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Posts posted by Barnakf007

  1. I'm a huge fan of Dayz, even tho i quitted, due to extreme mass of cheater/exploiter/scripter/abuser and also don't forget the bugs. I've been waiting for the standalone to come ever since. After playing arma 3 for 3 days now, i came to conclusion that if in 2013, dayz the stand alone would use the same or near same engine than arma 2, id be better spending my money elsewhere. Just my opinion. And as some people said, If rocket chooses to stay on cheap engine, i am sure that someone will make a zombie mod that will be comparable to dayz on the arma 3. In fact there is already some zeds mods on it. Even tho they are not as elaborated ( arma 3 has been up for only a few days) I dont see any point in playing a game in prehistorical graphics. If rocket would have release their stand alone in december like it was suppose to, it would have been different, but now with arma 3 being released before, i believe it would be mockering their fanbase to use cheap graphic for this awesome game. Just my honest opinion,no need to flame.

  2. Thanks for pointing this exploit out. Have never seen this before. The same would be true of other vehicles also and this requires a fix.

    It is my pleasure, i really love this game.Just sucks that some player ruins a bit of it by cheating... Like on the server that the chopper thing happened to me, i killed the same guy and he had a sniper i never seen a L90 or something. It makes the same sound than a as50, i took his backpack while they we're going to pickup up the guy with their chopper i ran to the forest, and said i just found a cheated gun on his corpse. Teh chopper came back STRAIGHT to me even tho i was in the forest in celle ( forest in celle are epic hideout) then a guy logged out to land on ground and killed me , i called them cheater and they defended themself saying it was not combat logging and it was allowed then i got banned -.- lol

  3. Ya it should have some penalty but of course you have to think about when peoples game or computer crashes and try have no control over it

    Yes indeed, thats why i think respawning to a spawn zone would prevent abuse without a too radical penalty for those unlucky people that crash/dc. It would prevent any type of abuse of that system. If the devs leave it as it is for the unlucky people that dc/crash there will ALWAYS be certain people that will use it for their own benefit in a bad way.

  4. Greetings Dayz community,

    I don't know if this is the place to talk bout such things, but ill do it anyway, if there is a proper section feel free to move my thread over there. Today i encountered a massive exploit which needs to be fix for the stand alone. I got into a gunfight with a bunch of guys in a chopper. The chopper passed right over me in the woods and a guy from the chopper logged out, to then relog right next to me ( i saw him spawn) in the woods on the ground. This is total Bullshit ( sorry for the word). This kind of cowardly strategy needs to be taken out. Lemme suggest to make people that log out of a chopper to be immediatly respawned as a fresh spawn. with keeping their gears of course.

    • Like 5

  5. I have to say that I have played in the "Boom Bewm Room" many times... and I find it to be run quite well.

    And for them to even bother responding to ratbag hackers who were banned is more than i would have done.

    For those saying..."look at the logs... look at the logs"...

    You are CLUELESS 100% clueless as to how to run a server or what the logs actually show.

    I currently have 3 servers of my own... and actually know what the logs show (and what they don't show).

    I kick first..ask questions...well no i don't even bother asking questions... if someone in my gaming community says "I shot that guy with an as50 and he didn't die"... it a fukin ban... no questions asked.

    If you don't like the way the guys at the Boom Bewm room (or any other server) run the server they pay for... here is a suggestion.


    Then you can see what it is like to spend half of your gaming time being an admin... instead of playing.

    Nobody hacks in KVT. No one ever did, and this is why i am pissed. The person that got accused of tanking a as50 shot got killed right after in the gunfight, and he is still accused of hacking even tho HE DIED. I've run several servers in many games including this one, so seriously i understand how, complicated it is to run a server (more than you think). I don't agree with your philosophy of banning without any questions, which brings back the admin abuse subject. For god sake i could say i shot someone with a as50 and he didnt die without even having a as50 to get a certain person ban... If you cant be responsible as a admin, i'd suggest you to just leave the job to someone who will actually do it well. And i do have a job, even tho i don't see the point of mentioning in this convo.

    So to end this convo, if you don't like me saying crap about your server, i would recommend to not say crap bout our clan which plays legit. Its not cause you got owned ONCE that we are hacker.... grow up kid. It is even funnier when you think about it, we got kind of owned and pin down and most of us got killed in that fight and yet we are called out hacker. You think thats credible?

    To the forum moderator: you can just close this thread,since i've passed my message to the dayz community. I made my point even tho i don't have any proof, they stand on their point (without any proof), guess its a deadend...

