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Everything posted by mrthorn

  1. Been on this sever since day one. Its a beast. Great people and many fun events and rewards. If you are looking for a DayZ server to call home, I highly recommend this one. Hope to see yall on here soon. =ESF= MrThorn
  2. Name: Jason State: Tenn. USA ARMA Name: MrThorn Age: (Must be 15+): 32 TS3: MrThorn Steam: odinthorn Mic: Headset/Mic Job Wanted: Fighter - I like close combat and looting Medic: (Yes or No): If needed - I like to always be prepared A personal reason you should be accepted: Been gaming for a long time [tabletop rpgs/to latest online mmos] - Mature Gamer - Team Player - Been a lone wolf in DayZ most of the time. Looking to get more of the team gameplay that DayZ has to offer. I am a very active player [4+ hrs a day] - Quick learner and adapitive to the surroundings of team gameplay and interaction and I just love hunting Zombies!!