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About SquidofGames

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  1. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    No one? ok.
  2. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    Still accepting applications, the more the better :D
  3. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    Ok, got four people in the clan now, anyone else?
  4. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    god dammit
  5. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    Shame filled self bump.
  6. SquidofGames

    The Australian bandit hunters.

    GREAT! now there are about 10K+ results for "yes" in skype. just add coen squid
  7. Ever been shot by a bandit while looking for your starter items? Ever been sniped by a 12 year old with a hacked as50TWS? Ever had a ghilliebitch run through the building you're searching and kill you? DO YOU HATE IT? I sure as hell despise it. So here's my proposition to you fellows! I've decided to shoot these blithering gits in the face most of the time if i get the chance, I tend to die because of the bloodloss of them shooting back. So I feel like working with some people for an advantage in my quest for justice. If you're interested fill the list of requirements out and I'll get back to you. THIS HERE.... IS THE AFOREMENTIONED FORM. In game name: Age: Smoking status: Are you willing to bring justice: Skype: Country: (Smoking status is because I don't want people going AFK while we hunt to attain more cancer)
  8. SquidofGames

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    No need to call me a retard, and don't say you didn't because I know how you types of people work. Seeing as you've had other Australians reply but get the same treatment I've deicded you're one of those prejudice fellows who just loves to hate the country who's economy is skyrocketing while your's dies slowly in a deep dark pit of job loss and sickness. You make me sick....
  9. SquidofGames

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    Well.... It's like applying for a job, send your resume to about 20 different companies and you're bound to get a reply, thought it was the same concept. Sorry D:
  10. Well, you didn't give any further imformation, so you won't get many replies :/ What are the requirements etc?
  11. SquidofGames

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    I know I won't get in due to the edit D: I wish i got in earlier though :( First Name: Coen In-game name: El Squiddo Age: 15 (16 DEC5) Country: 'STRAYA What time you are mostly on: 8AM-10PM (not always that long, only if I have nothing else to do) Why you are searching for a group/clan: Power in numbers, also I like the feeling of teamwork. Skype: coen squid Experience: A month and a bit Further info: I GOT BEANS MATE. EDIT: My timezone is GMT+9:30
  12. Well, I decided I want to hunt snipers/bandits or just survive with some friends. Turns out most of my "friends" are either too drugged or fancy to play a game once in a while, I'm not exactly a pro (hence why i want to work with people) and i play at medium/low settings, so i can't see far :( Well, just post below your skype and other shits and we'll work out an appropriate time to KILL SHIT VIOLENTLY. If you just want to add my skype without posting add this profile (coen squid)