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About diodot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Still waiting for character reset. Name: Diogo ID: 52745030 I just want to play!
  2. I'm stuck on this error too, for almost two months now, no one was able to help me. http://dayzmod.com/f...ed-from-server/
  3. I'm already using dayz commander, and everything is up to date. Thanks for the quick reply.
  4. English is not my native language, I'll try my best. I'm stuck on this error for more then a month now, I can join non-hive servers normally. I've already tried this: Uninstall Arma II, Arma II OA end Battleye and then download and reinstall it again. Didn't work. Reinstalled Windows 7. Didn't work. After 20min (more or less) it will join to the server, and it happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7C3QtTCjbQ No sound, no hud, no inventory. I've already send two tickets to support, but no one reply me back. Steam version. Windows 7 64x DayZ Commander Battleye 1.183 Arma II beta 98866 DayZ mod 1.7.3 It started after beta 97771 (I guess) / dayz I was hopping that with this new update the problem would be gone. May I have some help?? PLEASE!
  5. diodot

    Character data received from server

    Need help too, I though that with this update this issue would be gone. More than a month without playing now. ):
  6. I'm stuck on this thing too, god dammit, it's driving me crazy. Someone, please help me. @rodrigolujan I follow you topic but it didn't work. Edit: Actually, I'm not able to delete my player profile, the game don't let me.
  7. Name: Diogo ID: 52745030 Couldn't find the DE 287 server.