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Everything posted by Kransthow

  1. Current Situation Survivors are interdimensional beings, who can effortlessly flit between parallel worlds when and where it pleases them. This brings with it some seriously bad side effects. Escaping danger by warping to a parallel world, performing ambushes by jumping through dimensions, acquring material goods by quickly travelling across planes of existence... none of these behaviours are something that should exist in a zombie survival game. Another problem with the current model is that local communities cannot really develop organically. With the ability to effortlessly move between any arbitary server there exists no real reason to use one server over any other (save for vehicles, but material goods go as easily as they come and once gone the server holds nothing to keep you) so servers constantly see completly different populations from one day to the next, making it impossible for the population to form local relationships among themselves. It is obvious that something needs to change, heeding this need many private hive servers have popped up to try and solve these issues. Private Hive solution This is the only current solution to the server hopping problem where your character is locked on a single server, under this model sever hopping is impossible as your character cannot move between servers, however the greater DayZ community is destroyed and fractured into countless tiny little sub-communitys. While sheltered from the negative effects of server hopping players are completly unable to influence anything outside their nutshell kingdom of a server which is incredibly damaging to the greater game. While the walls the Private Hive gives help create communities and prevent sever hopping, they also hide your achievements from the outside. Rendering any actions within meaningless. We can do better than that, and one way of achieving this is to give servers geographical relations to each other. I give two soutions utilizing this to the server hopping and community problem below. Chessboard solution This solution works with each server acting as a tile on a giant chessboard of all DayZ servers, movement between servers is achieved by travelling to the edge of the map of the server you are currently on at which point you appear on the corresponding edge of the server that shares the edge you just travelled to. With this solution the greater community exists because you are not completly isolated from all other servers, but organic local communities can develop due to "dimensional stability" i.e. people will tend to have a general area they play as you can no longer arbitarily flit between any server and as such can develop relationships with players who they have no association with out of game, but just because they areas they generally play in overlap. There do exist issues with this solution though. The edges of bordering servers must be of similar type, to just look at the current map chernarus as an example. If you were to walk to the north edge of the map you would then appear in the south sea on the server north of the first server which would not really feel very authentic. The addition of servers to the chessboard can only ever be added to the edge which would either lead to very high populations in the center servers (which can cause problems, for example if you need to travel through one server to get to the server on the other side and the intermediary server is currently full you will have to move around it which is a fairly un-authentic experience that wastes your time.) and very low populations on the outer servers which is an inefficient use of resources or if wrapping around is implemented to lessen this unless the chessboard is a perfect rectangle (which would be impossible to realistically maintain) you would get servers occupying the same geographic area which just gets confusing. Additionally generally one would want servers with similar pings and server times to occupy the same general geographic area but new servers can only be added at the edges which prevents this. There are also problems if you remove a server, you end up with a hole in the chessboard which can't be travelled through which would be annoying to say the least. Though perhaps the largest problem this solution has is travel itself. There currently exists around ~3000 DayZ servers and assuming they were arranged in a square the square would be ~55 servers wide. If you can wrap around the map the average distance from your current location to any given server is roughly ~30 servers. Given it takes roughly ~20 minutes to cross a server to get to any given server would take roughly 10 hours straight of running in-game at your keyboard (and much longer if you want to get there safely). That is hell. The Fallout solution This solution is the one I feel would best combat server hopping without fracturing the community like the Private Hive solution or having the technical challenges of the Chessboard solution while still allowing organic local communities to form. For those familiar with the travelling system in the original Fallout this solution functions similarily. Like the Chessboard solution travel between servers works by travelling to the edge of the map, however once reaching the edge instead of transferring to an adjacent server you are taken to a global view. From here you can see individual servers as nodes on the globe and you can set a path to travel to them. Travelling takes both some time to complete and drains your hunger and thirst which limits the maximum range you can travel at once (though upon arrival you can replenish yourself and continue travelling towards your final destination if it is further than your maximum range). Vehicles also consume gas but move much faster, drain your hunger and thirst less and generally have greater max ranges. Upon arrival at a target node you arrive on the edge where it intersects the heading you arrived at (or as close as possible in the case of water borders). With this solution new servers can be added easily as they can be added anywhere on the globe and as close as possible to any other server (though it would probably be best to enforce a minimum distance between servers. And you don't get the same "hole" problems when servers are removed or at capacity as with the Chessboard solution. Additionally travelling isn't anywhere near as horrowing as it doesn't require you to be at the keyboard and would likely take much less time. The only downside I see to this solution which the Chessboard solution also shares is that combat at the edges of the map would be akward, however the edges of the map are fairly desolate and combat is uncommon there so it should only be a minor issue. Finally on death players would be able to choose to respawn at any server to allow friends to more easily meet up to start playing together or to allow people to try another area of the Globe.
  2. Kransthow

