sad that i missed this deal =(
  2. wargoat (DayZ)

    New private hive - fight2012.com - EPIC Promo Vid

    Sorry for the interruption, was adding some new things and server restart scripts may not have intialized properly. Added different chance for G36a, Mk12(M48Spr), MakarovSD, M107, AK_107_GL_pso, and Range Finder to heli crashes.
  3. wargoat (DayZ)

    New private hive - fight2012.com - EPIC Promo Vid

    Was out of town. Upgraded server to 1.7.3 and latest beta patch! Let the game begin... again!
  4. Some people have asked me all the steps how to modify the heli crash loot so i compiled a quick tutorial, http://fight2012.com/helicrash.html the code for the heli crash came from the forums at http://dayzprivate.com i just compiled all the steps of what I do to implement the code email me if you got any questions
  5. wargoat (DayZ)

    New private hive - fight2012.com - EPIC Promo Vid

    Probably my favorite moment on the server so far. It's long, but it was a blast, organic conflict, with my heart pounding the whole time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTSDRnnKKe8
  6. Check us out at fight2012.com building our community, usually 12-15 at peak times right now lots of vehicles 75+ adding customzations to the map
  7. wargoat (DayZ)

    Looking for a private hive

    Hey man, come check out Fight2012.com We are looking for some more squads to play, right now there is a big squad of about 8, then me and about 3-5 buddies roll together. The fights vs the big squad are always a blast. Organic conflict is the best type of interaction, that heard pounding, tense, nerve-racking action. We always seem to run into that big squad on accident as they think they run the place. We have a few smaller squads, like 2-3 men, several lone wolves, and a guy who doesn't kill and only plays medic. Pretty good community, always trying to improve the experience.
  8. wargoat (DayZ)

    New private hive - fight2012.com - EPIC Promo Vid

    Theres 2 ways to join. I put up a small tutorial http://www.fight2012.com/private.html You can add it as a favorite in DayZ Commander, then double click it OR If you are launching it straight from Arma2 Go to Main Menu Click Multiplayer In the bottom right hand corner look for the "Remote" button Use the following values Address: Port: 13302 Your list should now show US Big Baby Double click to connect
  9. Started a new private hive: US Big Baby Promo Vid (footage is lacking, server is only about a week old) Current Features are Veteran 40 man 3rd Person Side chat (can change later if people don't like) Crosshairs NO TAGS NO THERMALS NO AS50 NO DUPING More Vehicles Active Admins Player Events Future possibly whitelisting GMT+11 We've got a website up at http://fight2012.com/ Looking for more clans/survivors/bandits to join in on the fun. The CDA clan joined early, and is amassing alot of power in the form of choppers and vehicles and weapons. Somebody needs to come in and TAKE THEM DOWN. Tried to fight them off a the NW airfield, but only 2 of us vs a chopper and 4+ men with reinforcements was just too much (video coming soon) Shoot me an email, if you're a clan looking for a home maybe i'll drive a vehicle to ya as a present. -NiteNite