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About duhL337ed

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. duhL337ed

    Performance hit with .30 patch

    How big of a hit did you take SneezeJunky?
  2. Has anyone else suffered from this? I was running 30+ fps before the last update. Now struggling to get 5 fps. Unplayable here.. I have tried dropping the video settings down to the lowest settings and it didn't help at all. Any help is appreciated.
  3. duhL337ed

    DayZ SA with Geforce 520m

    I was running this game completely fine (30fps+) until a couple days ago and the .30 patch. Is anyone else having this problem. GTX460 (1GB) and 1st gen i7.
  4. duhL337ed

    Reason behind your username?

    My username comes from the counter-strike days of old when leet speak was the in thing, and strong bad had a hit internet series. He had an episode called spring cleaning where he deleted all the redundant email questions that he received. I thought the episode was extremely funny and started to say deleted everytime I was on a roll and trash talking (which wasn't often). Anyway I changed my username to duhL337ed and have used it ever since. In every game and forum I have played since then actually. My brother and gaming friends actually call me deleted in person. I doubt I will ever be able to use another name. Thanks Strong Bad and Counter-Strike!
  5. duhL337ed

    Build Rolling Update

    So I'm a fireman...not a programmer. I rented a server from gameservers.com so my friends and I could play.in a place of our own. We haven't had problems with battleye until this update, so I have a couple questions, I hope they are well received and I don't get blasted like some of the people I see on this forum. What exactly, in the simplest syntax possible, do I have to do to fix this script 40 41 45 issue? Will these new vehicles spawn on their own? I saw a post about updating a hive...but didn't understand it. Thanks to anyone with the patience to help a total noob.
  6. duhL337ed

    Helicopter spawn points & frequency

    My server has yet to see a chopper spawn. It's been live now for 14 days and we haven't had a visitor yet to take it. Every other day since our other vehicles spawned we have traveled to all of the spawn points listed on DayzMB and haven't found one yet. Has it taken this long for anyone else?
  7. duhL337ed

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    My friends and I rented a server for the sole purpose of having a place to play where not all the vehicles were already horded or booby trapped...except we didn't get vehicles in our server. Way awesome, not.