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    Oh god. It's a nice change of pace from the pvp whining. I'll give you a 4/10.
  3. Kransthow

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    You do realise his idea was not to replace the current selection, but to add Russian equivalents at higher drop rates alongside the current selection, right?
  4. Kransthow


    My dedication: Dianeces Why?: I met him in Polana Supermarket, he seemed really nice and was really helpful in getting me some tools and a backpack. Later we were running down to Electro to raid the firestation, we decided that I would head into the firestation (I had an AKM) while he would provide overwatch (he had a CZ550). Everything was clear and I managed to find a DMR and a Glock, once we met back up he asked if I had any spare food because he was hungry so I opened my gear menu and while I was getting the food he just shot me in the head. AVOID!!
  5. Welcome to the internet, enjoy your stay.
  6. Not really, there isn't a way to detect if an item is a duped copy so you can't be banned for using it.
  7. Kransthow

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Try reading the thread, it can land in small fields and even on hills if you're good. Hell fire up the game and fly it around chernarus yourself, landing spaces are not hard to find at all. If you have a steady hand you can even land in the fucking streets of cherno.
  8. Kransthow

    Gunshop to Berezino

    This is kind of a content issue, so would probably only be considered when we get to beta
  9. Kransthow

    drag/carry option for brokenleg.

    What if crawling around with a broken leg would have a chance of making you start bleeding, because moving around broken bones even if you aren't putting weight on them tends not to be a very smart idea. Niche created.
  10. "I don't like people killing me so they shouldn't be able to take my stuff"
  11. Kransthow

    Make inventory weight based instead of slot based.

    Why not just have a volume-based inventory
  12. Kransthow

    Side effects of Murdering

    Oh look it's this thread again
  13. Kransthow

    C-130 Crashsite

    I couldn't be bothered finishing my sent-
  14. Kransthow


    oh look it's this thread again
  15. Kransthow

    Paraflares / tripflares

    Already in game e:
  16. Kransthow

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Yes' date=' it does just that. Also it takes away a demand for decent pilots, because landing is the only thing with this plane that is somewhat difficult. [/quote'] Because you can only land on airstrips obviously, it's not like there are hundreds of fields you can safely land and take off from that the autopilot can't help you with at all. Another cool thing about the An-2 that you can't do in the huey is glide. Turn off the engine and you can perform a stealthy insertion almost anywhere on the map given enough initial altitude.
  17. Kransthow

    Magazines for FN and Bizon. NV toggle

    Yet American weapons are found all over the place as abundantly as Russian weapons.
  18. Kransthow

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    What the fuck
  19. Kransthow

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    So one minute it was a serious thing' date=' and the next minute it was just a joke? Wind your neck in Kransthow, stop contradicting yourself.[/quote'] It was never serious, l2read
  20. Kransthow

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Considering that Rocket said himself that one of the only 2 reasons you may kick or ban someone from your server is malicious language' date=' it's safe to say that he regards malicious language as unacceptable. So to put it in the reason for the kick, is a.) immature because it just isn't needed, you can ban someone without having to make a point of being a tosser about it, and b.) against what Rocket has outlined as acceptable. [/quote'] As it was a joke it is by definition not malicious language so what the fuck ever m8.