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About GigaHobo

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. But then there will be 'negative space' on both sides! I don't think it is that much of a deal and looks fine.
  2. But is aligned so what is the problem?
  3. GigaHobo

    Question for Rocket RE cycles.

    Well when I asked my host to do this (only renting a server) I was told that; "We can set time for server which is about -4 hours from europe. But we cant set up US times into the EU." But since Rocket has outright said that it is fine, I think I need to have some more words with my provider!
  4. GigaHobo

    Rocket, please read.

    Popular Mechanics?
  5. GigaHobo

    Something i noticed..

    Actually I think I remember something like that in league of legends....But it might have been the sheer numbers from EU were more than the US so on identical servers it appeared the US ones were always brilliant. But I too have noticed the US servers are far more stable than the EU ones.
  6. GigaHobo

    Crashed Chopper Loot

    I read that you have to do a specific thing to actually look at the loot. Something like (don't quote me) Press P to bring up the player menu, find your name, click gear. This is where the loot you put in a vehicle will be.....I think.....I'll look for where I read it or if someone could confirm that for me.
  7. GigaHobo

    Melee Weapon Petition

    No! What would be the point in rationing ammo and sneaking around if you could bludgeon your way through the zombie hordes?
  8. GigaHobo

    Weapon with a flashlight

    L for light. Also you can check this in your options menu and controls.
  9. Found a bus yesterday with 4 of my buddies. Someone was driving it and got shot, when the shooter went to collect his prize I shot him. Then when one of my buddies went to loot it, someone shot at him but he got away. Announced his shootings on blue chat. Shortly afterwards he got killed and we all decided to make our way to the bus. Drove from Cherno to Stary, everyone but me got killed. Drove on to the coast and picked up my 3 buddies and went back to stary and found a UAZ, it worked with fuel but was in need of repair but drove it anyway. This was the first time I encounted vehicles and to moderate success! Eventually I gotshot and my friend crashed the UAZ and killed everyone at the airstrip. Good times.
  10. GigaHobo

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    I am not against the current way things are. But I am for this, or something like this.
  11. Yes because of zombies. No beacause of everything else.
  12. GigaHobo


    I think they are actually used for making and destroying tank traps with scrap metal? Test it out baby!
  13. GigaHobo

    Food vs Health and Damage

    You do know that canned food gives you blood back too? And that if you had been playing for 2 days at 4k you would have to have eaten a minimum of 2 times while logging on. You must have found food between these times, otherwise you would have succumb to hunger first! Your story is dubious and exaggerated sir! I am happy without a blood regen to be honest, you can quite easily get enough cans, or blood packs, find a knife.
  14. GigaHobo

    this mod is amazing for an alpha and a quick q.

    Well some players are so cold hearted you could say that they are... ...KILLING MACHINES
  15. GigaHobo

    First Time

    You can get it for 14euro on the official store!