  6. DMR and as50 were shooting at different people at different times. I was shooting DMR and watched the blood sprut out as I hit, player ran around bleeding out and did not die, yet continued to stop and shoot back despite being hit 6 times with a DMR.

    sorry didnt see you die.....maybe you combat logged and die on another server?

    ummmm what near by building?? no buildings for 2k.... Or was it the building you warped to like your buddy durt warrior did with the SUV? Yeah he died, when he warped into another one of us playing, the one you killed across the map in the helo.

    we saw the suv and it did not explode....only one shot was taken at the suv to stop it.the rest were taken at the players, also the suv never exploded, because your buddy and fellow clanmate was warping around the map with it later on.

    Why would you? since bleeding doesnt affect you......

    He didnt mean loot the body...since you were across the ridge from us how could you loot our bodies while we had others still shooting at you? unless you warped over....He meant loot the gear in the vehicles at the area, the ones you were blowing up with disregard....well thats easy, since you could go to another server and spawn whatever you like....maybe?

    you didnt destroy it you confiurmed it, thank you so much.....PS why did you come back to the boom bewm room? you where back there on wednseday, we never removed the ban and yet you got back in?????

    Why do you tell other to avoid it and yet you came back in???????????????????not very logical. Since you managed to repeatedly get on the server after being banned(no hacks) I ask why did you bother to tell people not to play there?

    You have a good day, please do us the favor and avoid the boom bewm room, your type and your clanmates type are not welcome and will be removed when you are seen. As a clan that has been in gaming for over 8 years and having 50 plus members, we find it funny when cheaters cry about getting banned.Simple fact, if you appear to be to good to be real....you usaully are hacking. We strive to make our server a freindly place and have repeatedly welcomed noobies and helped them out. Again DO AS YOU ADVISE OTHERS AND AVOID THE BOOM BEWM ROOM. I dont understand why you have bothered to repeatedly come back after crying about abuse by the admins....let alone how you can get back on with a permanent ban issued.

    Thank you and have a good life.

    1- No i didnt combat log, i was in that small military barrack untill the admin kicked me. (It pays off to actually read what people say. Just saying....).

    2-How bad of a liar can you be.. There is no building around FOB boriana? get real mate...

    3- WTF suv????? we had a GAZ we're you actually there ?? doesnt seem like it. And what helicopter?? you must be speaking of a totally different thing, which i have no clue.

    4- I wasnt banned, i was just kicked and i did not come back after, you guys banned my clanmate when they we're logging back after you kicked em, i didnt bother joining back.

    5-What kind of argument is this? The reason why i tell everyone to not join your server is kind of obvious with such tact that you possess, actually i think i don't even need to do it since you clearly, with how you answered to me, can do it on your own. Therefore il'l never join your server again.

    To everyone! i will repeat do not join a server where people ban for their own benefit, or just cause they are pissed, and all this without even checking the server log to prove their sayings.

    It's easier to just ban and say crap than actually realise with logs they are wrong.

    Have a good day!

  7. Just to be clear, you were kicked not to keep our loot. We kicked cause we shot one of you with an AS50 Nato rounds and another person shot six times with a DMR and not only did the dude not die, but he didn't even need to bandage himself. We called it a hack and kicked you all. That's where we were coming from. I saw my shot hit with the AS50 and blood squirt from the body but no death... ood... Also, you all just blew up viehicals and didn't loot anything... Also odd. We banned you.

    Just to be clear, since a DMR and as50 we're shooting at us at the same time, how can you comfirm YOUR bullet hitted any of us. I assume you are accusing us of using a god mode hack or something, but please tell me why the guy you accused died after? If you trully shot maybe there was a desync or something.3/5 of us died in that last encounter, only me and goodmanHR survived cause we took cover in a nearby building. It never occured to you, that our vehicle exploded cause of your as50 shot? Also tell me, would you bandage yourself when you are targeted by snipers? Oh and of course looting body while being shot at by snipers is a even better idea! So this said i've just destroyed your great arguments that define a hacker. This said... being kick/ban after this guy was crying bout losing his farmed gears just make it even easier to come to conclusion we got ban for him,since we have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. To all other players if your looking for a fair match with no BS avoid Boom Bewm Room at all cost. And for conclusion to you Mr. Memdobendo, i hope you come to our KVT clan website to give us an apology for your abuse and untill then i will inform everyone i know to avoid your server to avoid such abuse.

    Have a good day sir.
